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HOW ARE SEEDS DISPERSED? By : Ray En, Shaun, Aysha, Sabrina.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW ARE SEEDS DISPERSED? By : Ray En, Shaun, Aysha, Sabrina."— Presentation transcript:


2 HOW ARE SEEDS DISPERSED? By : Ray En, Shaun, Aysha, Sabrina


4 Methods of Dispersal  Wind dispersal  Water Dispersal  Splitting  Animal dispersal

5 Wind Dispersal  These seeds are very light and many have hairy growths which act like little parachutes.  Literally hundreds of species in many plant families have adopted this remarkable method of dispersal, including a variety of weeds. Gyrocarpus  Alsomitra macrocarpa

6 Water Dispersal  Plants which grow beside water often rely on water to transport their seeds for them.  They may produce light seeds which float, or there may be fluff that helps buoyancy Yellow Water LilyBrooklime

7 Splitting  Some fruits scatter their seeds by literally exploding.  The pod dries, bursts open and forcibly shoots the seeds for several feet in all directions. saga rubber

8 Animal Dispersal  Animals often serve as seed carriers. Seeds (with sticky hairs, bristles, hooks, or barbs) are transported by sticking to the fur of animals.  Birds and other animals eat the fleshy fruits and discard the seeds or they may eat both but the seeds are not digested and are passed out with their droppings, often far away from the parent plant. beggar~tick mimosa

9 Thank You For Listening.

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