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DeMille Group Dave DeMille, E. Altuntas, J. Ammon, S.B. Cahn, R. Paolino* Physics Department, Yale University *Physics Department, US Coast Guard Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "DeMille Group Dave DeMille, E. Altuntas, J. Ammon, S.B. Cahn, R. Paolino* Physics Department, Yale University *Physics Department, US Coast Guard Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 DeMille Group Dave DeMille, E. Altuntas, J. Ammon, S.B. Cahn, R. Paolino* Physics Department, Yale University *Physics Department, US Coast Guard Academy Narrow opposite-parity level crossings in a diatomic free radical Funding: NSF Motivation: nuclear spin-dependent parity violation PV measurement strategy: Zeeman-tuned rotational degeneracies Measurements: Stark-induced transitions near a rotational level crossing Outlook

2 V N +A N V e +A e Z0Z0 N e NSD-PV from direct Z 0 exchange: numerically suppressed Electroweak coupling to nuclear spin: “NSD-PV” V N +A N V e +A e Z0Z0 N e Mechanisms for atomic/molecular parity violation e PV weak interactions inside nucleus induce nuclear “anapole moment” that couples to electron magnetically  N Z 0, W ± ee I nuclear spin I + Weak-interaction Hamiltonian H W mixes hyperfine states with opposite parity +

3 Enhanced parity mixing via systematic level degeneracies in diatomic free radicals + nuclear spin (I=1/2) 0+0+ 1-1- 0-0- 1+1+ 2-2- 1-1- B Typically several crossings for B = 0.3 - 1 T Effective energy separation  ~ 1 kHz ~ 10 -11 eV near crossing  10 11 enhancement vs. atoms! 1/2 + 3/2 - 1/2 - Rotation J P + e - spin 1/2 Example: 2  with single nuclear spin I=1/2 (e.g. 138 BaF)

4 Z O M B I E S eeman-tuned ptically prepared and detected olecular eams for the nvestigation of lectroweak effects using tark interference The ZOMBIES NSD-PV experiment at Yale

5 Molecule PV experimental schematic E0E0 B |->|-> |+>|+> (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2)(3)(4) Superconducting solenoid Laser E0E0

6 Stark interference method: apply oscillating  -field to mix nearly-degenerate levels E+E+ E-E-  Center of Magnet: Homogeneity B/B < 10 -7 Zeeman-shifted Energy E Position z  Time t = z/v

7 Strategy to detect PV in near-degenerate levels |+>|+> |->|-> Small Weak Term Odd in  0 Large Stark Term Even in  0 D.D., S.B. Cahn, D. Murphree, D.A. Rahmlow, and M.G. Kozlov Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 023003 (2008)

8 Signal, Asymmetry, Sensitivity

9 Experimental study of Stark-induced transitions at level crossings in 138 BaF |m s, m I, m N >

10 Apply unipolar E-field pulse Opposite-parity level crossing spectroscopy  -field from step potential on cylindrical boundary E+E+ E-E- +V+V -V-V

11 Simple Stark-induced transition at a level crossing |+>|+> |->|->

12 Typical level-crossing data: lineshape & position B-field at crossing from position of peak Interaction time  from width of peak Matches calculated FWHM  ~ 6 kHz  (kHz)

13 Rabi flopping: period vs.  0 determines d Dipole matrix element d = 3574(7) Hz/(V/cm) [suppressed by spin flip ] Peak normalized signal Peak applied electric field  0 [V/cm]

14 Apply single E-field pulse Complex lineshapes from off-resonant Stark shifts Center of Magnet Spatially-varying detuning due to off- resonant Stark shifts E+E+ E-E-

15 Data: lineshapes from off-resonant Stark shifts Fit at several different  0 values determines crossing position vs. B, and Stark shift strength Data and fit including spatially-varying Stark shift

16 Calculated level crossings in 138 BaF |m s, m I, m N > 16

17 Extracted data from 138 BaF crossings: crossing positions & dipole matrix elements Type Initial Calc.X Obs. X Calc. d Obs. d Unc.obs. (Gauss) (Gauss) (Hz/V/cm) (Hz/V/cm) (Hz/V/cm) Generally excellent agreement with all predictions from standard spin/rotation/hyperfine + Zeeman Hamiltonian treatment; some details still to be completed in fit PRELIMINARY

18 Initial, very preliminary NSD-PV data in 138 BaF Shaped  -field a Take NSD-PV data HERE

19 Conclusions & Outlook: Parity Violation with Diatomic Free Radicals Opposite-parity level-crossing spectroscopy: linewidth (as small as 4 kHz), lineshapes, positions, matrix elements, etc. all in agreement with theory Molecular systems very promising for study of NSD-PV: excellent S/N & systematics, leverage from developed techniques Multiple nuclei available for anapole moment determination (we will use 137 Ba in 137 BaF first; 19 F in 138 BaF now for testing) Measurements of fundamental Z 0 couplings possible in long term? Likely extensions with new molecular data, improved molecular beams, laser cooling, etc: an “anapole factory”…? n.b. same level crossings suggested for simulation of conical intersections in trapped ultracold molecules [Hutson, Krems, etc.]

20 Emine AltuntasJeff AmmonJohn BarryColin Bruzewicz Sid Cahn, PhDEustace EdwardsDanny McCarron,PhDEric Norrgard Brendon O’LearyToshihiko ShimasakiMatt SteineckerAdam West, Ph.D Prof. Rich Paolino US Coast Guard Academy DeMille Group

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