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NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

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1 NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
Zdenka S. Willis Director, NOAA IOOS Program Office 19 September

2 Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
70 Member Countries & the European Commission 46 International Organizations A distributed system of systems Improves coordination of strategies and observation systems Links all platforms: in situ, aircraft, and satellite networks Identifies gaps in our global capacity Facilitates exchange of data and information Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues GOOS is the global ocean component of GEOSS GEOSS is a globally distributed system of systems – its ultimate goal is to monitor the “pulse of the planet” Objective – to link all observing platforms, identify gaps in global observing capacity, facilitate exchange of data and information for improved decision-support. GOOS: The global ocean component of GEOSS IOOS is a major contribution to GOOS GEOSS Background Improves coordination of strategies and observation systems – The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is an international partnership leading a worldwide effort to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) over the next 10 years. GEO involves 70 countries, the European Commission, and 46 international organizations. Links all platforms: in situ, aircraft, and satellite networks - The premise is simple. There are currently thousands, if not millions, of observation points collecting data around the world and even from the atmosphere. Unfortunately, they operate, for the most part, independently of one another and there is very little integration. By fully networking this information we can advance our understanding of the Earth’s environment, thereby improving decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues ranging from public health to agricultural production. Identifies gaps in our global capacity - GEOSS seeks to improve the coordination of strategies and observational systems, identify gaps in our global capacity and facilitate the exchange of information that will help decision makers address pressing policy issues. Facilitates exchange of data and information - GEOSS will be a collaboration of existing national, regional, and international systems to provide comprehensive, coordinated Earth observations from thousands of instruments worldwide, transforming the data they collect into vital information for society. Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues - The GEOSS project will help all nations involved produce and manage their information in a way that benefits the environment as well as humanity by taking a pulse of the planet.

3 U.S. IOOS Vision Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)
Enable rapid assessments of current states of marine and estuarine systems, and the timely detection and prediction of changes in them, through the continual provision of routine and reliable data and information in forms and at rates specified by the users. Complex undertaking dependent on federal, regional, state, local, academic, & private sector contributions The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) is a coordinated network of people and technology that work together to generate and disseminate continuous data on our coastal waters, Great Lakes, and oceans. U.S. IOOS Vision (adapted from the first U.S. IOOS Development Plan 2006) IOOS will enable rapid assessments of current states of marine and estuarine systems, and the timely detection and prediction of changes in them, through the continual provision of routine and reliable data and information in forms and at rates specified by the users. The U.S. IOOS is a complex undertaking that is dependent on federal, regional, state, local, academic, & private sector contributions Through the President’s Ocean Action Plan, we’ve made significant strides in the inter-agency arena to organize and enhance our strategic management of our coastal and ocean resources and environments. We see examples of this in the publication of the National Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy, and with the work the Interagency Working Group on Ocean Observations (IWGOO) is doing to develop a strategic plan for the U.S. IOOS. The goal is to “provide the right information, in the right format, at the right time, to the right people, to make the right decisions” NOAA owns and operates much of the coastal and ocean observing and data distribution infrastructure. NOAA is the only federal agency that has responsibility for some aspect of all seven IOOS goals through our many mandates and programs; IOOS objectives are inherent to our mission. Example of a regional observing system in Monterey Bay, CA Provide the right information, in the right format, at the right time, to the right people, to make the right decisions.

4 Background on NOAA’s IOOS Focus
Organize for Success Integrate Data Establish NOAA IOOS Program Office Lead and manage NOAA’s IOOS efforts Support external collaboration Identify and encourage similar data integration, test and evaluation approach by partners Develop an Initial Operating Capability: Data Integration Framework (DIF). Integrate priority IOOS core variables and deliver to end users and models Quantify product improvements In November, 2006 VADM Lautenbacher asked NOAA to take a “fresh look” at our IOOS efforts and provide recommendations on how NOAA could exercise greater leadership and make measurable progress in advancing the development of IOOS. A team was formed and we reviewed lessons learned from existing NOAA efforts, by focusing on three questions: What can NOAA do that is a fundamental contribution to the U.S. IOOS? What is feasible for NOAA to implement? What can be accomplished in the next 36 months? We concluded that NOAA’s IOOS efforts would not be successful with part-time leadership, no strategic goals, and no authorized central program management and offered two recommendations: NOAA should establish a Program Office dedicated to the administration of NOAA’s IOOS activities including collaboration with external partners; and NOAA should implement an initial operating capability for data integration; a data integration framework. These recommendations were approved by NOAA’s, and we began to set up the office in Jan I will talk to you about what we plan to do and what we have accomplished to date NOAA IOOS Definition: The U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) is a coordinated network of people and technology that work together to generate and disseminate continuous data on our coastal waters, Great Lakes, and oceans.  IOOS is our nation’s ocean contribution to an international effort called the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), which is designed to continuously and comprehensively monitor Earth and transmit observations globally.  IOOS supports both a coastal and global component of ocean observing.

