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Web Quest by Kamille Ball Revised by 6 th Grade Social Studies: World Geography Teachers at Corbin Intermediate School.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Quest by Kamille Ball Revised by 6 th Grade Social Studies: World Geography Teachers at Corbin Intermediate School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Quest by Kamille Ball Revised by 6 th Grade Social Studies: World Geography Teachers at Corbin Intermediate School

2 Your team of explorers are going to travel around the world to learn interesting and important facts about the country you have been assigned. Countries on our tour are: AustriaIsrael AustraliaRussia FranceSouth Africa IrelandTurkey Introduction:

3  As you and your team travel to your country via the world wide web, you will be completing a scrapbook to document what you find in your travels.  For your country you will have to complete several different scrapbook pages. The items needed for each page can be found at the following link to a slide containing the list: Checklist SlideChecklist Slide

4 Items to Collect Check Mark Postcard – country’s flag, the capital, the language(s) and the currency A map of the country A list of the important bodies of water and land forms A brief description of the climate Religion(s) Education Food and drink Holidays Other special events (like festivals) Things to See and do Pictures (at least 10) Travel log entries Checklist Review: -Use your travel folder with included sheet protectors to include each item on the list Use your 11x 14 poster board. Draw flag on one side and written info on the other. The map can be printed or drawn, but be sure to show continent of country and the country itself. Include climate zone, vegetation zone, and characteristics like average temperature, whether patterns, etc. Include at least three common foods found in your country. Examples: Landmarks, wild life, sports, activities, etc. Access your journal at: es/globaltrek/index.htm Also respond to the prompts: What makes this country different than the one you live: What are five things you like best about this country? Why? Would you visit this country in real life? Why? Or Why not?

5 Each group will have one member designated to perform one of the following duties: Researcher: Student who clicks on the computer links to find the information Secretary: Student who organizes the information in written format from the computer links. (If there are less than four people in your group the researcher and secretary become one duty) Presenter: Student who presents the information the group has found to the rest of the class Scrapbook Maker: Student who assembles scrapbook materials (everyone will assist in putting it together) Process: Your Job Description

6 During this WebQuest you will:  Investigate people, places, and environments  Use technology resources to gather information about each country and culture that you visit.  Use written and visual language to communicate your experiences, thoughts, feelings.  Demonstrate an understanding of the countries and people they visited by completing a travel log and scrapbook. Process: Learning Targets

7  When you arrive in your country send me a hand-made postcard with the country’s flag as your picture. In the written section include the quick facts: -the capital -the languages -the currency Also address your postcard in the appropriate area as follows: Your Geography Teacher’s Name Corbin Intermediate School Room # ____ (Your Geography teacher’s room number) 404 17 th Street Corbin, Kentucky 40701 Process: Requirements The Postcard

8  Print out the checklist from the link provided on slide 3.  This will help you keep track of everything you must do in the country you visit  Each item on the checklist should have its own page in your scrapbook (however, pictures should be included throughout the scrapbook.) Process: Requirements Scrapbook and Checklist

9  Use the links below to travel through each country and gather the necessary items for completing your scrapbook. Basic Info:    Culture and Customs:     Process: Requirements Searching the Web

10  Go to the link: Click on the country that you will be traveling to on your itinerary. Answer the questions under “background” and “meet the people”.

11 When finished traveling to your country, respond to the following prompts in your travel log: What makes this country different from the one in which you live? What are the five things you like best about this country? Why? Would you visit this country in real life? Why? Or Why not?  Finally your group needs to create a travel log page to be distributed to students during our tour dates that follows the following format:  Typed in Arial size 12 font  Has a place for the student name and homeroom at the top of the page.  Has five questions about your country that the students will need to answer during your presentation and enough space provided to answer them fully. There will be a total of eight countries represented in each student travel log. Your assigned country information will already be in the log and you will just add the other seven pages after the tour dates are completed.

12  As your group works on the tasks make sure that you look at the scoring rubric to make sure you are meeting all task expectations.  You are to complete a Self-Evaluation Rubric for each country you visit. You will score your team 1-10, 10 being the highest.  Use the rubric on the following link: Self-Eval Rubric Slide1 Self-Eval Rubric Slide1 and Slide 2Slide 2  This is the Rubric the teacher will use to assess your webquest requirements. Conclusion: Scrapbook Scoring Rubric:

13 Conclusion: What’s Next At the conclusion of the scrapbook and travel log assignment, each group will present their findings to the entire sixth grade classes in the library from 12:45 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. and again from 2:10 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. during the afternoons of the testing window. Exact dates and times will be determined at a later date. You will need to limit this presentation to 5-6 minutes. The presenter will do most of the presenting while other group members may add information as well.  I hope you learned many interesting things during your travels and hopefully have a new appreciation for other cultures and people, as well as your own!

14  Common Core Standards: Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources. Teacher Section:

15  State Standards:  SS-6-CS-S-1  Students will demonstrate an understanding (e.g., speak, draw, write, sing, create) of the complexity of culture by exploring cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, customs/traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts) of diverse groups and explaining how culture serves to define present day groups and may result in unique perspectives Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources. Teacher Section:

16  State Standards:  SS-6-CS-S-5  Students will compare examples of cultural elements (e.g., language, the arts, customs/traditions, beliefs, skills and literature) of diverse groups in the present day, including non-western cultures within the United States, in current events/news using information from a variety of print and non-print sources (e.g., media, literature, interviews, observations, documentaries, artifacts)Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources. Teacher Section:

17 Basic Info:    Culture and Customs:     Travel Log: Teacher Section: Reference List

18 Journey Around the World  World Travel Checklist:  what students collect for each country they visit  Your Country: ______________________   Items to Collect  Postcard – country’s flag, the capital, the language(s) and the currency  A map of the country  A list of the important bodies of water and land forms  A brief description of the climate  Religion(s)  Education  Food and drink  Holidays  Other special events (like festivals)  Things to See and do  Pictures (at least 10)  Travel log entries Appendix B: Checklist

19 Appendix C: Evaluation Rubric the

20 Appendix C Continued: Rubric

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