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HIV/AIDS…Toward a Better Christian Response WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

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Presentation on theme: "HIV/AIDS…Toward a Better Christian Response WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 HIV/AIDS…Toward a Better Christian Response WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE

3 Which words come to your mind when you hear the word AIDS?

4 As we notice that the word “AIDS” stir various thoughts and emotions in our minds and hearts..yet, some of these thoughts, words or emotions will lead us later to discover the pain which accompanies living with HIV and AIDS

5 “HIV and AIDS…Let’s Start with ourselves!” What about my attitude?


7 Why do you think you missed the letters F while they were before your eyes???

8 The reason we miss them is because we tend to read only the big words. We tend to skip over the small, less important words.

9 It’s exactly the same! For years people in Africa thought that HIV and AIDS was not as big as a problem as it was said to be. But suddenly HIV became a huge problem which we can’t ignore any longer

10 But isn’t this also true of life as a whole?? We very often focus so much on the big things in life such as finishing school, college, getting married and we tend to forget the small things in life! Such as today is a good day, I have family and friends who care for me, I’m healthy, etc…Actually we must learn to see and appreciate the small things in life that make it wonderful...Well, This is one of the things that a person learns immediately when they hear that they are HIV +

11 Let’s you more! Let’s Challenge you more!

12 Let’s say that there is a very effective drug which could dramatically increase the life span of a person living with HIV, has recently been discovered. This drug is not going to cure the person, but instead of living for 8 – 10 years without medication, this person might live for 30 – 40 years before dying from AIDS He / She will therefore remain HIV + and could infect people without the necessary precautions

13 The government has decided to run a pilot research project on this drug,However the project budget can only fund one person’s treatment. This panel (You and all the participants ) has been approached to make recommendations on who would be the most appropriate person to receive this drug!

14 Our 3 potential candidates are Marc - a homosexual man Anne – a health care worker Julia – a domestic worker

15 So who should be awarded the grant? Remember that this treatment could mean longer life!

16 Marc- surgeon – infected by patient – long-term relationship with George, a pharmacist Anne - 25 years old – infected sexually – works in a night club after hours to raise income – has 2 children Julia – tested HIV+ when applied for life insurance for a home loan – infected during doing a tatto – husband died of TB (AIDS-related)

17 NowNow Marc and George – Successful careers and wealthy Anne – no medical aid – cannot get life insurance & her children will be orphaned – still works at the night club as a receptionist Julia – lost her job because HIV+ – husband’s policy paid out 50 000 USD – invited to invest money in daughter’s business

18 We now can realize How quickly we judge How we base our choices on the minimum of information We all tend to put people in boxes!

19 We have to admit that For many of us,HOW a person became HIV + positive is important, Are they “guilty” or “innocent” We need to ask ourselves WHAT difference does it make how people got infected..

20 What Would Jesus Do? We need to remember that there were “spit circles” by the Pharisees and the highly spiritual people while Jesus was on earth but he over-stepped all these boundaries by making friends with those who were “unacceptable”

21 To start thinking of serving our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ who are living with HIV, We need to challenge ourselves never to ask the question “ How were you infected”

22 Now we need to know more than the basics Let’s Start our journey!

23 Statistics

24 World statistics WHO (World Health Organization) UNAIDS (United Nations )

25 A global view of HIV infection End 2003

26 Total: 33.3 million [31.4 million – 35.3 million] Western & Central Europe 820 000 [720 000 – 910 000] Middle East & North Africa 460 000 [400 000 – 530 000] Sub-Saharan Africa 22.5 million [20.9 million – 24.2 million] Eastern Europe & Central Asia 1.4 million [1.3 million – 1.6 million] South & South-East Asia 4.1 million [3.7 million – 4.6 million] Oceania 57 000 [50 000 – 64 000] North America 1.5 million [1.2 million – 2.0 million] Central & South America 1.4 million [1.2 million – 1.6 million] East Asia 770 000 [560 000 – 1.0 million] Adults and children estimated to be living with HIV  2009 Caribbean 240 000 [220 000 – 270 000]

