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Math Games Allysa Winter EMTH 317. What is a Math Game? Involve a challenge, usually against one or more opponents Are governed by a set of rules and.

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Presentation on theme: "Math Games Allysa Winter EMTH 317. What is a Math Game? Involve a challenge, usually against one or more opponents Are governed by a set of rules and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math Games Allysa Winter EMTH 317

2 What is a Math Game? Involve a challenge, usually against one or more opponents Are governed by a set of rules and have a clear underlying structure Normally have a distinct finishing point Have specific mathematical objectives

3 Why use Math Games? Learning  A lot of practice can take  Students may make new connections to concepts  Can allow the introduction of ideas that are difficult to develop in other ways  May lead students to work above their normal level Ways of working  Lead to mathematical talk  Create discussion  Work mentally  Can solve problem in any way  Can be done at different levels

4 Why use Math Games cont. Student experience  Can learn rules of game gradually  Usually playing in a context which there is usually unthreatening help available  Pieces used in game are concrete objects  Students can watch until they feel comfortable enough to play  Can gain confidence of a math concept

5 When to use Math Games To introduce a new topic in an inquiry way To practice concepts that students are struggling with For students who finish work early As a way to review As a “game day” incentive for students

6 Types of Math Games Races Board games Spatial strategy games Numerical strategy games Card games Arithmetical games Matching games Mystery games

7 Examples Math Play Share My Lesson

8 Examples Math Online Games Learn with Math Games BuzzMath

9 Resources resources/ resources/ activities.html activities.html or_jumpstarts/sarahnsarahmiddle.pdf or_jumpstarts/sarahnsarahmiddle.pdf

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