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Cognitive Dissonance Theory

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1 Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Taylor Blackwell

2 The distressing mental state caused by inconsistency between a person's two beliefs or a belief and an action. 1. Smoking is dangerous to my health. 2. I smoke cigarettes.

3 Examples

4 Reducing Dissonance Between Actions and Attitudes
Hypothesis 1: Selective Exposure Prevents Dissonance The tendency people have to avoid information that would create cognitive dissonance because it’s incompatible with their current beliefs. Ex. Political views

5 Reducing Dissonance Between Actions and Attitudes
Hypothesis 2: Postdecision Dissonance Creates a Need for Reassurance Strong doubts experienced after making an important, close-call decision that is difficult to reverse. Ex. The Walking Dead

6 Reducing Dissonance Between Actions and Attitudes
Hypothesis 3: Minimal Justification for Action Induces a Shift in Attitude A claim that the best way to stimulate an attitude change in others is to offer just enough incentive to elicit counterattitudinal behavior. Ex. Marlboro Man

7 “Would I lie for a dollar?”
Counterattitudinal advocacy- Publicly urging others to believe or do something that is opposed to what the advocate actually believes She: “I heard it was boring.” He: “Oh no, it’s really quite fun.”

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