27 Estimated number of adults and children newly infected with HIV  2009 Western & Central Europe 31 000 [23 000 – 40 000] Middle East & North Africa 75 000 [61 000 – 92 000] Sub-Saharan Africa 1.8 million [1.6 million – 2.0 million] Eastern Europe & Central Asia 130 000 [110 000 – 160 000] South & South-East Asia 270 000 [240 000 – 320 000] Oceania4500 [3400 – 6000] North America 70 000 [44 000 – 130 000] Central & South America 92 000 [70 000 – 120 000] East Asia 82 000 [48 000 – 140 000] Caribbean 17 000 [13 000 – 21 000] Total: 2.6 million [2.3 million – 2.8 million]

28 Estimated adult and child deaths from AIDS  2009 Western & Central Europe 8500 [6800 – 19 000] Middle East & North Africa 24 000 [20 000 – 27 000] Sub-Saharan Africa 1.3 million [1.1 million – 1.5 million] Eastern Europe & Central Asia 76 000 [60 000 – 95 000] South & South-East Asia 260 000 [230 000 – 300 000] Oceania 1400 [<1000 – 2400] North America 26 000 [22 000 – 44 000] Central & South America 58 000 [43 000 – 70 000] East Asia 36 000 [25 000 – 50 000] Caribbean 12 000 [8500 – 15 000] Total: 1.8 million [1.6 million – 2.1 million]

29 Always remember that statistics is about PEOPLE..Every figure or graph represents the faces and lives of people..People like you and me with family, children,friends and loved ones..

30 So what is the difference between HIV and AIDS ?


32 After a person has been infected, the virus starts breaking down the immune system and after some time the person’s immune system is so weak that they become susceptible to a variety of opportunistic infections. So a person who is HIV +ve has the virus in their blood and can infect others but doesn’t yet have AIDS. As time passes,their immune system will deteriorates as the HIV multiplies and destroys the immune system CD4 cells and the person develops AIDS

33 IF I was HIV +ve and you were to tell the people at home after this session. “ a person who is HIV+ve gave us a talk today “,what will they think ? What they think I look like?


35 So its imp to remember that A person living with HIV looks like anyone else. It is only in the very final stages of AIDS (which could be after 10 years of infection) the person will start to have these symptoms we have in mind

36 YES or NO?? No one anywhere in the world has ever yet died of AIDS

37 How does HIV attack the immune system?

38 How does it work? Your body is protected by the immune system made up of White Blood Cells (WBC).

39 Your body is protected White Blood Cells fight diseases and viruses for your body.

40 the Struggle Strong diseases make you sick, but the white blood cells usually win in the end.

41 Now….HIV attacks! The problem here is that HIV is a virus attacks the white blood cells themselves.

42 The Struggle – HIV the winner  After a very long struggle lasting years, HIV kills most of your white blood cells, leaving your body unprotected 

43 After some years with No protection Many other diseases attack and kill the body When this starts happening we say that the person who has been HIV +ve now has AIDS

44 Test  Smaller recurrent illnesses. AIDS defining illness Window period Infection progressive deterioration death Asymptomatic 0- 12 weeks 1 – 2 yr 8 -10yr Tests - Progression of Infection Health/immune status

45 Opportunistic Infections

46 0 - 10 - 100 - 1 000 - 10 000 - 100 000- 1 000 000- Viral load - 0 - 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000 CD4 Count 0- 12 Weeks 8-10 Years 2- 3 Years Viral load CD4 Count Anti-bodies

47 How is HIV transmitted ? Certain Body Fluids Certain Conditions

48 High HIV Concentration (Evidence of transmission) Body Fluids Low or No HIV Concentration (No evidence of transmission) Blood Semen Vaginal fluids Breast milk Saliva Tears Sweat Urine

49 Conditions for transmission of HIV Body temperature Moist environment No contact with atmosphere Essential: HIV+ person

50 Ways of transmitting HIV Sexual activity Mother to baby Blood Sexual activity Mother to baby Blood

51 Blood and blood products 2% Transfusion Needle pricks Intravenous drug use Intravenous drug use

52 Mother to baby (1 in 3) Mother to baby (1 in 3) 10% Pregnancy Breast-feeding Birth

53 Sexual activity 87% Hetero- Homo Less than 1%- Bi-

54 How HIV is NOT transmitted ?

55 Social contact




59 Toilet Seats

60 Treatment What do we mean by “treatment”? Antiretroviral therapy (ART) Building the immune system Treat the symptoms of opportunistic infections