5 NOAA’s Organizational Relationships
NOAA IOOS Activities Interagency Connections Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration (ICOSRMI) NOAA Administrator NOAA Ocean Council IOOS Oversight NOAA Observing System Council NOS Assistant Administrator OAR Assistant Administrator Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) Interagency Working Group on Ocean Observations (IWGOO) NOAA IOOS Program Office Director Ocean.US IOOS Program Office IOOS Project Management Program Operations Regional Coastal Component NOAA is establishing a Program Office to become the focal point for IOOS activities in NOAA. Reside under NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) but supports off of NOAA. NOAA’s Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research (OAR) will continue to support policy coordination between NOAA’s IOOS efforts interagency and international programs and partners NOAA’s IOOS Program office must address: Project management – Data integration framework, standards, and future acquisition strategies Operations – Coordinates existing operations associted with IOOS both within NOAA, Regional Partners and Interagency partners Program Administration: The second place you have to live in NOAA is an our budgeting system called PPBES and we have established a program – more later; have to execute this years budget Strategic Communications and outreach: Strategic planning, information dissemination, constituent engagement, regional management, Congressional The IOOS Program Office leverage capabilities found in NOAA, rather than subsume them. Examples: Archive Center Coastal Services Center (CSC) will continue to serve as NOAA’s primary interface to regional IOOS components, National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) will remain a premier source of meteorological and oceanographic measurements for the marine environment National IOOS is not just a NOAA program and we want to do this in a partnership working with Ocean.US and IWGOO members Guidance & Requirements Capacity & Capabilities Observations Data Management & Communications Modeling & Analysis Education Research Leveraging existing NOAA-wide capabilities

6 IOOS Program Activities
Strategic Plan Program Operating Plan The NOAA IOOS strategic plan will serve as the guiding document to inform business operations and technical planning IOOS Program Office held strategic planning workshop, which included participants from all NOAA Line Offices, as well as NDBC, CSC, NOAA Budget, and PPI The draft plan is in the review process and will be finalized late summer – to early fall. Consistent with IWGOO Strategic Plan Alternatives & Quads Legislation Communication/Engagement Director was designated in Feb 2007 Standing up the office to include renovations of spaces, HR recruits and support contracts. Now have two agencies at Wayne Ave (NOAA IOOS and OCO) and on the West side Ocean.US Strategic Plan for NOAA IOOS Program – you have been asked to comment PPBES: Important for IOOS to be in the game and they are. Program within our Mission support goal. Planning phase identified capabilities that need to exist, 100% requirement and 10 alternatives to fill that gap. The 100% was taken from elements of previous program that dealt with IOOS, Data Integration Frame work, 2 industry studies, and some basic analysis. Now involved in Programming Legislative: House Bill – part of larger Energy Bill has passed. S950 anticipated soon. The bills have some differences. Of note is the reporting criteria in the FY08 Senate language. Engagement: 9/11 regions – have not met with HI and Caribbean. 4 industry forums: FLCOOS, RTDC at Woods Hole; OOI-IOOS Scripps and Oceans Tech 2007 Partnership, Partnership, Partnership – nature of the business Communication: Distribute Z-grams Regional: Visited regions Industry: Briefed 4 Industry Forum IWGOO: Provides ExSec; IWGOO Strategy Interagency: USACE/NOAA IOOS wave plan effort IOOS legislation is proposed in the 110th Congress The House introduced two IOOS bills Senate bill S.950 authorizing IOOS was recently reported out of Committee FY08 Senate Appropriations Language

