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All delegations created different… But all start with a plan Customized Recruitment Guide! Troy Nichols, Program Director YMCA Youth & Government.

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Presentation on theme: "All delegations created different… But all start with a plan Customized Recruitment Guide! Troy Nichols, Program Director YMCA Youth & Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 All delegations created different… But all start with a plan Customized Recruitment Guide! Troy Nichols, Program Director YMCA Youth & Government

2 What is My Target? Write your desired delegation size as large and as possible, in the middle of this sheet.

3 When Do I Need to Achieve My Goal? Write the date you need to achieve your goal by in large print, in the middle of this sheet.

4 How Do I Feel About Recruitment? 1. 2. 3. 4. List the four main adjectives that come to mind when thinking about recruitment.

5 It’s a Numbers Game “It’s not your job to do everything, it’s your job to get everything done.” – Rolf Davidson This recruitment strategy is based upon: – My experience – The “Membership Model” for YMCA Membership – The “Red Book” model for Campaigning – Relationship Building

6 Steps 1.Set your goal 2.Set your timeline 3.Identify your network 4.Identify the influential's within your network 5.Determine your need and yield 6.Develop the tools 7.Ask close influential's to help first 8.Follow up constantly and consistently 9.Build immediate and intentional relationships with new recruits

7 Influential's A person who exerts or can exert strong influence. Influence is the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways. For recruitment purposes, we are looking for people who have influence over what? Note what makes a good influential in the context of Y & G.

8 Identify Your Network Your closest friends and self ; people who would help you move Acquaintances; Co- workers, Friends you see every once in a while Affiliates; Facebook friends you never talk to Friends of friends Unknowns

9 Identify Your Network Your YMCA Relationships Your Personal Relationships Your Y & G Relationships Other Relationships

10 Personal Relationships Close friends Acquaintances Affiliates Friends of Friends List influential's that meet the criteria listed above for this category of relationship.

11 YMCA Relationships (Organization Affiliation) Close friends Acquaintances Affiliates Friends of Friends List influential's that meet the criteria listed above for this category of relationship.

12 Y & G Relationships (Program Affiliation) Close friends Acquaintances Affiliates Friends of Friends List influential's that meet the criteria listed above for this category of relationship.

13 Other Organizational Relationships Close friends Acquaintances Affiliates Friends of Friends List influential's that meet the criteria listed above for this category of relationship.

14 Plot My Graph YMCA Relationships Personal Relationships Y & G Relationships Other Relationships Close friends Acquaintances Affiliates Friends of Friends Unknowns Me

15 Do the Math Goal - Current Recruit Recruit / Influential Target Influential’s Fill in the blank’s. Influential target should be less than 5 in most cases.

16 My Key Influential's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. … Select names from your plotted graph, working from the center out.

17 Next Steps… It’s about Relationship Building 1.Ask close influential's to help first. Who would you ask to help you move? Remember, you are asking influential’s to “help you move.” 2.How should they be “asked?” Note the best ways your peers share to ask for influential's help.

18 Asking A 59-Minute Guide to Everything Board Members Volunteers, and Staff Must Know to Secure the Gift by Jerold Panas

19 How should they be “asked?” 1.Ask in person, during a dedicated session 2.Layout the “issue or problem” 3.Ask for their help (be specific) 4.Outline their duties (set a goal & timeline) 5.Give them the tools 6.Thank them for their commitment 7.Follow up consciously and consistently 8.Encourage their continued involvement 9.Continue thanking them as they participate

20 Tools I’ll Use Note the tools you will use to help influential's tell your story.

21 Additional Ideas Focus on value not cost Focus on groups of friends Appointment cards Follow up often and friendly Not now doesn’t mean never Allow parents to help

22 Don’t Let Them Fall Out of the Sieve Build immediate and intentional relationships with new recruits. Mass Marketing Mass Marketing Relationship Marketing Relationship Marketing Recruits Delegates

23 My Timeline  Set my goal -  Set my timeframe -  Identify my network -  Identify the influential's within my network -  Determine my need and yield -  Develop the tools – DEADLINE _____________  Ask close influential's to help first, then branch out – DEADLINE _____________  Follow up constantly and consistently – DEADLINE _____________  Build immediate and intentional relationships with new recruits – DEADLINE _____________

24 GOOD LUCK! I hope this information was helpful. Troy Nichols Program Director for Youth & Government Email: Cell: 916.756.0230 ext. 103 Call or email anytime

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