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Show-Me Recycling The Missouri Recycling Association’s statewide education campaign that showcases sustainable programs that improve the economy and community.

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2 Show-Me Recycling The Missouri Recycling Association’s statewide education campaign that showcases sustainable programs that improve the economy and community as well as benefit the environment.

3 Why is this important? Recycling in Missouri is: Expanding our economy Strengthening our communities; and Protecting our environment!

4 Missouri Perspective SB 530 Passed in 1990 Banned certain materials from landfills Created regional solid waste management districts Created a solid waste management fund to finance the growth of waste reduction and recycling programs.

5 Since 1990 MO waste diversion increased from less than 5% to 44% in 2007. Appr. $70 mil. Invested in MO’s recycling infrastructure ($1/person/year) Unprecedented cooperation among public, private and non-profit communities to create and deliver programs in MO

6 Investment is paying off Manufacturing with recycled materials saves energy and water and produces less air and water pollution than manufacturing with virgin materials. According to a report in Progressive Investor (Huntington Station, New York), the recycling industry accounted for approximately two percent of the U.S. gross domestic product in 2007, with $236 billion in revenues … 75% of Missourians report they recycle!

7 Recycling stimulates economic development by reducing costs and generating resources to create good jobs and generate new tax revenues.

8 Expanding Missouri’s Economy MO’s recycling industry employs 28,000+ people with an annual payroll of $700+ million and impacts MO’s economy by $10+ billion per year. MO companies rely on recycling programs to provide the raw materials they need to make new products

9 EXAMPLE: Nestle Purina PetCare (Springfield ) Recycled 12,000 tons waste paper into pet litter in 2006 30+ full time employees Impacts local economy by $3+ million

10 Recycling stimulates civic pride, promotes volunteerism, and fosters collaboration to improve the quality of life in Missouri communities.

11 Strengthening Communities Recycling is often a catalyst for community betterment. Citizen groups organize around recycling, improving services and creating a sense of neighborhood.

12 EXAMPLE: Neighbors Assisting Neighbors (St. Louis County) 146 volunteers reduced mosquito breeding sites through community education and tire cleanup. Effort reached 25,525 homes in 23 communities

13 Recycling saves energy, reduces pollution, saves natural resources, and reduces green house gas emissions to help secure Missouri’s future.

14 Protecting Misouri’s Environment Recycling in Missouri Saves Energy Conserves Resources Preserves Landfill space Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduces Water Pollution Protects Wildlife

15 EXAMPLE: Galamba Metals Group, LLC (Kansas City) Compared to virgin ore, recycling scrap metal accounts for: 80% less air pollution 40% less water used 76% less water pollution 97% less mining waste 105% less consumer waste

16 Challenges Missourians generate 6.15 lbs of waste daily, 37% above the national average

17 Challenges Less resources available to grow programs Insufficient recycling opportunities for all citizens Insufficient capacity to handle changing needs (electronics)

18 Opportunities 45% (1.9 million tons/yr) of municipal waste deposited in Missouri’s landfills is recyclable If recycled, the potential economic value of these materials is appr. $208 million.

19 Opportunities As additional materials are collected, there is a strong potential to attract manufacturers who can use these resources. This can increase jobs, payrolls, tax revenues and multiply to support other parts of our economy

20 Missouri’s recycling industry expands our local economies, strengthens our communities, and protects our environment to help secure Missouri’s future.

21 Show-Me Recycling Partners Funding for the Show-Me Recycling education campaign was provided by: MORA EPA Region 7 St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District Missouri Department of Natural Resources Mid Mo. Solid Waste Management District Region K

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