7 NOAA’s IOOS Mission “Lead the integration of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing capabilities, in collaboration with Federal and non-federal partners, to maximize access to data and generation of information products to inform decision making and promote social, economic, and environmental benefit to our nation and the world.” NOAA’s IOOS Mission (from draft NOAA IOOS Program Strategic Plan) Lead the integration of the ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing capabilities, in collaboration with Federal and non-federal partners, to maximize access to data and information products and to inform decision making to promote social, economic, and environmental benefit to our nation and the world. (Background: U.S. IOOS Societal Goals) Improve predictions of climate change and weather and their effects on coastal communities and the nation; Improve the safety and efficiency of marine operations; Mitigate the effects of natural hazards; Improve national and homeland security; Reduce public health risks; Protect and restore healthy coastal marine ecosystems; and Enable the sustained use of marine resources. Example of an integrated ocean observation system Source: Draft NOAA IOOS Strategic Plan

8 Integrate Data: NOAA Mission Requirements Drive Data Integration Needs
IOOS Core Variables Temperature Salinity Sea Level Surface currents Ocean color Bathymetry Surface waves Ice distribution Contaminants Dissolved nutrients Fish species Fish abundance Zooplankton species Optical properties Heat flux Bottom character Pathogens Dissolved O2 Phytoplankton species Zooplankton abundance Integration Long-term data series, coordinated in space and time Problems Improved ecosystem assessments Updated management approaches Improved access to data, and scientific information Improved models (e.g., hurricane intensity, coastal inundation, and harmful algal bloom model) Characterize the state of the global climate system and its variability Information Needs NOAA Decision Tools The global climate is not well understood Hurricane Intensity Model Coastal populations are at risk from weather, climate & natural hazards Coastal Inundation Model Harmful Algal Bloom Model Our ocean, coastal and Great Lakes ecosystems are complex; many are at risk This slide describes the second major area for NOAA to pursue in the near term – implementation of an initial data integration framework. This slide depicts the need for a data integration framework. The need to integrate data derives from NOAA’s core missions. The societal challenges facing us today (coastal populations at risk, compromised ecosystems, climate change) threaten jobs, revenue, and human health. Answers to these problems require access to better information. Data mining and integration are required first steps for most ocean and coastal modeling efforts, costing time and expenditure. Better information is necessary for existing models that are critical to NOAA mission capabilities. The priority variables to test this improved access and integration are: 1) temperature; 2) salinity; 3) sea level; 4) surface currents; and 5) ocean color The models depend on variables that have been identified in the interagency IOOS process as “core.” Data integration is the key to developing new and improved decision tools. Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Expanding the Marine Transportation System

9 Core Variable Integration Problem: Temperature (Example)
PLATFORM Data Distribution Archive NOAA Ship Synoptic NCDC NOAA Ship Archive NOAA Ships ARGO Delayed data ARGO Profiling GDAC Tropical Moored Buoys Weather Buoys NODC NDBC Drifting Buoys DART C-MAN SWIM NCDDC NOAA collects data from several platforms for specific purposes. Once those purposes are satisfied, data are archived. The full suite of data are not organized to respond to NOAA’s priority needs for real-time decision-making. Integration of the data being collected by existing assets is necessary to adequately improve decision-making and assess NOAA wide observation gaps. This slide depicts the nature of the problem NOAA faces today with data integration. The platforms on the left hand side of this slide collect ocean temperature. Data is transmitted through various communication paths to a number of data distribution points across NOAA. Data are archived in different locations at different spatial and temporal scales. There is not a single, integrated temperature database in NOAA or anywhere else. SWMP NERRS CDMO VOS (xbt) OAR AOML CREIOS NMFS PACIFIC I. FSC NWLON CO-OPS Single Sat. Pass Data CLASS OSDPP Satellites Multiple Sat. Pass Data COAST WATCH

