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Framework for Planning PARIS21 Future Principal Outcomes Sought, and Possible Targets, for World Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Framework for Planning PARIS21 Future Principal Outcomes Sought, and Possible Targets, for World Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Framework for Planning PARIS21 Future Principal Outcomes Sought, and Possible Targets, for World Community

2 PARIS 21 Goal Develop a culture of transparent, evidence-based policy making and implementation which serves to improve Government accountability and effectiveness

3 PARIS 21 Purpose Better statistics and statistical analysis available to and used by national and international decision-makers and civil society (May need adjustment with respect to main OVI: “Evidence-based pro-poor policies implemented with widespread agreement of all stakeholders”)

4 Log-Frame for Consideration: Major Outcomes Capacity to Produce and Use Statistics Nat. Stat. System Strategic Planning Effective Donor Collaboration at Country Level

5 Capacity to Produce and Use Statistics Strengthened capacity to produce, analyse and use key statistical and other information amongst public sector, academic and civil society organizations

6 Nat. Stat. System Strategic Planning Comprehensive strategy covering information needed nationally (and internationally) to inform, implement and monitor policies

7 Effective Donor Coordination at Country Level More effective donor collaboration, leading to more efficient use of official development assistance relating to generation and use of statistics

8 Capacity to Produce and Use Statistics Three Year Targets (by end-2006) Share of IDA Countries - supplying 15 Development Indicators - subscribing to GDDS UNDP and IDA/IMF Ratings on MDG/PRSP Monitoring/Evaluation

9 Countries supplying Development Indicators Raise to 80% the share of IDA countries regularly collecting, and using in the management of government policies and public expenditures, data on the 7 (out of 15) agreed Development Indicators for which it presently falls short of 80%

10 Countries subscribing to GDDS Increase the percentage of IDA countries subscribing to GDDS from about 40% currently to 70%

11 Ratings on MDG/PRSP Monitoring/Evaluation Visible trend towards improvement, between successive reports for individual countries, in respect to the ratings assigned against the various dimensions of “Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity for Tracking MDGs” in UNDP’s MDG Progress Reports; and in regard to Monitoring and Evaluation in IMF/IDA Joint Staff Assessments for PRSPs.

12 Nat. Stat. System Strategic Planning Three Year Targets (by end-2006) Self-evaluations using Statistical Capacity Building Indicators, and follow-up action Effective, sustained process for strategic planning

13 Self-Evaluations using SCBI 50% of developing and transition countries have completed at least one self-evaluation of the capacities of their NSS, based on the indicators and methodology outlined in PARIS21 report of September 2002 on SCBI, and have chosen and started the measures needed to strengthen performance.

14 Effective, sustained process for strategic planning Increase from current possible 20% to a firm 40% in the share of developing & transition countries which have established an effective and sustained process for NSS strategic planning, based on user demands and combining effective response to urgent data needs with steady development of broader production and use capacities – including implementation of results

15 Effective Donor Coordination, Country-level Three Year Targets (by end 2006) Appoint lead donor in country for statistics Support Strategic Plans, once effective Initiatives in Joint Donor Support Use of Country Page on PARIS21 web-site

16 Appoint lead donor for statistics In 75% of IDA countries, aid agencies operating there have effectively assigned responsibility to one of their number as lead donor for statistics, who assists the country’s periodic meetings for concerned donors and data-demanders, keeps abreast of the evolving situation, and helps secure timely response from donors to national priorities

17 Support Strategic Plans, once effective In 80% of the countries which have established an effective strategic planning process for statistics, the donors involved in statistical work in the country are designing their activities to support plan implementation

18 Initiatives in Joint Donor Support As a pilot operation for subsequent broader replication, in at least 3 IDA countries donors have begun to implement a collaborative approach to support for implementation of the country’s NSS strategic plan, undertaking joint appraisal and follow-up, and accepting a unified progress report that includes the detail needed by each donor for components supported

19 Use of Country Page on PARIS21 web-site 60% of IDA countries are making effective use of the country pages assigned to them on the PARIS21 web-site for briefly summarizing (i) all foreign assistance currently being received by the NSS, (ii) additional tasks for which foreign assistance is sought, and (iii) current state of discussions with donors who have shown interest in supporting the country’s work in statistics

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