61 NOW How should we as Christians respond to HIV and AIDS?

62 Guiding Principles

63 1- Compelled by the love of Christ Our Motivation 2 Corinthians 5:14

64 2- To accept as Christ accepts Our Attitude Towards People Romans 15:7

65 3- To serve God in practical acts of Love and compassion Our Service James 1:27

66 4- With Wisdom from heaven Our Search for answers and solutions James 3:17

67 5- To break the silence by speaking the truth in love Our Responsibility Ephesians 4:15

68 6- To believe is to have hope Our Hope 1 Peter 1:3

69 7-We are the body of Christ Our Identity 1 Corinthians 12:12

70 8- To be Christ’s Ambassadors Our Task 2 Corinthians 5:20



73 "Only by confronting stigma and discrimination, will the fight against HIV/AIDS be won". United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

74 Remember that the way won’t be easy all the time! Emotional needs and pastoral care at the 4 phases which the person pass through Condoms??? ( Lawful/Unlawful Sex Vs. Safe/Unsafe Sex) Between cultural and religious practices Is AIDS God’s punishment for immortality?

75 ? Stigma Discrimination Silence


77 From vision to action

78 What steps would be necessary to move from vision to action ?

79 STEP 1 Situational analysis STEP 1 Situational analysis STEP 2 Identifying issues STEP 2 Identifying issues STEP 3 Making strategic choices STEP 4 Developing objectives and activities STEP 4 Developing objectives and activities STEP 5 Monitoring and evaluation STEP 5 Monitoring and evaluation HIV/AIDS Team

80 The Surprise is….. Today was just an introduction!! YES..We need to know more

81 HIV/AIDS and Our Attitude HIV/AIDS and Our Attitude Breaking the Ice Challenging people’s attitudes

82 More than the Basics Sharing up-to-date Statistics Providing in-depth info on the transmission of HIV, treatment and self- protection

83 Living with HIV and AIDS Discovering the phases and needs of people living with HIV, moving from diagnosis to acceptance Living positively with HIV and AIDS Advanced info on Antiretroviral treatment

84 HIV and AIDS- Christian Response Exploring Christian guiding principles Stigma and discrimination Explaining the counseling and pastoral needs of HIV infected /affected people in each phase of the infection

85 HIV and AIDS – Community Response In order for a church to respond,they need to go around, know what is happening in their communities and those who are already involved in care projects and share their needs

86 HIV and AIDS – Mobilizing a church to be a channel of hope” Motivating a church to respond to HIV and AIDS Mobilization and planning toward becoming “a Channel of Hope”

87 Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter“ Martin Luther King Jr.

88 If you believe and I take heed United against AIDS With love and care we’ll conquer all South Africa will be saved (x3) With love and care we’ll conquer all South Africa will be saved If you believe and I take heed United against AIDS With love and care we’ll conquer all South Africa will be saved (x3) With love and care we’ll conquer all South Africa will be saved Song against AIDS PE Tech Peer educators 2001

89 If you believe and I take heed United against AIDS We’ll fight our fears with truth and love all Africa will be saved (x3) With love and care we’ll conquer all and Africa will be saved If you believe and I take heed United against AIDS We’ll fight our fears with truth and love all Africa will be saved (x3) With love and care we’ll conquer all and Africa will be saved

90 Today believe, today take heed Unite with us we pray With hearts inspired, we’ll heed the call For God will lead the way (x3) With hearts inspired, we’ll heed the call The whole world will be saved Today believe, today take heed Unite with us we pray With hearts inspired, we’ll heed the call For God will lead the way (x3) With hearts inspired, we’ll heed the call The whole world will be saved

91 “We are the body of Christ…” The body of Christ has AIDS! “If one member suffers, we all suffer”

92 We pray that God will help us to… Accept as Christ accepted Live as the body of Christ Be compelled by the love of Christ Speak the truth in love Find wisdom from heaven Be ambassadors of Christ And start practically to help people

93 May We Be Channels of God’s HOPE! THANK U!

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