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MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management “Beginning the Staffing Process” MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit

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Presentation on theme: "MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management “Beginning the Staffing Process” MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit"— Presentation transcript:

1 MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit
Human Resource Staffing and Performance Management “Beginning the Staffing Process” MANA 4328 Dennis C. Veit 1

2 Human Resource Management
Planning - Strategic Management Compensation Total Compensation Employee Relations/Equal Employment Recruiting and Selection/Staffing Training and Development –Talent Performance Risk Management

3 Beginning the Staffing Process
What is Staffing vrs Talent Management? Staffing: Defined as the goal-oriented and integrated process of planning, recruiting, and compensation employees. Talent Management: Process of leading/managing and developing your team What does this all mean? **Getting the right people in the right job, at the right time, & having the ability to advance.**

4 “HR Staffing” – “Talent Management”
What is Staffing vrs Talent Management? Staffing: Defined as the goal-oriented and integrated process of planning, recruiting, and compensation employees. Talent Management: Process of leading/managing and developing your team What does this all mean? **Getting the right people in the right job, at the right time, & having the ability to advance.**

5 HR Staffing Entails-- Legal Compliance Determining HR needs
Human resource Planning Projecting staffing levels - Job Analysis Developing Competency Based Job Descriptions Managing competencies Identifying and recruiting employees Evaluating candidates Selection tests Interviewing Managing retention

6 Job Descriptions –Do What?
Identifying Information Job Title Exempt or Non-exempt Full-time or Part-time Gender neutral Summary Brief description Place in org. structure

7 Job Descriptions – Do What? (Cont)
Duties and Responsibilities What does the person do? How do those tasks get done? Under what conditions? Using what materials? Requirements and Qualifications KSA’s Certifications or degrees Appropriate for the job A good job description can?

8 Good Job Descriptions Can:
Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools that will help you identify the best candidates!

9 Good Job Descriptions Can:
Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools that will help you identify the best candidates! Serve as the basis for a performance evaluation system.

10 Good Job Descriptions Can:
Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools that will help you identify the best candidates! Serve as the basis for a performance evaluation system. Serve as the basis for providing a starting salary.

11 Good Job Descriptions can:
Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools that will help you identify the best candidates! Serve as the basis for a performance evaluation system. Serve as the basis for providing a starting salary. Serve as a reality check!

12 Good Job Descriptions can:
Serve as the basis for developing structured selection tools that will help you identify the best candidates! Serve as the basis for a performance evaluation system. Serve as the basis for providing a starting salary. Serves as a “reality check”! Accurately reflects the work that employees will be expected to perform.

13 Why Develop a Job Descriptions?
Serve s the basis for developing structures selection tool Defines what the job is your looking for Helps set the level for pay Provides an audit for HR and the Manager on success of applicant Has strong Legal implications for company

14 Uses of Job Descriptions
Explains what the job is expected to do What does the job require? How do you determine pay of the job? Ensure your JD is accurate to attract candidates? How to make an accurate job description Use Manager Use Employee(s) Check against the market

15 Job Descriptions -- Accuracy
If not accurate they become miss-leading? The best hiring systems use the competencies identified in the Critical Criteria section of the job description as a basis of building interview questions.

16 Job Descriptions -- Accuracy
The law requires that all criteria use for the selection purposes be job - related? You and the company can be held liable if rejecting a candidate is due to inaccurate information on your job description.

17 Problems with Job Descriptions???
Really, what does the person do? How do those tasks Really get done?

18 Problems with Job Descriptions???
Really what does the person do? How do those tasks Really get done? Under what conditions?

19 Problems with Job Descriptions???
Really What does the person do? How do those tasks get done? Under what conditions? Using what materials?

20 Additional Problems with Job Descriptions???
Improper Use of Requirements and Qualifications KSA’s -- Can be wrong.

21 Additional Problems with Job Descriptions???
Requirements and Qualifications KSA’s Certifications or degrees -- Are these Really required!

22 Competitiveness Models
The process by which you determine the competencies (KSAs) necessary to perform the position Core Competencies for sustainable competitive advantage. More general descriptions that cut across many categories of jobs Intergrated with selection, training, and talent management COMPETENCIES = BEHAVIORAL INDICATORS = VALIDATION

23 I. Achieving Competitiveness
Customer Focus: Aggressively monitors and anticipates customer requirements and responds to them in an appropriate manner. Business Focus: Strategically monitors business performance and environment to enhance competitive position. Innovation and Change: Actively seeks out new ideas and displays creativity in adapting to changing conditions. Results Orientation: Demonstrates the drive and persistence to meet and exceed job goals for self or other. Analysis and Planning: Uses critical thinking to solve problems and develop effective work plans. Systems Thinking: Improves and integrates business process to meet organizational strategic goals. Technical / Functional Expertise: Demonstrates, enhances, and shares job-related knowledge and skills.

24 II. Succeeding Through People
Valuing people: Demonstrates respect for others regardless of personal background. Commitment to Development: Develop own and others’ capabilities to better meet organizational needs. Professionalism: Demonstrates candor, composure, and commitment to obligations in work relationships. Empowerment: Delegates or accepts responsibility to expand own capabilities to take appropriate risks and make decisions. Influence: Uses appropriate methods to motivate others. Team orientation: Accepts the team approach and takes necessary action to support its processes and goals.

25 Critical Competencies:
What is a job family? How do you use job families to ensure leveling is correct?

26 Steps in building Critical Competencies:
1. Knowing the success factors of your jobs 2. Grouping similar job functions into job families 3. Determining: turnover/absenteeism/production/quality/customer levels for success.

27 Steps in building the Competency Analysis
Use multiple sources – people who understand the position Compile a detailed description of the tasks through: Job Observation Incumbent Interviews Critical Incidents Meetings Conduct competency surveys Competency Visioning Meetings

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