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Preparation of the Body

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1 Preparation of the Body
Lesson 2

2 Lesson Objectives How do we test local muscular endurance?
What are the aspects of skill related fitness? Which one of these is most important to badminton and why?

3 Fitness testing Each aspect of fitness has a standardised test.
Standardised fitness testing allows you to: 1. assess your current level of fitness 2. plan an appropriate training programme 3. compare your performance to national standards 4. monitor your progress throughout your training to see if any changes are required in your programme 5. compare your results from the start and end of your programme

4 Each aspect of fitness has a standardised test.
Standardised fitness testing allows you to: 1. assess your current level of fitness 2. plan an appropriate training programme 3. compare your performance to national standards 4. monitor your progress throughout your training to see if any changes are required in your programme 5. compare your results from the start and end of your programme The test is conducted as follows: 1. Step up on to a standard gym bench once every two seconds for five minutes (150 steps) 2. Have someone to help you keep to the required pace 3. One minute after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) – Pulse 1 4. Two minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) – Pulse 2 5. Three minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) – Pulse 3 The three pulse rates are then used in a calculation to rate your level of fitness against national averages. Your level of fitness is based on your rate of recovery after exercise.

5 Harvard Step Test The test is conducted as follows:
1. Step up on to a 45cm high gym bench once every two seconds for five minutes (150 steps) 2. Have someone to help you keep to the required pace 3. One minute after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 seconds – Pulse 1 4. Two minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 seconds – Pulse 2 5. Three minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 seconds - Pulse 3 The three pulse rates are then used in a calculation to rate your level of fitness against national averages. Your level of fitness is based on your rate of recovery after exercise.

6 Court-based Testing To gather data on local muscular endurance specifically related to badminton you will complete a scatter gram. You will complete a 12 minute game. The positioning of your shots will be marked on a scatter gram by your partner. Shots played in the first 4 minutes will be marked with a red pen, the second 4 minutes with a black pen and the last 4 minutes with a blue pen.

7 What will this data show us?
The positioning of our shots as the game progresses. What pattern are you likely to see if you have poor local muscular endurance? Shots will be positioned in the corners at the beginning of the game but as the game progresses and our muscles struggle to cope with the demands of the game shots are likely to go into the centre of the court as we are unable to move quickly enough to prepare properly for the shot.

8 Skill-related Fitness
Aspects of skill-related fitness: 1. Reaction time 2. Agility 3. Coordination 4. Balance TASK: Write a short definition for each aspect of skill-related fitness. You can use your text books!

9 Aspects of Skill-related Fitness
TASK: Match the following activities with the aspect of skill related fitness required most for them. Badminton 100m Sprinting Gymnastics Skiing

10 Aspects of Skill-related Fitness
Badminton = Agility 100m Sprinting = Reaction time Gymnastics = Coordination Skiing = Balance

11 Agility Why is agility important for badminton?
Being an agile badminton player will allow you to reach, lunge, change direction easily and react quickly to get to the place on the court where you need to be to return the shuttle effectively.

12 Homework Intermediate 2
Give a detailed description of how you tested your muscular endurance within and out-with the activity. ___________ Intermediate 1 Name an aspect of fitness______________ Describe a standardised test you have used to assess this aspect of fitness________

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