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Chapter 27 (Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas) . . .

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 27 (Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas) . . ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 27 (Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas) . . .
Content Objectives: SWBT describe what made the Incas arguably the greatest engineers in the Americas and even rivaling the brilliant engineers of the Roman Empire. Language Objective: SWBT identify 2 achievements for each civilization of the Americas CS:

2 Monday, April 15, 2013

3 Do Now TFT (2 of 9) “I and my companion suffer from a disease of the heart that can only be cured by gold.”—Hernan Cortes minutes.

4 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 143
Administer vocabulary quiz (Chapter 26) minutes. Good luck! CST Prep minutes. Debate & College Bowl Prep minutes. Complete Preview 27 from ISN Booklet on page 179. Show Incas video from Brain Pop students take home. Friday’s Salon students read and analyze 4-12 articles (depending on YOUR situation). Due Friday, April 22.

5 Homework Read, and study pages 301-307 (Chapter 27).
Complete preparation for College Bowl & Twin Debate Classic. Complete Writing Activity 2. Due 4-17. Complete Brain Pop on the Incas!

6 Tuesday, April 16, 2013

7 Do Now TPS (2 of 9) Paperless classrooms? Say what? An 8th grade history & English teacher, Pamela George from Gale Ranch Middle School in San Ramon has created a ‘paperless classroom. Using a combination of laptops and 12 iPads (total 24), this affords every student in her class to have access.

8 TPS Questions Is this a good thing?
Will students writing, and note taking skills suffer? What is the drawback of having such an exclusive system? What are the ‘positives’ for a ‘paperless’ classroom? Do you think paperless classrooms will usurp the traditional classroom by 2050? How do you see it?

9 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 144
Collect & check homework (including Brain Pop, Incas) minutes. Literature Circles (Group Activity) for Chapter 27 pages Due Monday, April minutes.

10 Homework Complete Writing Activity III-4-17.
College Bowl Elimination match (1 vs. 3) . . . Guest Speaker follow-up (Ms. Joy Moore) 1-page summary. Due 4-17. Complete Reading Notes 27 ISN Booklet pages (including Processing 27). Due 4-22. Analyze This #4-#5. Due 4-24.

11 Wednesday, April 17, 2013

12 Do Now QFT (2 of 9) In my kingdom, no bird flies, no leaf quivers if I do not will it.”—Atahualpa (Inca ruler) How would you characterize a government like this? Good, bad, indifferent, healthy, unhealthy, or normal, etc. Why or why not? Do you think that you could have reached your ‘full’ potential living in a society like this where the ruler (leader) has absolute power? Why or why not? Is there room for dissent and protest within its borders? What do you think?

13 QFT Questions How would you characterize a government like this?
Good, bad, indifferent, healthy, unhealthy, or normal, etc. Why or why not? Do you think that you could have reached your ‘full’ potential living in a society like this where the ruler (leader) has absolute power? Why or why not? Is there room for decent disagree dissent and protest in.

14 Today’s Agenda Class Work… Day 145
Independent Study minutes. Continue Literature Circles from Tuesday minutes.

15 Homework Continue prep for College Bowl challenge between 1 vs. 3.
Work on Earth Day Projects. Journals, Mentoring Updates, & TFT’s, TPS, & QFT’s due

16 Thursday, April 18, 2013

17 Today’s Agenda Class Work . . . Day 147
Administer Vocabulary Quiz (Chapter 27) words. 9 minutes. Good luck! Complete Literature Circles activity minutes. Debate & College Bowl Prep minutes. Preview Brain Pop for the Olympics. Students complete the quiz and students bring in completed quiz on Monday.

18 Homework Complete Earth Day Projects. Due 4-22.
Return Brain Pop Quiz (Olympics) on 4-22.

19 Friday, April 19, 2013

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