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Presentation on theme: "L AB R EPORT F ORMATTING I NSTRUCTIONS Fall2012 CHML212."— Presentation transcript:


2 PRE-LAB Before coming to lab, you should complete and print a copy of the PRE-LAB ASSIGNMENT from Blackboard Learn. This pre-lab assignment should be completed and presented to lab instructor at the beginning of the lab period. Without a COMPLETE pre-lab, you will be asked to leave and will receive a zero for the entire experiment. NO EXCEPTIONS. EACH STUDENT SUBMITS THEIR OWN COPY!

3 PRE-LAB It will look something like this… Typewritten entries are preferred whenever possible. This is the only page you need to print! EACH STUDENT SUBMITS THEIR OWN!

4 PRE-LAB Refer back to this presentation as often as needed to ensure your assignment is prepared correctly. If you have difficulty viewing or printing the assignments, it is YOUR responsibility to inform your instructor in enough time to receive assistance. For example, if you wait until the night before/day of to try to download the document, it may be too late. You will still be expected to have it.

5 PRE-LAB Notice the max score is given here…

6 PRE-LAB This can be found within the first few pages of the experiment! This can be handwritten, or you can use the chemical drawing program CHEMDRAW available on the lab computers! Only SYNTHESIS experiments will require this.

7 PRE-LAB Be sure you access these physical constants using the only the link given! Wikipedia =  For complete instructions on how to find the OSHA hazards, review the link to “HOW TO FIND OSHA HAZARDS” in the INTRODUCTION TO LAB materials! You don’t need to copy all of the words, there is a link to a “HAZARDS KEY” also in the INTRODUCTION TO LAB materials!

8 PRE-LAB This is a basic OVERVIEW of the experiment…like a quick map…NO NUMERICAL VALUES HERE! There will be 1 or 2 Pre-Lab Questions for each experiment. These questions are based on material found in the laboratory manual or on the PowerPoint presentation!

9 PRE-LAB Refer back to this presentation as often as needed to ensure your assignment is prepared correctly. REMINDER!!! ALERT!!! DANGER!!! The PRE-LAB assignment is like a ADMISSION TICKET! Without one, you will NOT be allowed to stay for lab, nor will you be able to make up the lab during another lab section!

10 IN-LAB This portion of the lab assignment is the information that will be entered into your laboratory notebook while you are in the lab. You should review this list, and prepare the descriptors in your lab notebook prior to coming to lab. This will ensure that you have gathered all required data. EACH STUDENT SUBMITS THEIR OWN COPY OF THE YELLOW PAGES!

11 IN-LAB Notice max score is given here! This is the list of entries that you will write in your lab notebook. This data must be presented in a neat, organized fashion, so it may help to prepare the notebook in advance and just fill in the blanks during lab! Each experiment will contain these…they are to be answered in your lab notebook while you are in lab to receive assistance!

12 POST-LAB This portion of the lab assignment is material that would be completed AFTER you have performed the experiment. This will be a typewritten version of your experimental section, data tables, and discussion of your results. EACH LAB GROUP SUBMITS ONE COPY!

13 POST-LAB Notice the max score is given here! If you don’t know what PAST TENSE, PASSIVE VOICE is…GOOGLE IT! You know what past tense is…basically passive voice means no “I”, “we”, “they”, etc.

14 EXAMPLE POST-LAB At the top of the first page of the POST-LAB document, include the following: Name of each student in lab group. UNCW Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry CHML212-(your section) Don’t forget to include your section header! You must initial beside your name!

15 POST-LAB These tables are provided to you in the original document. You must complete these, then copy/paste them into your final document and complete them. Most of the data in the table can be typewritten, however shapes and structures may be more challenging! These can be handwritten!

16 EXAMPLE POST-LAB Don’t forget to include your section header! This is what the tables look like when downloaded into your document.

17 POST-LAB This must be written in a paragraph style, using complete sentences, as if you were telling a story.

18 EXAMPLE POST-LAB Don’t forget to include your section header! EACH LAB GROUP WILL SUBMIT ONE COPY OF THE POST-LAB.

19 FINAL SUBMISSION Final due dates will be announced by instructor, but typically the final lab report will be due one week after the completion of the experiment. Remember to take advantage of visiting the instructor during office hours or emailing your instructor if you have any questions regarding lab report format or content.

20 FINAL SUBMISSION Lab reports should be stapled in this order: Pre Lab Assignment, student #1 In Lab Assignment, student #1 Pre Lab Assignment, student #2 In Lab Assignment, student #2 Post Lab Assignment Experimental Results Discussion


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