10 Decision Tools: Integrated Core Variables for Models
NOAA MODELS Current State MODELING IMPROVEMENTS (future state) Temperature Hurricane Intensity Model Insufficient access to subsurface temperature observations needed used to inform model Integration of real-time, temperature = increased accuracy of hurricane intensity predictions Sea Level Coastal Inundation Model Sea level data (various sources and formats) integrated on site-by-site basis for use in model Expedited development of coastal inundation forecasts for Southeast and Gulf Surface currents Ocean Color Salinity Harmful Algal Bloom Model Wind data and marine forecasts used as proxy to determine currents Improved bloom trajectory forecast Enable development of national HAB forecast with integrated currents Sea level Integrated Ecosystem Assessment NOAA compiles and integrates suite of data required for each assessment Assess current conditions Forecast ecological health based on existing management strategies Evaluate impacts of alternate management strategies Process Flow Evaluate NOAA models that impact highest-priority problems Integrate variables needed to achieve benchmarked improvements Quantify progress toward defined modeling improvements Identify additional source(s) of error within model We chose these four data products because they are high priority NOAA efforts. The four data products being tested for improvements align well with many of the U.S. IOOS societal goals. The integration of these five priority core variables will expedite product development and improve model accuracy. The problem for decision analysis today is models are based on individual observations or proxy data. Data mining and integration are required first steps for most ocean and coastal modeling efforts, costing time and expenditure. Identify remaining IOOS core variables needed to reduce error None? Select next set of priority core variables based on impacts to NOAA products

11 Data Integration Framework (DIF)
Months 0-12 Month 18 Month 24 Month 36 Integration of 5 IOOS Core Variables Integrated Variable Ingest for Select Data Products Test & Evaluation Benchmarked Product Improvements for Operational Use NOAA 5 Core Variables Hurricane Intensity Model Harmful Algal Bloom Model Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Hurricane Intensity Model Coastal Inundation Model Temperature Salinity Sea Level Currents Color Integrated information services for NOAA programs Identify observation gaps Validated enhanced data products NOAA’s Data Integration Framework Enhanced decision support through: Coastal Inundation Model Systems Engineering: Product Enhancement Test & Evaluation Verification & Validation NOAA IOOS Data Integration Framework Systems Engineering & Standards Development Harmful Algal Bloom Model Data Standards Data Access & Exchange Integrated Ecosystem Assessment The NOAA Data Integration Framework is a risk-reduction effort to better define the technical requirements and risks on a small scale and at a low cost before proceeding further on a larger scale and higher costs. There are two hypotheses being tested in establishing this framework (1) That NOAA has the ability to integrate data with the current organizational structure, regulations, and decision processes and (2) that there is value to this integration that can be measured. The DIF has selected the top 5 prioritized variables from the IOOS Development guide as the first variable it will attempt to integrate and deliver to 4 models/applications with no further processing required due to the method of transport for ingest into its processes. NOAA’s goal is to demonstrate the value added of integration and develop a methodology for integration through systems engineering and the development of standards for the functional areas of Data Management such as Data Discovery, data transport, uniform on-line browse, data archive and access, IT security, metadata, and QC/QA that are cross-referenced to Data Types (grids, scattered points, trajectories, time series, profiles, etc.) The integrated data will be transported to 4 NOAA decision-support tools in a format that no further processing by the user is required for ingest into their processes. (SEE DATA MATRIX OF FUNCTIONAL CATEGORIES AND DATA TYPES SLIDE) Through these 4 tools, NOAA’s goal is to demonstrate the value added by integration. Once this methodology is proved effective, we will work to enable our federal and regional partners to contribute their data for these 5 variables and/or access the full suite of existing integrated data through distributed and coordinated data integration and communication networks. External sources of 5 Core Variables (consistent with NOAA standards) Temperature Salinity Sea Level Currents Color NOAA MISSION OBJECTIVES REGIONAL COASTAL NEEDS Future State: Regional-coastal data integration for Regional scale data and information products and services

12 Harmful Algal Bloom Data Flow
Focus Area Harmful Algal Bloom Since work on this project began in February, we have made considerable progress towards determining our baseline situation and identifying what is required to build this data integration framework. To best understand what it is our initial user’s, our CUSTOMERS if you will, needs are (the 4 decision-support tools), and thus what our architecture/ structure for the DIF must be to meet those needs, we have held two rounds of meetings with key constituents that work with each of the 4 decision-support tools. One of the outputs from these meetings were customer needs reports from which we were able to distill information relating to their current usage of data, as well as what their needs for additional data are. For example, from information recorded in each of the customer reports we have developed draft data flow diagrams, such as this example for Harmful Algal Bloom forecasting, that indicate where they are currently receiving their data from. Red indicates systems that are providing data for any of the initial 5 core variables. This allows us to get a better handle on what the “as is” condition is and to begin to develop a plan for where we need to go. Transport simulation for the forecast

