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Managing Urban Transport LO: Explain the management of transport in urban areas, including the public versus private debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Urban Transport LO: Explain the management of transport in urban areas, including the public versus private debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Urban Transport LO: Explain the management of transport in urban areas, including the public versus private debate

2 Starter: Cross-London Race Watch this video about a race across London to get you thinking about the issue of traffic congestion. KY

3 The public versus private debate i.e. managing the use of private transport e.g. the car versus managing public transportation Think about: Is it better to manage public or private transport or do we need both? Why do you think different approaches might be needed?

4 Question: 1.Describe the pattern shown on this graph (3)



7 The consequences of poor traffic management USA

8 Traffic Facts and Figures from the USA What it Costs America's families spend more than 19 cents out of every dollar earned on transportation, an expense second only to housing, and greater than food and health care combined. The individual cost of congestion exceeded $900 per driver in 1997, resulting in more than $72 billion in lost wages and wasted fuel. Lost Time Congestion results in 5.7 billion person-hours of delay annually in the United States. Drivers in one-third of U.S. cities spend more than 40 hours a year (an entire work week) in traffic that is not moving. Safety and Health Concerns In 2003 there were more than 6.3 million motor vehicle crashes reported to police. Of those, 38,252 crashes resulted in fatalities. In 2001, crashes were the leading cause of death for people ages 4-33 in the United States. Public Transportation For every passenger-mile traveled, public transportation is twice as fuel-efficient as private automobiles, sport utility vehicles and light trucks. (Source: Centre for Transportation Excellence) If one in 10 Americans regularly used mass transit, U.S. reliance on foreign oil could decline by more than 40 percent, or nearly the amount of oil imported from Saudi Arabia each year. The Environment A regular rush-hour driver wastes an average of 99 gallons of gasoline a year due to traffic. On-road vehicles are responsible for 44 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions in the United States, one-third of all nitrogen oxide emissions and one-quarter of all volatile organic compound emissions.

9 Solutions to traffic problems

10 Fill in the table using the video clips and textbook info Strategy Public/ private? Case Study name Description and explanation Congestion Charge Bike share scheme Park and Ride

11 Bike share schemes e.g. Barclay’s Bikes, London Velib, Paris, B-Cycle, Houston Barclay’s Bikes, London: B-Cycle, Houston:

12 Alternative Transport Initiatives: Velib, Paris How the bicycle scheme in Paris works Vélib’ is a large-scale public bicycle sharing system in Paris, France. Launched on 15 July 2007, the system has expanded to include around 16,000 bicycles and 1,200 bicycle stations, located across Paris. Since December 2011, Vélib’ has been complemented by Autolib, an electric car sharing scheme operating on similar principles. Each Vélib’ station is equipped with an automatic rental terminal and has stands for dozens of bicycles. Maps showing the locations of the city's Vélib stations are available at all kiosks. Positive impacts and evidence of sustainable development Vélib is effectively a new form of public transportation that has generated more than 25 million new bicycle trips in its first year, 10% of which substitute former car trips. This is environmentally sustainable as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions released from car exhausts and so reduces the amount of heat being trapped in the earth’s atmosphere. Paris has seen tremendous traffic calming. Traffic calming helps society as reduces stress caused by waiting in long lines of traffic, this could potentially alleviate negatives incidents e.g. road rage. Less congestion also benefits the economy as workers will spend less time in traffic and so will be able to spend more time in the workplace. Despite some theft and damage to the bikes the scheme is still cheap to run and brings in a decent return for investors, therefore it is economically sustainable.

13 London’s Congestion Charging Scheme – A Case Study of Urban Congestion Management

14 Watch these videos to add to your case study notes… BBC News - Congestion charge zone expands rN0 London: Ten years on: Has London's congestion charge worked? 2MQQ 2MQQ

