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Be Organised Study Timetable and Weekly Progress Sheet is essential Study Folder – Refill Pad Recommended Study for First Years: 40 mins per night plus.

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3 Be Organised Study Timetable and Weekly Progress Sheet is essential Study Folder – Refill Pad Recommended Study for First Years: 40 mins per night plus homework (not to exceed 2 hrs)

4 SubjectMonTuesWedThursFriSatSun Irish20 m English20 m Maths20 m French20m History20 m Geog20 m Science20m Business20 m German20 m CSPE20 m

5 SubjectWk 1Wk 2 Wk 3Wk 4Wk 5Wk 6Wk 7 IrishLitir Dán EnglishPoem p9 MathsSets Fractions FrenchVerb “avoir” HistoryArchaeolog ist GeogPrimary Resources ScienceEnergy Food BusinessDocuments Marketing GermanAnimals CSPERights

6 Study Area Make sure the room is well lit It’s free from distractions and noise (No mobile phones ) You have everything you need to study (Calculators/ Books / Work books / Refill Pad)

7 Listening in class is vital Review what was learned in class as soon as possible Try and complete homework on the day it’s given

8 Improving Memory Studies indicate that 66% of material is forgotten within 7 days if it is not reviewed or recited again by the student 88% is gone after 6 weeks

9 Tips For Making Study Easier Plan in advance what topic you are going to study Break up tasks into small manageable sections (the contents page of a book is helpful for this) Try to base the topic around questions at the end of a chapter or the topics your teacher has advised you to study Start with the subject you find most difficult or dislike

10 Tips For Making Study Easier Be active while studying – take notes – recite out loud – use flash cards – mind maps – test yourself Take regular short breaks (5 - 10 mins every 40 -60 mins) Eat properly – Take regular exercise – Reward yourself

11 Studying Techniques Mind Maps Mind Maps are a very effective way of studying and of trying to remember key information

12 Food Vitamins Proteins (Growth & Repair) Minerals Fats (Energy & Insulation) Carbohydrates (Energy) StarchFibreSugar C D Iron (Red Blood Cells ) Calcium (Teeth & Bones) Meat Fish Eggs Butter Oil Fatty Meat Bran Brown Bread Jam Honey Bread Potatoes Liver Cabbage Milk Cheese Dairy Milk Cheese Citrus Oranges

13 Memory Techniques Use acronyms - a word that is made up by taking the first letters of all the key words or ideas you need to remember and creating a new word out of them. (Every good boy does fine- EGBDF) Make up a Sentence in which the first letter of each word is part of or represents the initial of what you want to remember. (Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain) –

14 Memory Techniques Visual image – Associate a visual image with a word or name to help you remember them better. (To remember the name Rosa Parks picture a woman sitting on a park bench surrounded by roses) Rhymes and alliteration (Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November) Chunking breaks a long list of numbers into smaller, more manageable chunks. (10-digit phone number (555-867-5309 as opposed to 5558675309).

15 An Effective Memory Technique Before starting a study period write down everything you know about the topic (even if its only a few words) Then open the book. Quickly read through the relevant section, taking brief notes (don’t write sentences; only key words). Now comes the important part. Quickly test your knowledge by jotting down all you now know Then check your notes to see how you did (if you forget something write it down in red pan)

16 Effective Memory Techniques This method works for two reasons 1. Because you call on your brain to retrieve the information before and after the session, your brain learns that this is information it needs to store 2. The act of testing yourself before and after gives you a clear idea of where the gaps in your knowledge are.

17 Common Words used in Exams List: Just give the key words, no need to write long sentences Compare: this means you should give the similarities and the differences between two things Contrast: This means you need to only list the differences between two things

18 Analyze Break down a topic into its parts and discuss the relationships that exist between the whole (topic) and the parts. Be specific. Define Give the exact meaning of a word, phrase or concept. Be specific; use details and give examples Evaluate Make a judgment on the topic in question based on the information at hand and your own values and experiences.

19 Outline Organize the main points and give supporting statements or details. Summarise Give an overview of the subject. Identify Mention the two or three most important facts about a person or subject area. Watch for directions that ask you to identify and explain briefly. These require more than a few facts.

20 Exam Techniques Read the Questions !!! Read the Questions !! Highlight key words Plan your answer

21 Always hand up your rough work with your paper as you might get some marks for formulae or calculations (particularly in Maths) Do not leave any blanks – make sure you have completed all parts of the question ( part of a question might be carried forward onto the next page and you may not see it)

22 Recommended Study Time First Years 40 mins. per Day PlusHomework (Not to exceed 2 hours) First Years 40 mins. per Day PlusHomework (Not to exceed 2 hours)


24 1. Butterfly11. Guitar 2. House12. Globe 3. Combination Lock13. Rainbow 4. Apple14. Telephone 5. Swivel Chair15. Light Bulb 6. Pencil16. Plant 7. Scissors17. Kite 8. Computer18. Aeroplane 9. Ice cream Cone19. Hammer 10. Clock20. Birthday Cake

25 Thank You! Any Questions?

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