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+ What happens when your event gets TOO big? Jillian M. Smith M.A., Assistant Director of Student Activities Hillary White, Major Event Coordinator University.

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Presentation on theme: "+ What happens when your event gets TOO big? Jillian M. Smith M.A., Assistant Director of Student Activities Hillary White, Major Event Coordinator University."— Presentation transcript:

1 + What happens when your event gets TOO big? Jillian M. Smith M.A., Assistant Director of Student Activities Hillary White, Major Event Coordinator University of Portland

2 + What will we talk about today? Explanation of the ticket sales process for dances prior to the 2010 Homecoming Dance The 2010 Homecoming Dance sold out Implementations for the Dance of the Decades 2011 ticket sales process Dance of the Decades 2011 had its own set of issues Evaluation of both events and implications for future dances

3 + Dance Ticket Sales Process Students could purchase one ticket for themselves, and one for a non-UP guest Name is kept on the “master list” Needed Student ID to get in to the dance

4 + Homecoming 2010: Sold Out First dance to ever sell out Used word of mouth to communicate situation to student body Used Facebook from personal accounts to communicate with student body Students needed a record of purchasing a ticket to get in Students tried to trade tickets and/or sneak in

5 + Dance of the Decades 2011: Learning from our mistakes CPB’s second dance to sell out Students needed a physical ticket to get in to the dance and Student ID All dance information was posted to a central website Alcohol issues onsite and at the bus loading area

6 + Dance of the Decades 2011: Problems of its own 1 students was sent the hospital from the dance 3 students were sent to the hospital from campus Bar was shut down when wrist-bands were stolen

7 + The aftermath: Re-evaluating every step Ticket sales and check- in process Advertisement Alcohol procedures Transportation procedures CPB’s role on campus Recent Changes

8 + Discussion and Questions! Have you had similar situations on your campus? What have you done to improve your events? What could CPB have done differently? Let’s open it up to the group!

9 + Thank you! If you have further questions or want materials from this session please contact either: Jillian Smith at Hillary White at

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