13 Summary of Customer Needs
Common Thread All wanted additional observations and easier access to data Efficiency gains identified as a result of improved data access. Specific Customer Comments Hurricane Intensity Timely access to standardized quality control data Access to regional Observations Harmful Algal Blooms Improved data transport into “HAB” model Standard formats and distribution of currents (NDBC and others) Standard formats and distribution of NOAA ocean model outputs Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Subsetting capability and standard naming units Access to time series data for each of the priority parameters Coastal Inundation Streamlined access to latest bathymetry and topography in common formats Access to timely regional observations Standard data formats and additional water level data to validate the accuracy of their inundation model forecasts Snap shot of what our customers told

14 Temperature Interoperability Test May/ June 2007
DATA NCDDC OGC WFS WFS version 1.0.0 Color NWS OGC WFS WFS version 1. CORMP OPeNDAP Currents OGC WFS Temperature CSC Jim Boyd, John Ulmer, Daniel Martin Sea level W3C SOAP Web services CO-OPS W3C SOAP GoMOOS OPeNDAP OPeNDAP Salinity Data Access & Exchange Temp NERRS/ CDMO W3C SOAP SEACOOS OPeNDAP DRDS Status: Report Complete Data Incompatible data formats Inconsistent Data structures Different forms of temporal/spatial expressions Different data dictionaries/vocabularies Varying formats for lat/long Metadata Metadata generally missing Information Technology OPeNDAP servers unavailable Transport protocols generally correct, some outdated 5 “interoperability” tests, one for each of the 5 initial core variables, to assess NOAA’s present level of data compatibility between distributed data sources, as well as what the current ease of data access Here is the results of the temperature data. Findings were similar for all variables: For those working with data – this is not a surprise – now for the first time it is documents. You can read the issue – simple things like I say it is 1500, you say 3 pm and some say +8 DATA Incompatible data formats and content prohibited integration of multiple data sources without programming support and/or advanced end-user client tools (e.g. Matlab, Arc GIS). Data structures (e.g. row/ column structure) across all services were generally inconsistent. Very few sources of data exist where access is through a user-friendly, queriable services based interface. Each data source uses different forms of temporal and spatial expressions and vocabularies; all different data dictionaries. Spherical coordinates, latitude and longitude, were generally used, however in varying formats. METADATA Metadata were either unavailable all together or if they did exist were not located with the data, and difficult to find. Information Technology Due to April security breach of NOAA OPeNDAP servers, NOAA data provider’s OPeNDAP servers were offline and therefore not able to be queried for data; We are currently working with NOAA NCIRT to resolve this, and to address the broader security issues related to open source software in general (we would appreciate any experiences that other agencies have had addressing open source software security issues). Transport protocols generally applied correctly, however across providers some were antiquated, and at times iterations of the same protocols were incompatible Data not integratable For the most part this first set of tests was about the ease of getting information/ data. A second set of tests that is expected to be run in the near future will focus additionally on the compatibility/ interoperability/ integratability of the individual data sets acquired from the distributed sources.

15 Functional Categories
Data Standards DATA Color Currents Sea level Salinity Temp Functional Categories Data Discovery Data Transport& Access Metadata Uniform on-line Browse Data Archive IT Security QC/QA Grids X P Scattered Points Trajectories Time Series Moving-sensor ? Profiles Geospatial Mapping data D A T Y P E S Why are standard hard to describe – because there is not just one. If you look across the type and functional category you come up with a 56 block matrics that we need to address. In order to more easily expedite the development and implementation of the DIF, we are working to define a set of standards and/ or protocols for several of the Data Management functional categories. For the initial DIF, only Data Transport and Access, Metadata, and to some degree QA/QC and IT Security will be addressed. Within each of these functional categories, you will have standards and protocols (and possible multiple ones) for each of the types of data that ocean observations come in. For example, transport of time series data may have a different protocol than that for transport of grid data. FYI DATA TYPES Grids (structured and unstructured – 2 different types) and collections of grids (models, gridded data products) Scattered points (random sampling, tsunami, species sightings) Trajectories (u/w ship data, aircraft track data, ocean surface drifters) Time series (ocean moorings, fish landings, stream flow) Moving-sensor multidimensional fields and collections (satellite, HF radar, etc) Profiles (salinity profiles, profiling floats) Geospatial mapping data (coastlines) And yes – you can have metadata about metadata X = Addressing; P = partially addressing; ? = under review; Remainder of the standards reviewed in following efforts

