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ABET Accreditation: Basic Information
4/20/2017 ABET Accreditation: Basic Information By Salih Duffuaa: Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering February 28th, 2011.
Outline ABET History Process and Criteria Abet criteria
4/20/2017 Outline ABET History Process and Criteria Abet criteria Program educational objectives: guidelines & examples Program learning outcomes: guidelines & examples Performance Indicators Assessment Tools / Methods Difference Between PEO and Outcomes Assessment Available Resources Preparation for Accreditation. Closing Remarks
ABET History 4/20/2017 ABET was established in 1932 as the Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD) by seven engineering societies. ECPD was originally founded to provide a "joint program for upbuilding engineering as a profession". However, it almost immediately began developing as an accreditation agency, evaluating its first engineering program in 1936 and its first engineering technology program in 1946. ECPD changed its name to Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in 1980, and changed it again to ABET, Inc. in 2005.
4/20/2017 ABET Composition ABET is a federation of 30 professional and technical societies (ABET member societies) representing the fields of applied science, computing, engineering, and technology. These societies own and operate the organization. ABET Federations members include IEEE, ASCE, … and many societies.
What is and Why Accreditation
4/20/2017 What is and Why Accreditation There are several type of accreditation. Institution , program. Meets the criteria set by accrediting body. Quality assurance Yard stick for improvement.
Accreditation Assures Quality
4/20/2017 Accreditation Assures Quality Accreditation is a non-governmental, peer- review process that assures the quality of the postsecondary education students receive. Types of accreditation: Institutional accreditation evaluates overall institutional quality. One form of institutional accreditation is regional accreditation of colleges and universities. Specialized accreditation examines specific programs of study, rather than an institution as a whole. Specific programs (e.g. Engineering) are often evaluated through specialized accreditation such as ABET.
Why ABET Accreditation Important?
4/20/2017 Why ABET Accreditation Important? Accreditation gives colleges and universities a structured mechanism to assess, evaluate, and improve the quality of their programs. Accreditation helps students and their parents choose quality college programs. Accreditation enables employers to recruit graduates they know are well-prepared. Accreditation is used by registration, licensure, and certification boards to screen applicants.
ABET Accreditation Process
4/20/2017 ABET Accreditation Process Accreditation of engineering programs is voluntary. Programs without previous accreditation can apply for accreditation as long as they have produced at least one program graduate. The request for accreditation is initiated by the institution seeking accreditation. Accreditation is given to individual programs within an institution rather than to the institution as a whole.
ABET Accreditation Process
4/20/2017 ABET Accreditation Process Accredited programs must request re-evaluation every six years to retain accreditation;. If the accreditation criteria are not satisfied, additional evaluations may be required within the six-year interval. The first step in securing or retaining ABET accreditation is for an institution to request an evaluation of its program(s) by January 31 of the year in which accreditation is being sought.
ABET Commissions Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) .
4/20/2017 ABET Commissions Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) . Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) . Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) . Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC)
The ABET Guiding Principle
4/20/2017 The ABET Guiding Principle “The ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs is based upon what students learn in the course of their program of studies as opposed to what they are presented in a curriculum. Consequently, institutions are required to have educational objectives and to make use of outcomes assessment techniques to determine the degree to which program objectives and outcomes are being attained. The assessment, in turn, is used in an ongoing process of improving student learning through enhancements to the program.”
The Teaching-Improvement Loop
4/20/2017 The Teaching-Improvement Loop 1. Teaching 2. Learning 3. Assessing 4. Improvement “The ultimate goal of outcomes assessment is the improvement of teaching and learning”
4/20/2017 ABET GENERAL CRITERIA Criterion 1. Students Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives Criterion 3. Program Outcomes Criterion 4. Continuous Improvement Criterion 5. Curriculum Criterion 6. Faculty Criterion 7. Facilities Criterion 8. Support Criterion 9. Program Criteria
4/20/2017 Students Criterion 1 – The institution must evaluate, advise, and monitor students. The institution must have and enforce policies for transfer students validation of courses taken for credit elsewhere The institution must have and enforce procedures to assure that all students meet program requirements
Program Educational Objectives - Criterion 2
4/20/2017 statements that describe the expected accomplishments of graduates during the first few years following graduation Unique to the program and institution Consistent in all publications
Criteria 2: Program Educational Objectives
4/20/2017 Criteria 2: Program Educational Objectives Each program must have Detailed published educational objectives Process based on needs of constituencies in which objectives are determined and periodically evaluated A curriculum and processes that prepare students for achievement of the objectives A system of on-going evaluation that demonstrates achievement and uses results to improve the effectiveness of the program
4/20/2017 Examples of PEO Prepare graduates who will have successful careers, and become leaders, in industry and the public sector Prepare graduates who will appropriately apply acquired knowledge, work well in team, effectively communicate ideas and technical information, and continue to gain knowledge Prepare graduates who will continue professional development and will pursue continuing education opportunities relevant to their careers
4/20/2017 Examples of PEO Graduates will be prepared to take the lead in recognizing engineering problems in their organizations and designing solutions. Graduates will be capable of operating effectively in today's dynamic, heterogeneous organizations . Graduates will be prepared to contribute as ethical and responsible members of society.
