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Andrej Labancz. This is a map of National Parks TANAP (High Tatra National Park)  It´s the oldest National Park in Slovakia  Its expanse is 1045 km².

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Presentation on theme: "Andrej Labancz. This is a map of National Parks TANAP (High Tatra National Park)  It´s the oldest National Park in Slovakia  Its expanse is 1045 km²."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrej Labancz

2 This is a map of National Parks

3 TANAP (High Tatra National Park)  It´s the oldest National Park in Slovakia  Its expanse is 1045 km².  Animals that live there are for example: Kamzík Tatranský Svišť Tatranský

4 NAPANT (Low Tatras National Park)  It´s the largest National Park in Slovakia  Its expanse is 1 830 km².  The highest mountain is Ďumbier (2043 km²)

5 NP Slovenský Raj (Slovenský Raj National Park)  Its expanse is 328 km²  There are about 350 caves. Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa is the most popular cave in this area. Its in UNESCO, too.

6 NP Veľká Fatra, NP Malá Fatra (Fatra National Park)  NP Malá Fatra  Its expanse is 458 km². Popular are Tiesňavy  NP Veľká Fatra Its expanse is 665 km². In this picture you can see a small part of this National Park.

7 NP Muránska Planina (National Park Muran plain)  It´s one of the youngest National Parks in Slovakia  Its expanse 517 km²  There are more than 150 caves but people can´t go there.

8 NP Slovenský kras (National Park Slovak Karst)  Its expanse is 463,5 km²  This National Park is famous mainly for caves. Some of them are in UNESCO.

9 NP Poloniny (Poloniny National Park)  Its expanse 408 km²  There are some parts which are in UNESCO, too. For example: small forest called Stužica, Havešová and Rožok.

10 PIENAP (Pieniny National Park)  Its expanse is 262 km²

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