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N9G “TOOLBOX”. What is the N9G Tool Box? The N9G tool box provides the field with helpful information on wide range of subjects. The tool box provides.

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Presentation on theme: "N9G “TOOLBOX”. What is the N9G Tool Box? The N9G tool box provides the field with helpful information on wide range of subjects. The tool box provides."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the N9G Tool Box? The N9G tool box provides the field with helpful information on wide range of subjects. The tool box provides information to CNIC Regions & Installations; keeping them “audit- ready” at all times. We have provided each of you with a tool box, just make sure as we provide you a tool monthly, you keep it in your tool box!

3 Topics that will be filling your Tool Box Monthly Cost of Goods Sold November Cash & Cash HandlingDecember Managers Financial ReviewJanuary NAF PersonnelFebruary ContractsMarch Reconciliation April Assets InventoryMay

4 NAF PERSONNEL  Considering that salaries and related benefits are the largest expenditures of most governmental entities, it is imperative that payroll amounts are calculated correctly.  A systematic problem that most consider error proof can result in significant miscalculation.  Not only does this result in time-consuming re-calculations upon discovery of errors, but it also results in lost confidence from employees that they are paid correctly.  Get the proper check and balances in place to ensure that your entity is properly calculating payroll.  How much emphasis do you place on reviewing payroll after they have been entered in to your entity's payroll system?  Do you double check the per-pay amount for a salary and move on? There are many factors, that if ignored, can result in over or underpayment of salaries.

5 NAF PERSONNEL Service Computation Dates Service computation dates are used to determine the amount of government service creditable toward eligibility for a specific benefit or entitlement.  You may be familiar with the SCD shown on the Personnel Action Report (PAR) that documents all of an individual's personnel actions, such as employment, promotions, transfers and separation.  That's just one kind of SCD. There are others calculated for annual leave, Thrift Savings Plan/401K participation, reductions in force and retirement.

6 NAF PERSONNEL Service Computation Dates  Remember, just because you have received credit for service in your "leave" service computation date doesn't mean you automatically get credit for this service for purposes of retirement eligibility or benefits.  SCDs do not necessarily reflect a specific date when something happened. Instead, they establish a "virtual" starting date for continuous creditable service. If there are several separate periods of previous service, they are added together. The total years, months and days of previous service are then used in the SCD calculation.

7 NAF PERSONNEL Service Computation Dates  Remember when it comes to calculating a service computation date, not all federal service is treated the same. Here are some examples of different types you need to watch out for:  Appropriated Fund employee  Nonappropriated fund instrumentality  Congressional service  Peace Corps or VISTA volunteer service  Periods of service where retirement contributions were refunded  Military service  Seasonal work, summer jobs and casual post office employment  Details to international organizations  Work for the District of Columbia  Service as a National Guard technician  Service under a different retirement system In addition, you should be aware of periods of absence, such as leave without pay or breaks in service.

8 Service Computation Dates Creditable Service  All prior service with a DOD NAFI as a regular employee is creditable.  Effective with the issuance of BUPERSINST 5300.10A (December 1997), flexible employees converted to RFT or RPT status will be given credit for their flexible service, if converted to a regular status in the same NAFI without a break in service. These employees must be employed for 90 days from the date of the status change before annual leave can be used or granted.  Per CNICINST 5300.2, dated May 10, 2011 – The crediting of continuous flexible service of employees who converted to RFT or RPT status is not authorized.  Prior service as an APF employee is creditable only if the employee has moved from a DOD APF position to a NAF position without a break in service of more than 3 days, on or after 1 January 1987.

9 Service Computation Dates Creditable Service  All periods of 6 months or more of LWOP reduce the amount of creditable service on a day for day basis.  LWOP while on workers’ compensation is excluded from this. The SCD will be reduced on a calendar day for calendar day basis. The periods of LWOP that caused the reduction will be listed in the remarks of the PAR that adjusts the SCD.  All active uniformed service, except for certain retired members of the uniformed services as outlined below, terminated by honorable discharge under honorable conditions, or by transfer to inactive Reserves under honorable conditions, is creditable for determining the annual leave accrual rate.  To verify the amount of RETIRED military service that is creditable, submit the retired member's DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and SF 813 (08/1994), Verification of a Military Retiree’s Service in Non-wartime Campaigns or Expeditions to the address on the form. The employee is responsible for providing data concerning campaigns, expeditions, etc., to the personnel specialist before any credit can be authorized.