Program Outcomes & Assessment - Criterion 3
4/20/2017 Program outcomes: Statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation The achievement of outcomes indicates that the student is equipped to achieve the program educational objectives ABET designated (a-k) included in some way
4/20/2017 Program Outcomes Programs must demonstrate their graduates have outcomes “a to k” Programs must have an assessment process with documented results Evidence that the results of the assessment process are applied to the further development and improvement of the program.
Outcomes The graduates of the program should be able to:
4/20/2017 Outcomes The graduates of the program should be able to: apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering; design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data; design and improve integrated systems of people, materials, information, facilities, and technology; function as a member of a multi-disciplinary team; identify, formulate, and solve industrial and Systems engineering problems; understand and respect professional and ethical responsibilities; communicate effectively both orally and in writing; understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal contexts; recognize the need for life-long learning, and an ability to engage in it; have a knowledge of contemporary issues; use up to dated techniques, skills and tools of Industrial and Systems Engineering throughout their professional careers
Continuous Improvement: Criteria 4
4/20/2017 Continuous Improvement: Criteria 4 Each program must show evidence of action to improve the program. The action should based on information such as results of criteria 1 and 2.
4/20/2017 Curriculum : Criteria 5 Faculty must assure that the curriculum devotes adequate attention and time to each component, consistent with objectives of the program and institution One year of math and sciences. One and half year of engineering topics. Preparation for engineering practice Major design experience Subject areas appropriate to engineering
Faculty: Criteria 6 Demonstrate that the faculty:
4/20/2017 Faculty: Criteria 6 Demonstrate that the faculty: Have the competencies to cover all of the curricular areas of the program Is of sufficient number to accommodate student-faculty interaction, advising and counseling, service activities, professional development, and interaction with practitioners and employers, as required by Criterion 5
4/20/2017 Facilities: Criteria 7 Classrooms, laboratories, and associated equipment must be adequate to accomplish program objectives and provide an atmosphere conducive to learning Opportunities to learn the use of modern engineering tools Computing/information infrastructure to support scholarly activities of the students and faculty and the educational objectives of the institution
Institutional Support and Financial Resources - Criterion 8
4/20/2017 Institutional Support and Financial Resources - Criterion 8 Institutional support, financial resources, and constructive leadership must be adequate to assure quality and continuity of the program Attract, retain, and provide for professional development of a well-qualified faculty Resources to acquire, maintain, and operate equipment and facilities Adequate support personnel Support of quality-improvement efforts
Program Criteria –Criterion 9
4/20/2017 Program Criteria –Criterion 9 Each program must satisfy applicable Program Criteria Curricular topics Faculty qualifications Current Program Criteria are on the ABET server ( Must satisfy all Program Criteria implied by title of program
Terminology 4/20/2017 Deficiency: assigned to any criterion that is totally or largely unmet Weakness: criterion is met to some meaningful extent, but compliance is insufficient to fully satisfy requirements Concern: criterion is fully met, but there is potential for non-compliance in the near future Observation: general commentary possibly related to criteria.
Preparation for Accredidation
4/20/2017 Preparation for Accredidation Create the right organization for ABET Develop program Objectives and outcomes. Develop process for outcome assessment. Prepare Self-Study Report (SER). Prepare demonstration material. Internal checks Call for a mock visit. Prepare for ABET team visit. Develop the infrastructure to support the accreditation through out.
Guidelines for developing PEO
4/20/2017 Guidelines for developing PEO All constituents should be involved in identifying PEO Numbers of PEO should be manageable (4-5) PEO should be aligned with mission of university PEO should be measurable PEO should be assessed periodically using constituents PEO should be evaluated periodically to continuously improve the program
Program Educational Objectives: Examples
4/20/2017 Program Educational Objectives: Examples Prepare graduates who will be successful in electrical engineering-related careers and other diverse career paths Prepare graduates to be leaders Prepare graduates to be good citizens of the society Prepare graduates to pursue advanced degree, if so desired Prepare graduates to be life long learners Prepare graduates to be entrepreneurs
4/20/2017 PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES Program Learning Outcomes – The following questions should be answered when developing outcomes: Are outcomes clearly defined? Does each learning outcome have few performance indicators? Did we develop rubrics using performance indicators? Are outcomes aligned with objectives? Are outcomes numbers manageable? Are ABET outcomes a through k included?
4/20/2017 Engineering programs must demonstrate that their students attain the following outcomes: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (g) an ability to communicate effectively (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (l-n) Outcome based on Program Criteria Program outcomes are outcomes (a) through (k) plus any additional outcomes that may be articulated by the program. Program outcomes must foster attainment of program educational objectives.
