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Jonathan Kuhn Robin Mange EPFL-SSC Compaq Systems Research Center Flanagan, Leino, Lillibridge, Nelson, Saxe and Stata.

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan Kuhn Robin Mange EPFL-SSC Compaq Systems Research Center Flanagan, Leino, Lillibridge, Nelson, Saxe and Stata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan Kuhn Robin Mange EPFL-SSC Compaq Systems Research Center Flanagan, Leino, Lillibridge, Nelson, Saxe and Stata

2  Software developement and maintenance are expensive tasks  Detecting errors at early stage using static checkers can improve productivity  This paper discusses about one of those, called ESC/Java

3  ESC/Java is a compile time checker featuring VC generation and automatic TP techniques  It provides a simple annotation language to users  It is a « static » and « extended » checker

4 Objectives:  To produce a cost-effective tool that catches as many errors as possible  In between common type checkers and full program verifiers  Providing Modular Checking

5  Modular Checking allows checking of single pieces of code  Annotations are required to provide specifications  Ideal Static Checker attributes:  Soundness  Completeness  Trade-off on both to remain cost-effective

6 1: class Bag { 2: int size ; 3: Int[ ] elements; 4: 5: Bag(int[ ] input) { 6: size = input.length ; 7: elements = new int[size] ; 8: System.arraycopy(input, 0, elements, 0, size) ; 9: } 10: 11: int extractMin() { 12: int min = Integer.MAX VALUE ; 13: int minIndex = 0; 14: for (int i= 1; i <= size ; i++) { 15: if (elements[i ] < min) { 16: min = elements[i] ; 17: minIndex = i ; 18: } 19: } 20: size−−; 21: elements[minIndex]= elements[size] ; 22: return min ; 23: } 24: }

7 1: class Bag { 2: int size ; 3: Int[ ] elements; 4: 5: Bag(int[ ] input) { 6: size = input.length ; 7: elements = new int[size] ; 8: System.arraycopy(input, 0, elements, 0, size) ; 9: } 10: 11: int extractMin() { 12: int min = Integer.MAX VALUE ; 13: int minIndex = 0; 14: for (int i= 1; i <= size ; i++) { 15: if (elements[i ] < min) { 16: min = elements[i] ; 17: minIndex = i ; 18: } 19: } 20: size−−; 21: elements[minIndex]= elements[size] ; 22: return min ; 23: } 24: } 6: Warning: Possible null deference 15: Warning: Possible null deference / Array index possibly too large 21: Warning: Possible null deference / Possible negative Array index

8 1: class Bag { 2: int size ; 3: Int[ ] elements; 4: 5: Bag(int[ ] input) { 6: size = input.length ; 7: elements = new int[size] ; 8: System.arraycopy(input, 0, elements, 0, size) ; 9: } 10: 11: int extractMin() { 12: int min = Integer.MAX VALUE ; 13: int minIndex = 0; 14: for (int i= 1; i <= size ; i++) { 15: if (elements[i ] < min) { 16: min = elements[i] ; 17: minIndex = i ; 18: } 19: } 20: size−−; 21: elements[minIndex]= elements[size] ; 22: return min ; 23: } 24: } //@ invariant 0<=size && size<=elements.length /*@non_null*/ int[] elements; //@requires input!=null 6: Warning: Possible null deference 15: Warning: Possible null deference / Array index possibly too large 21: Warning: Possible null deference / Possible negative Array index

9 Here is a schema of the steps performed by ESC/Java Front End: act like normal compiler Translator: AST => guarded commands (modular checking, loop unrolling) VC Generator: generate verification conditions for each guarder commands. Theorem Prover: TP is invoked for each routine using UBP & SBP

10  Design  Made as Java-like as possible  Captures design decision of the user  Similar as JML annotations  Work similary as Jahob specification (ghost vars, routine specifications, invariant, …)

11  Potential problem: Could be too slow for interactive usage  Annoting appropriately during developpement saves time and catches errors earlier  Optimization made its use satisfactory and sufficient  Require about 50-100 annotations per thousand lines of code

12  Mercator: A part of the code failed on a null pointer array. This was missed during code review and took 6h for ESC/Java to catch it.  JavaFE: 3 weeks spent annoting the code permited to catch dozens of previouly undetected errors.

13  Can be extended static checker made automatic?  How simple can the annotation language be?

14  ESC/Java is easy to use and can detect significant software errors  The concept and the usage is similar to jahob

15 Thomas Wies (Software Engineering) Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

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