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MEDITATION IN ATTEMPTS TO BATTLE ANXIETY. WHAT IS MEDITATION Philosophy -meditation = awareness -has nothing to do with sitting still Two forms, mantra.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDITATION IN ATTEMPTS TO BATTLE ANXIETY. WHAT IS MEDITATION Philosophy -meditation = awareness -has nothing to do with sitting still Two forms, mantra."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS MEDITATION Philosophy -meditation = awareness -has nothing to do with sitting still Two forms, mantra and mindfulness -focus and detachment Has been used for over 5,000 years -Hinduism first religion to use meditation as a large factor, 4,000 years ago

3 PHILOSOPHY “The benefits people feel from these meditations is a reflection of the increased ability to relax into life. This has a positive effect on physical well-being, emotional ease, mental clarity, relationships, and overall fulfillment in life.” -Mary Maddux Differs based on underlying understanding of the purpose, nature of the mind and body, and nature of life itself Individual experience based on personal reason and understanding Trust in life and oneself -trust = deep relaxation and peace Life is a constant flow of energy -stress = resistance of this flow

4 VARIOUS TYPES Two types in Buddhism -Mindfulness of breathing (anapana sati) -Loving Kindness meditation (metta bhaucana Different types for overcoming various problems or psychological state Transcendental meditation -reciting selected mantras based on age and gender

5 VARIOUS TYPES Active/dynamic -use movement -ex: yoga, martial arts, dancing Passive -minimal or no movement; mental imagery In between -involve movement and internal meditation -ex: tai chi, Gi Gong, Taoism Fantasy -relaxed enjoyment, visualization; “out of body” experience

6 VARIOUS TYPES Sounds -various noises are used as tools for meditation, usually outside or in a natural setting -ex: drums, bells, gongs Guided -follow instructions given during meditation -ex: videos, podcasts Entrainment beats -external frequencies are used to force the brainwaves to slow and match it -allows deep meditation

7 FOR ANXIETY The best form for anxiety is mantra meditation -creates an overall calming of the mind Repetition creates a conditioned reflex in the subconscious In a stressful situation, starting to say the mantra will automatically counteract the anxiety reaction

8 MEDITATION’S EFFECT It has been observed that meditation affects the shape of the brain Amygdala responds to stress and negative emotions -grows denser due to stress -studies with an fMRI machine shows decreased activity in stressful situations -reduction in density over time

9 MEDITATION’S AFFECT Prefrontal cortex thins with age Meditation can reverse this- -inverse correlation between cortex thickness and meditation practice

10 PAIN PERCEPTION Dr. Joshua Grant gave patients a pain stimulus- hot needle to the arm Had patients practice meditation prior to the experiment 27% lower pain after reaching mindfulness Concluded hours meditated directly affected pain perception and neural response

11 OTHER BENEFITS Observed reduction in C- reactive protein, associated with heart disease, in 40 older adults who took an 8-week meditation course Increased gray matter in the Posterior Cingulate Cortex, Temporo-Parietal Junction, and Hippocampus -hippocampus is negatively impacted by stress hormones and shrinks -conducted brain research imaging on people before and after the 8-week meditation course

12 OTHER BENEFITS Meditation eases chronic pain, anxiety, stress, improves heart health, boosts mood and immunity, resolves pregnancy problems -PMS symptoms subsided by 58% in meditating women Decreases metabolism, lowers blood pressure, improves heart rate and breathing, and changes brain waves -MRI scan on Buddhist monks show longlasting changes in brain activity in areas for attention, memory, learning, and conscious perception

13 WHERE TO ACCESS IT Meditation can cost as low as $0 -something that can be done individually -there are many websites and free guides online, as well as books and religious tomes Yoga classes cost anywhere from $20-$400, based on membership and repetition Meditation Oasis online classes cost $45-$75, based on inclusion of email consultations -4 weeks long, and a 5 th week bonus Free podcasts on iTunes Meditation Apps cost about $15

14 BIBLIOGRAPHY meditation meditation benefits_n_3178731.html benefits_n_3178731.html meditation.html meditation.html meditation.html meditation.html http://www, meditation.html http://www, meditation.html

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