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Plant, Animal, Prokaryotic Cells. Create this chart… Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Animal CellsPlant CellsBacteria Cells Size Shape Color Outer Structure Mobility.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant, Animal, Prokaryotic Cells. Create this chart… Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Animal CellsPlant CellsBacteria Cells Size Shape Color Outer Structure Mobility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant, Animal, Prokaryotic Cells

2 Create this chart… Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Animal CellsPlant CellsBacteria Cells Size Shape Color Outer Structure Mobility Getting Energy Vacuoles Lysosomes Mitochondria Ribosomes

3 Although most cells eukaryotic cells have the same basic stuff, there are some differences between animal cells and plant cells.

4 SHAPE Animal cells are roundish or blob shaped Plant cells are kinda rectangular Plant cells often look like bricks in a brick wall

5 COLOR Animal cells are pink, clear, red, orange, bluish, (anything but green) Plant cells are green or sometimes clear if the cell is part of a root that doesn’t see sunlight)

6 OUTER STRUCTURE Animal cells do not have a cell wall, only a cell membrane, that’s why they’re blob shaped. Plant cells have a cell wall, that’s what makes stems rigid, and makes plant cells form rectangular shapes in a brick wall pattern.

7 GETTING ENERGY Animal cells need to absorb sugar for food, so they do not have chloroplasts. Plant cells make their own food from sunlight, so they have chloroplasts to absorb sunlight.

8 VACUOLES Animal cells have many small vacuoles. Plants need lots of water to conduct photosynthesis, so they need big vacuoles to store lots of water.

9 LYSOSOMES Animal cells have to take in food, so they have more waste products to digest, and thus more lysosomes. Plant cells have very little waste, so they have very few lysosomes.

10 MITOCHONDRIA Both plant cells and animal cells have mitochondria. Animal cells that need to move a lot may have more. Plant cells convert sunlight to sugar, then the mitochondria convert sugar to ATP

11 RIBOSOMES All cells need to make protein. “Protein makes the world go round.” It is not just muscle

12 A third type of cells: Prokaryotes are bacteria Eukaryotes are “normal” cells of plants and animals

13 GENETIC MATERIAL Genetic material in bacteria is not contained inside a nucleus.

14 MOBILITY Some bacterial cells can move. Flagella – long whip-like tail Cilia – short little hairs like a millipede

15 SHAPE Prokaryotes come in 3 basic shapes: Spiral Shapes like Borrelia Rod Shapes like Esherichia Sphere Shapes like Staphlococcus

16 OUTER COVERING Bacterial cells have both a cell wall and a cell membrane. Some bacteria can form endospores. These “capsules” can survive harsh conditions and remain dormant for years.

17 GETTING ENERGY Some bacteria are autotrophs, and make food from sunlight. Some bacteria are autotrophs and make food from sulfur or other chemicals. Some bacteria are hetrotrophs and break down food for energy


19 1- What is this organelle?

20 2- What does this organelle do?

21 3- Are these plant cells or an animal cells?

22 4- Are these plant cells or animal cells?

23 5- Prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

24 6- This is the cell membrane. What is its job?

25 7- These are chloroplasts. Is this a plant cell or an animal cell?

26 8- Is this a plant cell or an animal cell or a bacterial cell?

27 9- What is the name of this organelle?

28 10-This is the cell wall. What is its job?

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