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© Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 1 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2008 Tutorial Brigitte Jörg, M.A. (Information Science) Language.

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Presentation on theme: "© Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 1 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2008 Tutorial Brigitte Jörg, M.A. (Information Science) Language."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 1 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2008 Tutorial Brigitte Jörg, M.A. (Information Science) Language Technology Lab, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Saarbrücken, Germany

2 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 2 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Outline  Introduction of Speaker  What is CERIF?  Grounding Explanations  Model  Metadata  Data-centric  Research Information  The Conceptual CERIF Model  Entities  Relationships  Structure  The CERIF Semantic Layer in some Detail  The CERIF Evolution, Aim and Ongoing Activities  The CERIF 2008 Release

3 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 3 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Introduction of Speaker Brigitte Jörg M.A. Information Science Information Systems, Business Administration  Project Manager, Researcher DFKI GmbH, Language Technology Lab Saarbrücken  CERIF TG Leader, Board Member euroCRIS  Contact: brigitte.joerg @

4 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 4 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is CERIF ? Common European Research Information Format

5 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 5 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is CERIF ? Common European Research Information Format – A Concept about Research Entities and their Relationships Specification (Conceptual Level) – A Description of Research Entities and their Relationships Model (Logical Level) – A Formalization of Research Entities and their Relationships Database Scripts (Physical Level) SQL Script ----------------------- CREATE Table Person CREATE Table Project CREATE Table OrgUnit

6 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 6 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is CERIF ? Common European Research Information Format (1) data model (data-centric) (2) allows for a (metadata) representation of –research entities –their activities / interconnections (research) –their output (results) (3) offers high flexibility with (semantic) relationships (4) enables quality maintenance, archiving, access and interchange of research information (5) supports knowledge transfer to decision makers, for research evaluation, research managers, strategists, researchers, editors, the general public

7 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 7 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is a model ?  … is a simplified view to describe a particular area of interest  … allows for a better communication between parties (mutual understanding)  … supports (re-)design decisions  … supports workflow identification  … supports documentation  … can be exchanged, re-used, iterated, extended A B informs C D is part of X Z depends on F G waits for

8 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 8 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is Metadata ? „Metadata is structured data which describes the characteristics of a resource.” An Introduction to Metadata, by Chris Taylor, University of Queensland An Introduction to Metadata “Metadata is sometimes defined literally as 'data about data,' but the term is normally understood to mean structured data about resources that can be used to help support a wide range of operations. These might include, for example, resource description and discovery, the management of information resources and their long- term preservation.” Metadata in a Nutshell, by Michael Day, UKOLN Metadata in a Nutshell Support a Wide Range of Operations

9 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 9 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is Metadata ? Book: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Date of Publication: 1979 Game Cover Image: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Source: Retrieved: May 30, 2008 Radio Series: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Description: is a science fiction comedy series created by Douglas Adams. Originally a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978, […] Source: Wikipedia Date of Query: May 30, 2008 Series of five Books: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy. Between: 1979 - 1982 TV Series: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Screened: 1981 Computer Game: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Released: 1984 Comic Book Adaptions: Title: The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy Between: 1993 – 1996 Links: HTML-Title: Cult – The Hitchhiker‘s Guide to the Galaxy' s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy HTML-Title: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Data about Data Structure: Type of Resource Title Description Source Date Author, Creator, … Metadata

10 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 10 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is Data-centric ? CitationTypes Type: Description: Publication URI: Type: Title: PartOf: PublDate: Article Requests 2007 Journal X = 4 Journal Y = 0 Journal Z = 15 Ends in 2010 Journals: Y, Z Organisation URI: Name: Abbreviation: Publications: Academic Staff: Journal Publications 2007 Institute A = 4 Institute B = 10 Institute C = 9 Organisation URI: Name: hasAccess: EndOfAccess ContactPerson: Journal Subscriptions Journal X = 1990 - 2000 Journal Y = 2005 - 2010 Journal Z = 2001 - 2010 PhD Students 2008 Computer Science = 200 Physics = 50 Social Sciences = 9 First Author / No of Papers Person H = 10/35 Person I = 4/12 Person J = 1/10 Citations in 2007 Paper M (publish 2007) = 20 Paper N (publish 2004) = 100 Paper O (publish 2001) = 0 Data Metadata