Important Tasks to be done
4/20/2017 Important Tasks to be done Task 1: Review Program Educational Objectives (PEO) Task 2: Review Program Learning Outcomes Task 3: Align Learning outcomes with PEO Task 4: Present to Constituents Task 5: Get Approval & Publish Task 6: Mapping Course Outcomes to Program Outcomes Task 7: Develop Performance Indicators Task 8: Identify Assessment Tools/Methods Task 9: Develop Assessment Plan Task 10: Data Collection and Evaluation Task 11: Closing the Loop
TASK 3: Align Learning outcomes with Program Objectives.
4/20/2017 TASK 3: Align Learning outcomes with Program Objectives. Program outcomes must foster attainment of program educational objectives Link outcomes with PEO All Learning Outcomes may or may not link to all/any PEO Program Learning Outcomes PEO (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) 1 X 2 3 4 5
TASK 4: Present to Constituents
4/20/2017 TASK 4: Present to Constituents Main Stakeholders/Constituents Faculty through Department Council Employers through Industrial Advisory Committee Students through various Professional Groups or Student Societies etc. Others: Administration Alumni Other Graduate Schools Recruiters Employers
TASK 5: Get Approval & Publish
4/20/2017 TASK 5: Get Approval & Publish Get Approval Final form of the Program Educational Objectives and Learning Outcomes should be approved by the Department Council Keep record in “ABET File” Publish at: Department Website General Catalog Bulletin Boards etc Keep minutes of meeting of constituent’s involvement and Council approval as evidence in record.
Mapping: Core Courses & Program Outcomes
4/20/2017 Mapping: Core Courses & Program Outcomes
Examples of Performance Indicators
4/20/2017 Examples of Performance Indicators Outcome (a): Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics……… Applies mathematics principles to obtain solutions. Uses principles of sciences and engineering in solving engineering problems. Combines scientific and engineering principles to formulate models of processes and systems. Combines mathematics principles to formulate models of processes and systems.
Example of Rubric on Teamwork
4/20/2017 Example of Rubric on Teamwork Performance Criteria Unsatisfactory 1 Developing 2 Satisfactory 3 Exemplary 4 Score Contribute Research & gather information. Does not collect any information that relates to the topic. Collects very little information – some relates to the topic. Collects some basic information – most relates to the topic Collects a great deal of information – all relates to the topic Take Responsibility Fulfill team role’s duties. Does not perform any duties of assigned team role. Perform very little duties. Perform nearly all duties. Perform all duties of assigned team role. Shear equally Always relies on others to do the work. Rarely does the assigned work – often needs reminding. Usually does the assigned work – rarely needs reminding. Always does the assigned work – without having to be reminded. Value Other’s Viewpoints Listen to other teammates. Is always talking – never allows anyone else to speak. Usually doing most of the talking – rarely allows others to speak. Listens, but sometimes talk too much. Listen and speaks a fair amount Average
Questionnaires and written surveys (Alumni and employer surveys)
4/20/2017 Task 8: Identify Assessment Tools (cont.) Examples of Indirect measures Questionnaires and written surveys (Alumni and employer surveys) Senior exit surveys and interviews Student course evaluations Grades ** Focus groups conducted by trained moderator Students internship evaluations (if based on opinion)
TASK 9: Development Assessment Plan
4/20/2017 TASK 9: Development Assessment Plan Selection of Courses Data Collection Cycle Identify Data To be Collected
Mapping: Core Courses & Program Outcomes
4/20/2017 Mapping: Core Courses & Program Outcomes
Selection of Courses for Outcome Assessment
4/20/2017 Selection of Courses for Outcome Assessment
Data to be collected For Program Learning Outcomes
4/20/2017 Data to be collected For Program Learning Outcomes Students Course Evaluation using rubric Student Course Portfolios Grades Performance Appraisal Senior exit surveys and interviews Locally developed exams For Program Educational Objectives Alumni Survey Employers Survey Industrial Advisory Board’s Feedback Placement Data
TASK 10: Collection of Data & Evaluation
4/20/2017 TASK 10: Collection of Data & Evaluation
Activities During ABET Visit
4/20/2017 Activities During ABET Visit
Context for Evaluation
4/20/2017 Context for Evaluation Evaluation centers on the evidence provided that supports achievement of each of the criterion Self-Study Transcripts Display materials Facility tour Interviews Additional materials provided by program
Activities During ABET Visit
4/20/2017 Activities During ABET Visit Examine course materials Examine assessment materials Interview program head, faculty members, staff, and students Tour facilities Visit supporting areas Verify/clarify/remove strengths and shortcomings from initial evaluation Identify additional strengths and shortcomings Work with Team to finalize evaluation and recommend preliminary accreditation action
Strengths and Shortcomings
4/20/2017 Strengths and Shortcomings Strength – stands above the norm Concern – program currently satisfies criterion, policy, or procedure, however potential exists for the situation to change such that the criterion, policy, procedure may not be satisfied Weakness – program lacks strength of compliance with criterion, policy, or procedure Deficiency – program does not satisfy criterion, policy, or procedure
THANK YOU Any Questions
4/20/2017 THANK YOU Any Questions
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