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Spatial Data Infrastructures in South East Europe Potential for the Development of Transition Countries U.Boes, URSIT Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria R.Pavlova,

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Data Infrastructures in South East Europe Potential for the Development of Transition Countries U.Boes, URSIT Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria R.Pavlova,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Data Infrastructures in South East Europe Potential for the Development of Transition Countries U.Boes, URSIT Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria R.Pavlova, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003

2 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 2 Spatial Data Infrastructures in South East Europe  South East Europe  Spatial Data Infrastructures  The project GISEE  The situation in SEE  The way forward

3 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 3 Countries of South East Europe Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia&Montenegro, Turkey Member of the EU: Greece Candidates to the EU: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania, Turkey Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia&Montenegro

4 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 4

5 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 5 The general Picture  Diverse region of 126 million people  Most countries under pre-transition income level  Average yearly income $2,200  Cash based economies  Order of economic achievement: Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania  The region is looking towards membership in the EU

6 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 6 Background  South East Europe is a region in development towards the European Union - EU enlargement  Information Society is important for the future development of the region  Spatial data are important for the Information Society –Development of a European SDI -INSPIRE

7 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 7 European Spatial Data Infrastructure  eEurope – Information Society in Europe  Environment –Water Framework Directive –INSPIRE –Study of SDIs in Europe  Projects: –ETeMII, GINIE, GETIS,…..  EuroGeographics –EuroGlobalMap, EuroRegioMap, EuroSpec

8 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 8 SDI in SEE Project GISEE GIS Technology and Market in South East Europe A Study contributing to the SDI in South East Europe IST - 2001 – 37994 September 2002 – October 2003 The GISEE study corresponds to the need for making data available via a spatial data infrastructure both in the countries and the region.

9 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 9 GISEE: Objectives  Provide a comprehensive documentation of the spatial data infrastructures in the countries of South East Europe –data, actors and applications, legislation, standards  Target Countries: –Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia&Montenegro, Turkey  Determine obstacles and favourable conditions for the use of spatial data in the target countries and in the region  Policy recommendations and roadmap for establishing national spatial data infrastructures

10 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 10 GISEE: Partners  Technical University of Sofia - Co-ordinator;  URSIT Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria  GISIG (Geographical Information Systems International Group)  EuroGeographics  National Coordinators in Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia&Montenegro, Turkey

11 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 11 Approach  Desk research and survey in all target countries about the availability and use of spatial data and the situation of a NSDI  Analysis of the survey results  Definition of policy recommendations and a roadmap - to improve the NSDI in the countries and to propose a – foundation for the establishment of a REGIONAL SDI

12 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 12 Expected results  Status of SDIs in South East Europe  Inventory of spatial data and their use in South East Europe  Policy recommendations and roadmap Final report and database accessible via GISEE web site South East European Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference

13 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 13 Spatial Data Infrastructure in South East Europe  Legal situation  Data and technology availability – survey results  Roadmap to the future  Digital Atlas of South East Europe

14 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 14 The legal situation  Constitutions guarantee basic information rights  EU accession drives the legislation  Some countries advanced –Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria  Special laws for spatial data in –Bosnia-Herzegovina: physical planning –Bulgaria: cadastre, geodesy

15 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 15 The GISEE Survey  Terms of Reference – data definition  Local survey by national coordinators  Questionnaire Organizations, technology, data organi-zation, spatial data and metadata Web based data collection  Local survey by national coordinators  Central analysis

16 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 16 Survey - Experiences  Owners, providers at national, regional and local level; users as much as possible  Length of questionnaire (29 pages)  Too many surveys  Number of questionnaires ≠ size of country  Lack of understanding of spatial data  Inconsistencies in questionnaires  First survey of this kind in SEE

17 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 17 Returned Questionnaires CountryDistributed Questionnaires Received Questionnaires Albania2019 Bosnia-Herzegovina3314 Bulgaria3227 Croatia6833 Macedonia10535 Romania19034 Serbia and Montenegro 5141 Turkey16084 Total659287 (44%)

18 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 18 Organizations / Country

19 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 19 National Mapping Agencies  Bulgaria –Ministry of Regional Development –Military Topographic Service  Croatia –State Geodetic Administration  Romania –National Office for Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography –Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and housing –Military Topographic Department  Other countries – similar situation

20 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 20 Metadata - Owners

21 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 21 Metadata Standards onlineGMLFDGCXMLISO AL1Res.Many BiH11 BG HRyes MK1 ROmany1 S&MAdmin/ Comp yes1 TRmany1

22 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 22 Meta Data of Base Maps

23 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 23 Owners of data in Bulgaria

24 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 24 Owners of Thematic Data

25 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 25 Spatial data in SEE  All types of data exist –Digital and vector form, good accuracy –National coverage –Not up to date  Formats –Vendor specific, national –Tiff, Jpg, Dwg, Dgn  Reference systems UTM (Research), GK  Data are expensive or access restricted  Private sector very active

26 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 26 Example: Croatia  Large scale topographic maps out of date  Large areas covered by land mines  Relocation of people/ land ownership  Original maps held in Belgrade  Previous national structures do not exist any more

27 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 27 NSDIs: Weak Points  Organizational –Coordination and responsibilities  Data are present, but disperse and old  Lack of awareness and knowledge  Little use of standards  Low level of education  Information Society base weak

28 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 28 NSDIs: Strong Points  Private sector very strong  Applications drive use of spatial data –Environment –Land ownership  EU accession as catalyst

29 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 29 Future Action  Coordination with European activities  Awareness creation, education  Legislation  Organizational measures  Grass-root activities  Actors: –Government, donors, private sector

30 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 30 SEE SDI 2003  Publish the results of the study  Create awareness for GI  Foundation for SDI in the region  Impact outside of the GI/GIS community 23 and 24 October 2003 Sofia, Bulgaria Aims

31 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 31 The Regional Atlas of SEE Users & Applications Citizens, Business, Administration, Donors Regional Atlas Information Systems Web Portals Data Warehouses Databases NSDI AL NSDI BG NSDI TR..

32 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 32 Conclusions  South East Europe –Is fragmented –Competitive market exists  Awareness building crucial –Starts with decision makers  FDI and donor funding necessary  Partners sought for concrete projects

33 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 33 Acknowledgements  GISEE is funded by EC/IST programme (IST 2001-37994)  National coordinators –Romeo Sherko, Albania; –Zdravko Galic, Bosnia-Herzegovina; –Marian Nikolov, Bulgaria; –Miljenko Lapaine, Croatia; –Mirjana Apostolova, Vida Traikovski, Macedonia; –Florian Petrescu, Romania; –Dragan Stojanovic, Serbia and Montenegro; –Rahmi Nurhan ÇELİK, Turkey

34 GISEE - GIS Technology & Market in SEE - Study IST - 2001 - 37994 Münsteraner GI-Tage, 26.-27. Juni 2003 34 CONTACT US Ulrich BOES URSIT Ltd, Sofia tel/fax: + 359 2 866 56 60 Raina PAVLOVA Technical University of Sofia tel: + 359 2 965 34 53

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