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PNWA Summer Conference Port of Grays Harbor: Proposed Crude By Rail Projects June 23, 2014 Kayla Dunlap Public Affairs Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "PNWA Summer Conference Port of Grays Harbor: Proposed Crude By Rail Projects June 23, 2014 Kayla Dunlap Public Affairs Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 PNWA Summer Conference Port of Grays Harbor: Proposed Crude By Rail Projects June 23, 2014 Kayla Dunlap Public Affairs Specialist

2 Strategic Development Approach Master plan properties to find highest and best use o Identify market opportunities that make sense Develop partnerships with private companies o Encourage investment – stake in the game o Rail served, water dependent use to utilize the navigation channel infrastructure and services o Job creation – permanent and marine services (longshore, pilots, tugs, rail, etc.)

3 Why Grays Harbor? Proximity to open ocean Class 1 rail access – both UP and BNSF via G&W’s PSAP Room to grow – T1 and T3 Excess shipping capacity - Vessel arrivals topped 300 in 1970’s Experienced labor o ILWU Local 24 has handled liquid bulks and oil products in the past

4 The CBR Opportunity in Grays Harbor 3 separate projects proposed by experienced, private companies 85 permanent, family-wage jobs, in addition to longshore, rail, marine service jobs $180,000,000+ private investment -- expands local tax base 285-379 additional vessel calls; PGH handled 302 in 1972 (including 26 oil tankers) 12-14 unit trains per week, if all three facilities operate at capacity

5 CBR Projects - Westway The cargo o 1 unit train every 3 days – Bakken crude o Annual throughput – 17,885,000 barrels o 99-119 ATB calls per year The Project: o Construct 5 – 200,000 barrel storage tanks adjacent to current facility (phased) o Additional rail spurs to provide 80 rail car unloading spots, fully contained The process o Self-elected EIS January 2014 o Scoping period ended May 27, 2014 o Draft EIS expected in 3-5 months; out for public review and comment before Final EIS issued o 13 permits/approvals required prior to construction; another 13 prior to operations The economics o Construction cost $60 million; 9-12 months o 60-85 construction jobs o 25 direct, full time jobs including an Environmental Manager o Estimated local tax revenue: $1,500,000+ (local sales tax, B&O, permit fees) o WA State Sales tax= $3,900,000

6 CBR Projects - Imperium The cargo o 1 unit train everyday – Bakken crude o Annual throughput – 30,000,000 barrels o 200 ATB or ship calls per year The Project: o Construct 9 – 80,000 barrel storage tanks adjacent to current facility (phased) o Additional fully contained rail spur on North side of plant The process o Self-elected EIS January 2014 o Scoping period ended May 27, 2014 o Draft EIS expected in 3-5 months; out for public review and comment before Final EIS issued o 13 permits/approvals required prior to construction; another 13 prior to operations The economics o Construction cost $65 million; 9-12 months o 85 construction jobs o 20 direct, full time jobs o Estimated local tax revenue: $1,600,000+ (local sales tax, B&O, permit fees) o WA State Sales tax= $4,225,000

7 CBR Projects – Grays Harbor Rail Terminal (USD) The cargo o 1 unit train every 2-3 days – variety of sources o Annual throughput – 16,425,000 barrels o 36-60 ATB or ship calls per year The Project: o Construct 6-8 – 130,000 barrel storage tanks adjacent to current facility (design not final) o Additional fully contained rail spur on North side of plant The process o Submitted permit applications and SEPA checklist to the City of Hoquiam June 10, 2014 o 13 permits/approvals required prior to construction; another 13 prior to operations The economics o $80 million investment; 12-15 months o 90-100 construction jobs o 35-40 direct, full time jobs o Estimated local tax revenue: $1,900,000+ (local sales tax, B&O, permit fees) o WA State Sales tax= $5,200,000

8 Challenges CBR website Monthly email to community/business leaders CBR update/speakers at Commission Meetings o Regulatory: FRA, USCG, DOE, City of Hoquiam o Rail: PSAP, BNSF o Project: Westway, Imperium, GHRT Well organized local opposition (NIMBY’s) Quinault Indian Nation/Earth Justice More than 22,000 public comments received during EIS scoping PGH Action

9 THANK YOU Questions?

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