11 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 11 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is Data-centric ? – Data / Metadata in the center – Data Maintenance, Curation, Preservation and Quality a major Interest – Enabling added-value Services based on qualitative Data – Enabling requested views for various stakeholders based on qualitative Data

12 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 12 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is Research Information ? Data/Metadata or Information about: Scientists Project Managers Ongoing and Completed Projects Research Departments Funding Organisations and Programmes Research Results Publications Equipment … their timely Relationships (Semantics)

13 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 13 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release C ommon E uropean R esearch I nformation F ormat

14 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 14 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release C ommon E uropean R esearch I nformation F ormat A model to manage Research Information Research Entities Project, Person, Organisation, Publication Funding Programme, Service, Equipment, Patent, Product, … Activities / Interconnections in their Context Relationships Semantics / Roles / Types -> for Exchange -> for Interoperability -> for Implementation of CRISs (Current Research Information Systems)

15 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 15 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF Structure  Core Entities  2nd Level Entities  Language-related Entities  Link Entities  Classification Entities (Semantic Layer)

16 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 16 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Core Entities

17 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 17 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Core Entities Publication ID URI Title Subtitle Abstract Bibl. Note PublicationDate TotalPages StartPage EndPage Keywords Person ID URI Sex FirstNames OtherNames FamilyNames NameVariants ResearchInterest Keywords Project ID URI Acronym StartDate EndDate Title Abstract Keywords Organisation ID URI Acronym Name HeadCount CurrencyCode Turnover ResearchActivity Keywords

18 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 18 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release 2nd Level Entities

19 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 19 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release 2nd Level Entities Facility ID URI Name Description Keywords FundingProgramme ID URI Name CurrencyCode Budget StartDate EndDate Description Keywords Event ID URI Name FeeOrFree StartDate EndDate CityTown CountryCode Description Keywords ResultPatent ID URI PatentNumber Title CountryCode RegistrationDate ApprovalDate Description Keywords Service ID URI Name Description Keywords

20 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 20 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Language-related Entities

21 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 21 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Language-related Entities Publication Title [language] Abstract [languange] Keywords [language] Organisation Name [language] ResearchActivity [languange] Keywords [language] Project Title [language] Abstract [languange] Keywords [language] Person ResearchInterest [language] Keywords [language] Facility Name [language] Description [languange] Keywords [language] Service Name [language] Description [languange] Keywords [language] Patent Name [language] Description [languange] Keywords [language] Product Name [language] Description [languange] Keywords [language]

22 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 22 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Link Entities

23 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 23 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Link Entities Person_Publication persID publID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Project_Person projID perslID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Person_Organisation persID orgID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate PersonPublication PersonOrganisation ProjectPerson Semantics

24 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 24 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Link Entities Person_Publication persID publID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Project_Person projID perslID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Organisation_Publication orgID publID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Project_Publication persID publID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Project_Organisation projID orgID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Person_Organisation persID orgID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate Project_Publication projID publID Classification ClassificationScheme StartDate; EndDate

25 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 25 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer) Formal Semantics / Values for Link Entities

26 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 26 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Abstract) Classification ClassID ClassSchemeID Term [language] Description [language] StartDate, EndDate URI ClassificationScheme ClassSchemeID Description [language] URI Classification_Classification ClassID1 (Term1) ClassID2 (Term2) ClassSchemeID1 (Schema1) ClassSchemeID2 (Schema1) ClassId (Role) ClassSchemeID (RoleSchema) StartDate, EndDate ClassScheme_ClassScheme ClassSchemeID1 ClassSchemeID2 ClassID (Role) ClassSchemeID (RoleSchema) StartDate, EndDate

27 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 27 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Example) Classification ClassID AE (Answer Extraction) ClassSchemeID LT (Language Technology) Term [EN] Answer Extraction Description [EN] AE is the method … StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open URI Classification_Classification ClassID1 AE ( Answer Extraction) ClassID2 IE ( Information Extraction) ClassSchemeID1 LT (Language Technology) ClassSchemeID2 LT (Language Technology) ClassId isA ClassSchemeID Taxonomic Relationships StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open ClassScheme_ClassScheme ClassSchemeID1 LT (Language Technology) ClassSchemeID2 ONT (Ontology) ClassID isA ClassSchemeID Taxonomic Relationships StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08,open ClassificationScheme ClassSchemeID LT (Language Technology) Description [EN] The Language Technology Schema is an ontology … URI Subject Headings

