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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER TWELVE: ORGANIZATION,RECRUITING AND STAFFING"— Presentation transcript:

Processes for Creating Job and Task Analysis Job Descriptions and Guidelines Legal Issues Surrounding Hiring and Employment Interview Questions

2 Task and Job Analysis Task: A related sequence of work.
Job: A series of related responsibilities. Job Analysis: Detailed examination of tasks and jobs to be performed. Job Specification: Identifies the skills and qualification needed to perform the job.

3 Two Approaches to Task and Job Analysis
Bottom-Up Method: Most frequently used when an organization already exists an the work behavior of the employees is the basis for analysis (ex. shortcuts). Top-Down Method: Used when opening a new restaurant ( no existing employees to be analyzed). Missions, goals, and objectives are examined to determine what tasks must be performed.

4 Emphasize on the Job Objective
Examine the tasks separately, describe them and use the analysis as a basis for training Help in creating a clean and common understanding of the purpose and expected outcomes from each job

5 Guidelines for a Job Description
Describe the job Do not describe in fine detail such as would be the result of a time and motion study Sentences should be short, simple and to the point If technical jargon is used, explain it Description should be detailed, to include all aspects of the job Include the essential functions of the job and the outcomes expected

6 Job Specification Lists the education and technical/conceptual skills a person needs to satisfactorily perform the requirements of the job.

7 The Job Instruction Sheet
Task analysis converted into job instructions Serves a a guide for new employees and as a quality assurance measure for the maintenance of work standards

8 Organizing People and Jobs
Human resources management and supervision Food and beverage purchasing Receiving, storing, and issuing Food preparation Foodservice Food cleaning; dish and utensil washing

9 Organizing People and Jobs
Marketing/sales Promotions, advertising, and public relations Accounting and auditing Bar service

10 Recruitment Prospective employees are attracted to in order that a suitable applicant may be selected for employment This must be carried out in accordance to federal and state employment laws

11 Preemployment Testing
Must be valid and reliable. A valid test measures what it is suppose to. A reliable test shows the same results with repeated testing. Range of tests to choose from: Intelligence, aptitude, and achievement. Some test for substance abuse and honesty, some use psychological tests to select the best possible employees.

12 Interviewing The purpose of the interview is to:
GAIN sufficient information to determine that the applicant is capable of doing the job GIVE information about the company and the job ASK appropriate “legal but leading” questions

13 Interviewing Questions
Experience Work experience Transportation Languages School Sports Availability Goals/Ambition Hobbies/Interests

14 Examples of Interview Questions to Avoid
Marital Status Age National Origin Family Relationship Mental or Physical Handicap Race Sex Injured Worker Religion

15 Ideal Employee Profiles
Employees constitute a large part of the restaurants ambiance, spirit, and efficiency. Employees must fit into the job ( ex. the ideal cook will not make the ideal server and vice versa). Outgoing personalities fit well in the front of the house. It is important to give employees a chance to succeed in the restaurant.

16 Selection Determining the eligibility and suitability of a perspective employee ( how well they will do the job and how well they will fit in with the team). Personal appearance, grooming, and hygiene are also important. The purpose is to hire a employee that will be a team player and exceed expectations.

17 Employment of Minors Beginning at the age of 16
Restrictions by Federal Government Maximum work hours Night work restrictions

18 The Multiple Interview Approach
During the first interview the candidate may be given a rating of 1 to 5 Only those rating a 5 are given an additional interview with a second interviewer

19 Telephone References Follow up by phone- it is more effective than a written request Direct the call towards the applicants strengths and weaknesses Verify the applicants information

20 Three Main Hiring Objectives
Hire people who project an image and attitude appropriate for your restaurant Hire people who will work with you rather than spend their time fighting your rules, procedures, and system Hire people whose personal and financial requirements are a good fit with the hours and positions you are hiring for

21 Laws Civil Right Act of 1964 Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO)
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

22 Screening Screen out the substance abuser: Employment records may provide indicators. Preemployment Physical and Drug Examinations: They are permissible as long as they pertain to the job as long as the ADA regulations are conformed with.

23 The End


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