10 Service Computation Dates Employee’s Name ________________________________ Date of Birth _____________ Grade/Step _________ Previous Entrance On Duty Date(s) Exclude Most Recent Previous Separation Date(s) Enter +1 Day for Each ActivityYearMonthDayYearMonthDay+ Totals Calculations for Total Creditable Service Entry Total Years Total Month s Total Days Total Separation Dates (from above) Total Entrance On Duty Dates (from above) Difference = Total Creditable Service Calculations for Service Computation Date (SCD) EntryYear(s) Month( s) Day(s) Most Recent Entrance On Duty Date Total Creditable Service (from calculation above) Difference = Service Computation Date (SCD) for Leave Prepared ByReviewed By SignatureDateSignatureDate SERVICE COMPUTATION DATE (SCD SHEET)

11 Service Computation Dates If the person being appointed has not had any previous military or civilian service, use the date of appointment as the SCD-Leave. If the employee has prior service, SCD needs to be recomputed if: had a break in civilian service of more than three calendar days; or claims military or civilian service that had not been claimed before. GS/APF time is creditable in computing as long as there is no break in service of more than 3 days if move is from GS to NAF. It does not apply if move is from GS to GS or NAF to NAF. Before computing the SCD, put creditable service in chronological order. This ensures that each period of service will be credited.

12 Service Computation Dates  Things to remember: Leave calculations are based on a 360 day year, that is 12 months of 30 days each. Dates are added and subtracted in day, month, year order. Borrowing is based on the 360 day year with 30 days equal to a month and 12 months equal to a year. Separations are effective at midnight of the effective date. For each period of full or part time civilian service, the day of the separation must be credited. This can be done by adding a day to each separation date.

13 Service Computation Dates  Computation Method: Add appointment dates for all periods of full or part time creditable service plus the service credited as months and days. Subtract the appointment total from the separation total. The difference is the total creditable service. Subtract total creditable service from the most recent entrance on duty date. Difference will be the SCD Leave.

14 Service Computation Dates

15 SF 813 Instructions Instructions for Completing and Sending SF 813 Notes 1) Use SF 813 only for persons who are retired from active military service. Do not use this form if the person has completed 20 or more years of Reserve or National Guard service but will not receive a pension until age 60. 2) If retirement is from the U.S. Coast Guard, allow six months from the date of retirement before submitting this form. Use SF 813 only to request verification of a retiree’s military service performed in a nonwartime campaign or expedition for which badge/medal was authorized, in order to credit such service for leave accrual rate and reduction-in-force purposes. Complete the address block and items 1 through 11, and send the form to the appropriate address listed below. A. To verify campaign/expeditionary service for military retirees of the: 1) U.S. Coast Guard; 2) U.S. Army who retired before October 1, 1995; 3) U.S. Navy who retired before January 1, 1995; 4) U.S. Marine Corps who retired before October 1, 2001; and 5) U.S. Air Force who retired before October 1, 2004 (*for general officers, see below), send the form to: National Personnel Records Center 1 Archives Drive St. Louis, MO 63138-1002 *If Air Force Retiree is a general, put “Retired General Officer” in the Agency’s Remarks block on the front of this form. B. To verify campaign/expeditionary service for persons who retired from Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, or Army on or after the dates shown below, send the form to the appropriate military service at the address below. U.S. Marine Corps, October 1, 2001 Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps Personnel Management Support Branch (MMSB-10) 2008 Elliot Road Quantico, VA 22134-5030 U.S. Air Force, October 1, 2004 AFPC/DPSIDR 550 C St. West, Suite 12 Randolph Air Force Base, TX 78150 U.S. Navy, January 1, 1995 Navy Personnel Command (PERS-312A) 5720 Integrity Drive Millington, TN 38055-3130 U.S. Army, October 1, 1995 Human Resources Command Veterans Inquiry Section Dept. 420 1600 Spearhead Div Ave Fort Knox, KY 40122

16 SF 813 Instructions Continued  The SF 813 should be used to request verification of participation in a nonwartime campaign or expedition, and dates of participation, only if this information is not documented on the retiree's DD Form 214.  It is the retired member's responsibility to provide the name of any nonwartime campaign or expedition for which credit is requested. Service will be verified only if the SF 813 lists specific campaigns/expeditions and inclusive dates of the retiree's participation. It is not sufficient to list just the service component (e.g., “USAF') or medal (e.g., “Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal”).  If a follow up request is necessary, reproduce a copy of the original request and clearly mark the top of the SF 813, “Follow up Request.” For additional information see, VetGuide Appendix A: Wars, Campaigns and Expeditions of the Armed Forces Since WWII Which Qualify for Veterans Preference.,

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