16 Standard Processes (All Welcome)

17 National HF Radar Plan 85 HFR Sites x 700 Pts/Site = Data Pts Figure from SCCOOS website Version 0.1 Standards:  Submitted to NOAA IOOS – in work The system, by Nov 07, will have 3 redundant national servers plus 4 regional servers that feed into the 3 national servers. FY07 IOOS Funds  Increased Coverage Requirement in NOAA PPBES FY10-14 (early in the cycle) In some cases, we are also trying to provide a national capability around a variable and that is the case in HF radar. Jack Harlen is the NOAA IOOS POC for HF Radar. Not a NOAA program of record. Great example of how a Federal and State partnership can work, money has come in many cases from COTS and other Federal funding, but is operated by academic institutions Challenges to stabilize the HF radar systems that are in place and understand how to fill the gaps. Not specific to one vendor – CODAR and WERA HF radar has multiple uses: SAR, Ocean Health, Coastal Inundation, Water Quality and Fisheries Management

18 Regional Capacity Register produced by NOAA CSC and NMSP
679 platforms registered, 1969 distinct parameters NOAA NDBC processes 2.5M observations (physical) There are 11 Regional Associations at different levels of maturity. The IOOS construct has the RA’s as our eyes and ears in the regions, and implementer of the regional observing systems. RCOOS are there to densify the national observing structure. Regional capacity exists. On the left is the National registry and is the non-Federal assets On the right is the previous COTs earmarks Everywhere I visited we have excitement and capacity. Worried about sustainment Not just IOOS money – leveraging ONR NOPP, MURI; NSF COSSE and DHS dollars Capacity Exists Integration into National IOOS Optimization Operations, Maintenance

19 Integrated Ocean Observing
The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) and the Integrated Ocean Observation System (IOOS) are two distinct but complementary ocean observing system infrastructures serving the Nation: Our oceans are under-sampled, many processes are poorly understood, and this can adversely impact our economy and National well being. IOOS focus: established technologies that provide sustained, dependable observations in real-time on broad geographic scales to support information needs and forecasts for resource management, maritime transportation and other operational applications. Stationary operational system. OOI focus: new technologies to answer hypothesis-driven basic oceanographic and geophysical research questions. Experimental data in near real-time to better understand ocean processes. Highly adaptive and flexible to address emerging events. Both systems support critical information needs (OOI-basic research and IOOS-societal applications).

20 IOOS Challenges Technical Program Budget
Not easy to integrate data from many sources Need to provide data in formats and rates that are useful for broad array of applications Program IOOS is not “owned” by 1 agency or entity Difficult to engineer a cohesive and operation system with many stakeholders that contribute to and use the system Budget Fiscal constraints always an issue (no one agency can do it all) Coordinating federal budget requests across agencies is not typical and not easy Moving from earmarks to merit based awards IOOS Observation Registry - many data sources from around the U.S. Example of ocean and coastal observation data. Technical It is not easy to integrate data from disparate sources and provide them in formats and at rates that are useful for a broad array of applications Program IOOS is not “owned” by one agency or entity. It is difficult to engineer a cohesive and fully operational system when there are numerous stakeholders that contribute to and also use this system. Budgetary Fiscal constraints are always an issue in any program; IOOS is no exception Coordinating federal budget requests across agencies is not typical and not easy

21 Summary IOOS is maturing, but more work needed to evolve IOOS into a fully operational system. NOAA IOOS Program Stood Up – focused on execution In Presidents Budget in FY08 DIF effort supports NOAA, regional and other federal integration Standards Technical Processes Lessons learned NOAA engagement with Interagency Partners Through Ocean.US and IWGOO E.g. OOI/IOOS Industry Work Shop; USACE NOAA engaged with Regions Developing processes for long term sustainability relationship Integrating Regional capacity into National IOOS IOOS is starting to mature (e.g., California and growing political, federal agency and regional observatory momentum) but there is much work to do to evolve the National IOOS from pilot and pre-operational projects to a fully operational system standards and protocols community acceptance sustained funding NOAA is focusing on implementation As the U.S. IOOS continues to moves from planning to implementation this is a partnership between the government (Federal and State); Academia; and Industry

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