15 London’s Congestion Charging Scheme – A Case Study of Urban Congestion Management The London congestion charge is a fee charged on most motor vehicles operating within the Congestion Charge Zone (CCZ) in central London between 07:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday. It is not charged at weekends, public holidays or between Christmas Day and New Year's Day. The charge, which was introduced on 17 February 2003 and is one of the largest congestion charge zones in the. The charge aims to reduce congestion, and to raise investment funds for London's transport system. The geographical scale of the scheme The current congestion charge zone covers the area within the London Inner Ring Road (which includes both the City of London, which is the main financial district, and also the West End, which is London's primary commercial and entertainment centre. Benefits of the scheme: It reduces congestion and therefore reduces time wasted. Reduces pollution. Fewer cars will lead to less pollution. Make city centres are more attractive for pedestrians and cyclists, which will help increase quality of life. Makes drivers pay social cost of driving. Driving in city centres leads to consequences for the rest of society. The main costs include congestion, pollution and accidents. Congestion is estimated to cost the UK economy over £20bn a year in terms of extra costs for business (time wasted). Reduces Journey Time. This is good for business, but also helpful for emergency services in getting to serious injuries quicker. There has been a six per cent increase in bus passengers during charging hours By law, all net revenue raised by the charge (£148m in financial year 2009/10) has to be invested in improving transport in London.

16 Changes to the scheme Spring 2010: Western extension scrapped

17 The congestion charge zone

18 London’s Congestion Charging Scheme – A Case Study of Urban Congestion Management Produce a detailed case study of the Congestion Charges scheme in London, UK. By producing your case study you should develop your understanding of the following: 1.How the scheme actually works – how is money collected?, how are cars monitored? 2. The geographical scale of the scheme. 3. The successes of the scheme. 4. Who is for and against the scheme and why? 5. Any negative impacts about the scheme. 6. The future of the scheme. settlement/traffic_management.htm Page 27 green book Page 47 red book

19 Example 3 mark question

20 Answer:

21 Park and Ride – Cambridge, UK Use page 29 in green textbook to add to your notes on the Cambridge park and ride scheme

22 For a named example of a Park and Ride system describe its aim and how it works. (5 marks)

23 Sustainable Transport Houston In cities such as Houston, Texas creating a sustainable public transport network is a problem as the city has sprawled rapidly outwards, occupying a total land area of 650 square miles. Many sustainable transport solutions therefore rely on the continued use of private vehicles. The city’s freeways also offer HOV (High occupancy vehicle lanes) to try to encourage car pooling to decrease Co2 levels through fewer vehicles on the road.

24 Houston B-cycle is a bicycle sharing system owned and operated by Houston Bike Share a non-profit organisation. The program launched May 2012 with just 18 bikes at 3 stations. May 2013, Houston B-cycle expanded from 3 to 25 stations and 215 bikes. The program aims to expand to 1,000 bikes at 100 stations by the end of 2017 to include the Texas Medical Center and local universities, as well as additional neighborhoods such as Houston Heights, Midtown and Montrose.

25 Need a car for a few hours near Houston, TX? Zipcar is an alternative to car rental and car ownership. It's a car, but only when you need one. Check out the map below. Enter an address, zip code, or neighborhood to find Houston, TX Zipcars. arch?q=what%20is%20zipcar&q s=n&form=QBVR&pq=what%20i s%20zipcar&sc=6-14&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=AE5D3 460CAE6905A53B3AE5D3460CA E6905A53B3 h?q=what%20is%20zipcar&qs=n&fo rm=QBVR&pq=what%20is%20zipcar &sc=6-14&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&mid=BD79666A 8EE62CD32717BD79666A8EE62CD3 2717

26 Review Watch this video clip about how New York is learning to combat traffic congestion from London, Paris and Copenhagen. settlement/traffic_management.htm



29 Exam Question Outline how transport is being managed in urban areas. You should refer to a number of different sustainable schemes in your answer. (6)

30 There are a number of different ways to combat urban transport problems e.g. poor air quality and emission levels, congestion and accidents. The congestion charging zone in London is a scheme that aims to address these problems. It charges private cars a fee of 10 pounds to visit the city during peak times (7am-6pm Mon-Fri). This has reduced traffic in central London by 21% and the funds raised from congestion charging are being used to further improve public transport. These schemes can be seen as sustainable as they are limiting the impact that transport emissions could have on climate change that may impact on current and future generations.

31 Recent articles ing+cities+more+sustainable+and+transport+s olutions ing+cities+more+sustainable+and+transport+s olutions government- network/2014/mar/11/sustainable-transport- councils-local-government government- network/2014/mar/11/sustainable-transport- councils-local-government

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