28 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 28 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Example) Classification ClassID PM (is manager of) ClassSchemeID PPR (Person-Project-Roles) Term [EN] is manager of Description [EN] A project manager is respon- sible for the successful … StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open URI i.e.:PPR=PM Classification_Classification ClassID1 PM (is manager of) ClassID2 pMM ( project management) ClassSchemeID1 PPR-Roles (Org1-Roles) ClassSchemeID2 pMM-Roles (Org2-Roles) ClassId isSimilar ClassSchemeID SimilarityRelationships StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open ClassScheme_ClassScheme ClassSchemeID1 PPR-Roles (Org1-Roles) ClassSchemeID2 pMM-Roles (Org2-Roles) ClassID isMappedTo ClassSchemeID Project MM Mappings StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08,open ClassificationScheme ClassSchemeID PPR-Roles Description [EN] The PPR-Roles Scheme collects the Person-Project Roles in the LT World System URI Role Schemes

29 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 29 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Example) Classification ClassID cfART (Article) ClassSchemeID cfPT (Publication Types) Term [EN] Description [EN] An article is usually published in … StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open URI =cfART Classification_Classification ClassID1 cfART (Article) ClassID2 btART (Article) ClassSchemeID1 cfPT (Publication Types) ClassSchemeID2 btPT (Publication Types) ClassId isEqualTo ClassSchemeID EquationRelationships StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08, open ClassScheme_ClassScheme ClassSchemeID1 cfPT (Publication Types) ClassSchemeID2 btPT (Publication Types) ClassID isMappingOf ClassSchemeID CERIF-BibTex Mapping StartDate, EndDate 2008-10-08,open ClassificationScheme ClassSchemeID cfPT Description [EN] The CERIF Scheme for the Publication Types has been developped … URI Type Schemes

30 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 30 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Types) Book Review Book Chapter Book Chapter Abstract Inbook Book Chapter Review AnthologyMonograph Reference Book Textbook Encyclopedia Otherbook Journal Article Journal Article Abstract Journal Article Review Conference Proceedings Article Letter to Editor PhD Thesis Doctoral Thesis Poster Presentation Book Manual Conference Proceedings Letter Report Short Communication Commentary Annotation News Clipping Publication Types

31 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 31 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Roles) is author (numbered) of is author of is reviewer of is author (percentage) of is editor (numbered) of is editor of is subject of is translator of is publisher of Person_Publication Scheme

32 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 32 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer: Roles) number of authors number of incoming citations number of requests number of external institutes number of downloads number of access is of publication type ISI Impact Factor claims IPR of Publication_Metrics Roles received Best Paper Award number of self citations area/type of research number of citations

33 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 33 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Classification Entities (Semantic Layer added Value)  Allows to capture any Schema or Structure Flat Lists Taxonomies Ontologies  Open / Extensible in all directions New Schemas New Concepts / Terms New Relationships  Enables to manage Roles / Types Semantics Subject Headings Archiving (Time component)  Allows for simple Mappings between Schemas  Allows for a efficient (independent) Maintenance

34 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 34 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What for ? CitationTypes Type: Description: Publication URI: Type: Title: PartOf: PublDate: Article Requests 2007 Journal X = 4 Journal Y = 0 Journal Z = 15 Ends in 2010 Journals: Y, Z Organisation URI: Name: Abbreviation: Publications: Academic Staff: Journal Publications 2007 Institute A = 4 Institute B = 10 Institute C = 9 Organisation URI: Name: hasAccess: EndOfAccess ContactPerson: Journal Subscriptions Journal X = 1990 - 2000 Journal Y = 2005 - 2010 Journal Z = 2001 - 2010 PhD Students 2008 Computer Science = 200 Physics = 50 Social Sciences = 9 First Author / No of Papers Person H = 10/35 Person I = 4/12 Person J = 1/10 Citations in 2007 Paper M (publish 2007) = 20 Paper N (publish 2004) = 100 Paper O (publish 2001) = 0 Deduction Inferencing Reasoning 2007 -> 2008 Computer Science =-20 Physics = -5 Social Science = +2 Most Requested Journal: Z

