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Red: Copy exactly as you see it Yellow: Write in own words Green: Follow along & discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Red: Copy exactly as you see it Yellow: Write in own words Green: Follow along & discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red: Copy exactly as you see it Yellow: Write in own words Green: Follow along & discuss

2 Mayans: Stone Calendars Glyphs & Codex Astronomy Math Review of Mayan Achievements

3 Aztecs: Chinampas Stone Calendars Glyphs Astronomy Review of Aztec Achievements

4 Used by Incas as calendars Kept track of seasons to know when to plant & harvest crops Inca Temples

5 Sasahuaman – Inca fortress built using stones, but no cement or mortar to hold stones in place Cities built in mountains without cement/mortar Sasahuaman & Architecture

6 Took place before Egyptian “mummies” Pre-Inca peoples mummified everybody (rich, poor, young, old, etc.) Mummification

7 Quipu used as counting tool No written language (all oral traditions) Quipu & Language

8 Review: Compare & contrast MAI civilizations by creating a graphic organizer 1. Try to list shared details in middle of all 3 bubbles 2. List any details shared between 2 civilizations in middle of their 2 “bubbles” 3. Write down unique details inside bubble Don’t worry if you’re confused. There’s an example on the next slide!

9 Example: Mayans: Math system Aztecs: Chinampas Incas: Quipu MAI: Made sacrifices Wrote using glyphs Conquered by Spanish Achievements in math & counting

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