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Study of AES Encryption/Decription Optimizations Nathan Windels.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of AES Encryption/Decription Optimizations Nathan Windels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of AES Encryption/Decription Optimizations Nathan Windels

2 Outline  Introduction  AES Algorithm  Areas of Optimization  Progress/Conclusion

3 Introduction

4 Three major implementation methods:  Software  -Typically, this method is much slower than hardware implementations.  FPGA  -Implemented as a hardware module directly to pins.  -Peripheral to a soft-core processor (communicates via on-chip bus).  -Tightly-coupled hardware implemented as an extended instruction set.  Custom Hardware (ASIC)

5 Introduction (2)  High throughput implementations are mainly used for high-end devices such as accelerator cards for e-commercial service and security trunk communications.  These types of implementations are typically unrolled loops within the AES algorithm with a pipelining of the 128-bit datapath.  Although they typically have a very high throughput, their area is very large.

6 Introduction (3)  The 32-bit AES implementations mainly multiplex the 128-bit datapath to 32 bits  This reduces circuit area at the expense of lowering speed.  This type of implementation is actually ideal for embedded applications.  My goal is to provide synthesis results for the different implementations as well as simulation/implemented results if time permits.

7 The AES Algorithm

8 AES Algorithm: Top Level Encryptor Encryption Key Data Cypher Data

9 AES Algorithm: Input StateCypher Key 2B28AB09 7EAEF7CF 15D2154F 16A6883C 328831E0 435A3137 F6309807 A88DA234 to Encryption Processto Key Schedule

10 AES Algorithm: Data Path From Key Schedule

11 AES Algorithm: Data Path – SubBytes

12 AES Algorithm: Data Path – ShiftRows 1 2 3

13 AES Algorithm: Data Path – MixColumns 020301 020301 0203 01 02 X =

14 AES Algorithm: Data Path – Add Key DataRound Key

15 AES Algorithm: Key Schedule  Without going into too much detail, the Key is generated in a ‘similar’ way.  In each Round a new Round Key is generated from the previous key.  This key is added to the dataset at the end of the round.

16 Areas of Optimization

17 Physical Layout - Starting Point

18 Optimization: Key Expansion  Pre-calculated in software and then stored in hardware (loaded when needed)  Low area  Hardware has to wait if new key is introduced (not good for continually changing key)  Calculated in parallel with the corresponding iteration  This allows for a changing key to be calculated on the fly  Extra hardware/area cost (not good for (embedded) fixed key applications)  Calculated in hardware ahead of time and stored  High hardware cost – introduces latency when a new key is introduced  The circuit can be ‘turned off’ in ASIC solution

19 Optimization: Shift Row  16x8 memory with shifting ability  2 shift registers  Rearrangement of wires (requires no extra area, but may cause congestion in the wiring)

20 Optimization: Substitute Byte  LUT  Easy to implement and understand. Would be a good idea to use the on chip ROM rather than LE’s (depending on application).  Uses lots of resources  Combinational logic  No need for memories (XOR circuit could be good in FPGA as we’ve seen earlier in this class)  Slow due to complex circuit.

21 Optimization: Mix Columns  Multiplication and XOR done in combinational logic  Easy to implement  Could be slow and cover a large area  Combine the MixCols multiplication with the sbox and leave XOR in the LE’s  Uses very few LE’s. Removes multiplication from the equation.  Quadrupals the size of the necessary ROM - could be a drawback

22 Conclusion: So Far....  Studied Papers that address several of the optimizations listed above  Decided on an approach to modify and test existing code  Begun modifications on the code that I’ve decided to use as a starting point ...don’t quite have synthesis results yet...

23 Papers “Embedded a Low Area 32-bit AES for Image Encryption/ Decryption Application” “Exploring HW/SW Co-Design of AES Algorithm Using Custom Instructions” “Improved Method to Increase AES System Speed” “An AES Tightly Coupled Hardware Accelerator in an FPGA-based Embedded Processor Core” “DSP’s, BRAM’s and Pinch of Logic: New Recipes for AES on FPGA’s”

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