35 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 35 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What for ? Aim: investigate the thematic range of SSA projects in FP6 Thematic Areas (Blue Clouds): SEMANTIC HEALTH LEGAL CHANGING ROADMAP SOFTWARE Projects (Red Dots) Linked with Full Record in Repository

36 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 36 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What for ? Aim: investigate the thematic range of SSA projects in FP6 Goals Themes

37 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 37 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What for ? Aim: investigate the collaboration of SSA partners in FP6 Number of joint partners Project

38 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 38 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What for ? What questions do we expect to answer with CERIF?  How many articles has author X published in 2007 as a first author?  How often have articles by author X been cited?  Did author X publish with institutionally external authors?  In how many FP7 projects does organisation Z participate?  How many publications have resulted from project Y?  How many people have been employed in the course of FP6 projects from the 1st call in the NMS?  How many PhD students have participated in FP6 projects?  How many women have been involved in FP6 projects?  How often have articles from journal A been requested in 2007?  How many articles have been published in the field of B?  …

39 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 39 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release The CERIF Evolution EU Working Group on Research Databases Workshop 1987 1991 CERIF 91 PROJECT Similar Ideas UN/UNESCO OECD CODATA Acronym: ERGO Participant: Keith Jeffery, Anne Asser son, many more Organisations: Rutherford Appleton, Uni- versity of Bergen, … Acronym: ERGO Participant: Keith Jeffery, Anne Asser son, many more Organisations: Rutherford Appleton, Uni- versity of Bergen, … 2000 CLASSIFICATION RESULTSEQUIPMENT PROJECT OrgUnitPERSON EXPERTISE Roles CERIF 2000 Model - Networking of DBs - Exchange of Records - Recommendation to Member States - Data Model (RDBMS, OO, IR) - Multilinguality - Controlled Vocabulary - Roles / Types - User-driven - EC Recommendation to Member States 2ndLevel CORE Language Semantics Link CERIF 2006 / 2008 Model - Data Model (RDBMS, OO, IR) - Model Normalization - Robust Structure - Extensible Structure - Consistent Structure - Semantic Layer - XML Exchange Specification - Connectivity to Repositories (Elaboration on Publication) 20062008

40 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 40 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 91 –published in a first release –recommended to Member States to harmonise databases on research projects ease exchange of comparable information guidelines for building research databases –only dealt with research project records –demonstrated in the ERGO pilot project access to more than 80.000 project records from more than 20 national information services –demonstrated the feasability of exchange –identified the need for more detailed guidelines –confirmed the need to revise CERIF and extend it to other types of research information, not only projects –revision activities started in 1997 co-ordinated by the EC –led to CERIF 2000

41 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 41 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2000 –a full CRIS data model with flexibility to accomodate many database structures –a base framework for data exchange –multilingual subject indexing (Ortelius Thesaurus) –recommendations for controlled attribute values –reflection on user groups and requirements –types of research information –metadata environment as a uniform summary view –extensions to Organisations Persons Results: Products, Patent, Publication Expertise Equipment and Facilities

42 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 42 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is going on ? JISC Report from April 2008 “Metadata for digital libraries: state of the art and future directions” by Richard Gartner  Many available Schemas (DC, METS, MODS, …)  Each schema was singularly developed and not designed as an overal architecture to cover integrated object entities  JISC recommends therefore to overcome the problem by best practise guidelines and pragmatic application  Issues of duplicate information (overlap in sections of metadata) need rules and are currently being addressed by the library community in good practise guidelines

43 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 43 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is going on ? JISC Report from April 2008 “Metadata for digital libraries: state of the art and future directions” by Richard Gartner –Descriptive Metadata (intellectual contents) –Administrative Metadata (technical metadata [file formats], rights management, provenance [info on creation, subsequent treatment, responsibility, …]) –Structural Metadata (internal structure of items: e.g.: page order, …) METS DIDL …

44 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 44 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is going on ? JISC Report from April 2008 “Metadata for digital libraries: state of the art and future directions” by Richard Gartner  XML is of great importance to embed and make use of namespaces  Combining Metadata standards, even a limited such as described above, will always be messier than utilising a single standard that combines their taxonomic powers and resolves any potential clashes or duplications between them.  Integration by itself would of course be of little consequence if the standards themselves failed to address the metadata needs of the digital library community. In this respect, the provenance of each standard is of some importance. All have been constructed by authoritative standard setters within their communities.  Most of the mentioned standards have proved their ability to meet the requirements of major and highly complex digital collections.

