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 Phonology in language teaching: Phonology in second language teaching/learning presented by: Salmah Alsulami.

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Presentation on theme: " Phonology in language teaching: Phonology in second language teaching/learning presented by: Salmah Alsulami."— Presentation transcript:

1  Phonology in language teaching: Phonology in second language teaching/learning presented by: Salmah Alsulami

2 objectives  To understand:  Teachers role in pronouncing English words.  How can we pronounce English correctly?! by covering stress, pitch and intonation  What is the hardest part of learning a new language ?

3  What is phonology?  Phonology is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages  second-language learning is the process by which people learn a second language.second language.

4  In English language learning, it is important for teacher to teach students on how to pronounce English words correctly. This is because mispronouncing the words will mislead the listener.

5  For example,  the word “great …which is supposed to be pronounced /greit/ is pronounced /grit/,  the word ‘answer’ which is supposed to be pronounced /ænsə/ is pronounced / ænswə /.

6  In pronouncing English words,  Teachers must:  *be familiar with places of articulation in English such as: stop, fricative, affricative, nasal, and liquid.  *must know the manner of articulation as well such as: glide, labial, labiodental, interdental, alveolar, velar, and glottal.

7  phonology is not always about pronouncing English correctly but it also covers stress, pitch and intonation. Stress, pitch, and intonation in English give different color to the words uttered.

8  For instance, in conversation, to form question, it is not necessarily required in form of question.  For instance “so, you are leaving?” I think introducing pitch, stress, and intonation to the students are very important because it will make their English language skill particularly speaking skill more fluently and more natural.

9  However, in determining the stress,  teachers should be careful since it will change the class of the word or it will even change the meaning of the word.  For instance,  the word /record/ for noun and /record/ for verb are both pronounced differently.

10  learning phonology will help teacher minimizing errors in pronouncing and articulating English words. 

11  Some researchers, like A. Z. Guirora, argue that the hardest part of learning a new language is pronunciation, which can result in a "foreign accent".accent

12  There is a view by some that accents are caused by transfer between the sounds of the first and second languages, for which there are three possibilities:

13  1- One or more phonemes of the second language are not found in the learner's native language at all.phonemes  For example, Korean does not have any phonemes corresponding to the English phonemes /f/ or /v/, so they would be completely new to Korean learners of English.Korean

14  2-The first language has one of the two contrasting phonemes.  For example, Japanese has a /p/ sound as in the English paid, but no /f/ sound as in the English fade. Japanese learners of English need to learn a new phoneme.Japanese

15  3-The second language phonemes both exist in the native language, but as allophones of the same phoneme.allophones  For example, in Japanese, [l] and [r] are allophones so Japanese learners of English need to learn to distinguish these sounds.Japanese learners

16  Totally new sounds do not always pose significant problems for second-language learners, unless they are radically outside the classes of sound in the native language.  The most difficult phoneme pairs to learn are often allophones of the same phoneme, as in Japanese learning to distinguish between /l/ and /r/.

17 References  Cook, Vivian (2008). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London  language_acquisition

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