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Funding Presentation Liz Gumbley Income Generation Co-ordinator.

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1 Funding Presentation Liz Gumbley Income Generation Co-ordinator

2 Current Funding Opportunities

3 Funders Derbyshire Community Foundation – they offer a range of funders who support groups with small pots of money e.g. revenue costs, one off projects and events. For more details contact Awards For All – the National Lottery’s small grants programme up to £10,000 e.g. training, transport, volunteer expenses, venue hire. There are also Arts Grants, Heritage Grants (for young people aged 13-25) and Heritage Grants (for projects that help communities learn about their local, regional or national heritage) For more details contact

4 Esmee Fairbairn - there are four ideas of interest – the arts, education and learning, the environment and enabling disadvantaged people to participate fully in society. They will fund core or project costs e.g. staff salaries and overheads but not equipment. For more details contact Comic Relief – funding programmes available include young people and mental health, older people, local communities and sport for change. They will fund both revenue and capital costs. For more details contact

5 Lloyds TSB Foundation – the community programme focuses on improving social and community involvement, improved life choices and helping people to be heard. They will fund charities to continue and develop existing community-based work or to develop the organisation/services. For more details contact Biffa Award – grants for projects that provide or improve community spaces, cultural facilities and places for outdoor recreation e.g. a building may need to be improved in order to increase its services. For more details contact

6 Nationwide Foundation - currently makes grants to registered UK charities which offer financial and/or housing related support to survivors of domestic abuse and older people (see the criteria on the website). For more details contact Reaching Communities – has two strands – revenue and small capital – funding from £10,000 to £500,000 for revenue projects and/or smaller capital projects up to £50,000 and Reaching Communities buildings – funding of between £100,000 and £500,000 for large capital projects. Reaching Communities funds projects that help people and communities most in need. For more details contact

7 Santander – all the funding must directly help disadvantaged people through one or both of these charitable priorities – education and training or financial capability. Grants of up to £10,000 can be awarded. Capital Grants – to buy equipment or training, Revenue Grants – to fund project costs e.g. sessional worker fees, salaries and room hire. For more details contact Allen Lane Foundation –makes grants up to three years, with a value of £500-£15,000. The foundation is interested in funding work which benefits people e.g. asylum seekers/refugees, offenders/ex offenders, older people and people experiencing mental health problems. They fund projects e.g. advice/information, advocacy, arts activities and befriending. For more details contact

8 Children In Need – their mission is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. They fund organisations working to combat this disadvantage and to make a real difference to children and young people’s lives. Such disadvantage includes: illness, distress, abuse or neglect, any kind of disability and living in poverty. The Small grants programme is up to £10,000. For main grant programmes there is no upper limit but very few grants over £100,000 are made and most grants are for much less. For more details contact

9 Other useful funding websites – this provides voluntary organisations with a guided search enabling them to identify the most appropriate funding – Grantnet is a free to use funding search site – The East Midlands Funding Forum – allows groups to do a funding search

10 – information about all lottery funding programmes. – this website provides information on the grants available from 14 Government Departments – this is a directory for government funding and individuals seeking funding by subscribing, registering as a user and searching the funding database.

11 Our support – ongoing and new development work  Helping to identify your fundraising needs and develop a fundraising strategy  Advising you on possible funders and how to apply for funds  Advice and guidance on filling in application forms  Training sessions to develop your skills in bid writing and identifying alternative ways of generating income

12  Organising funding workshops where funders deliver training sessions to support voluntary organisations write more successful applications  Two Funders Fairs a year – scheduled for September 2011 and February 2012  Funding updates on the Community Action website – – under Group Support  Funding e-Bulletin – to include events, training and funding information updates

13 What next? If you would like any support with funding queries contact Liz Gumbley or phone 01332 227738. Our service hours for working with voluntary organisations are Monday’s, Wednesday’s or Thursday’s from 10.00am – 4.30pm

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