45 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 45 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What is going on ? Source:; Reported on:

46 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 46 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What CERIF aims for Source:; Reported on:

47 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 47 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release What CERIF aims for Enabling the ERA eInfrastructure Standardization / Integration / Interchange Added-Value Services Middle (Interoperability)-Layer for EU Research Information

48 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 48 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Activities UK: Research Councils specified to use CERIF as the format for IT processes and MM information UK: STFC (Corporate Data Repository) BE: Flanders – CERIF as Standard Interchange Format DK: Danish Universities PURE -> CERIF EUROPE ESF: CERIF for IS under discussion CORDIS, EC R&D Service: Asked for CERIF presentation EuroHORCS: Recommendation for CERIF; ESF joined as a euroCRIS member

49 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 49 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Activities IST World SSA (project) (Teaching Videos) BioDiversa ERANET (project) IWETO (BE): Integrating Flemish Research Information FRIDA (NO): Joint university CRIS Fdok (NO): University of Bergen, results METIS (NL): currently used by Dutch Universities STFC (UK): Corporate Data Repository HUNCRIS (HU): Access to R&D in Hungary SICRIS (SI): Access to University Research in Slovenia SRIS (UK): Scottish Research Information Systems, public research in Scotland AURIS-MM (AT): Provides access to Austrian University Research extended with multimedia ICERIS (IS): Access to Information on Icelandic Research Projects & R&D Results CRIS-MER (EC): Research information on Migration and ethnic Relations (planned)

50 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 50 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF TG Activity  Regular CERIF TG meetings and Discussions  Tests and major bugfixes before Releases  Strong Relation to ongoing implementation activities (Geert van Grootel, EWI, Flanders; atira A/S, Aalborg, Denmark)  Exchange with TG Best Practice (Ales Bosniak, IZUM, Slovenia)  Collaborate with TG Institutional Repositories (IR-CERIF) (Anna Clements, University of St. Andrews, UK)  Next Steps:  Extension of Semantic Layer with Content  Check Tools for Managing the Semantics  Mappings of major Schemas (Standards)  Check OAI Wrapping  CERIF Ontology

51 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 51 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Active People Active participation in current release (2008):  Brigitte Jörg, (German Res Center for AI) TG Leader  Keith G. Jeffery (UK Science and Techn Facilities Council)  Geert van Grootel (Flemish Ministry)  Anne Asserson (University Bergen)  Henrik Rasmussen (atira A/S)  Adrian Price (University Copenhagen)  Thomas Vestam (atira A/S) Active participation in past release (2006):  Ojars Krast (uniCRIS AG)  Edward Grabczewski (UK Science and Tech Facil Council)

52 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 52 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2008 Release  Model Introduction and Specification Document  Full Data Model, SQL Database Scripts  XML Data Exchange Specification Document  XML Example Files  XML Schemas for XML Validation  CERIF Types / Roles / Semantics 

53 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 53 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release XML Interchange Format  According to W3C Standards  Refers to XML Schemas for Validation  XML files corresponding to Entities / Separation of Relationships 1 Anne Asserson http://www.linkedin.com1 female 2 Keith Jeffery G. http://www.linkedin.com2 male --- 1 Grey in the R&D Process 2006 2 What‘s new in Grey Literature … 2005 journal.html?ID2 ---

54 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 54 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release CERIF 2006 Implementation Thesaurus / Semantics @ EWI

55 © Brigitte Jörg October 8th, 2008 Moscow, Russia 55 Tutorial: CERIF 2008 Release Example: Generating Publication Reference Records @article{615182, author = {Veda C. Storey}, title = {Understanding semantic relationships}, journal = {The VLDB Journal}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, year = {1993}, issn = {1066-8888}, pages = {455--488}, doi = {}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.}, address = {Secaucus, NJ, USA}, }

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