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Globalization & Culture. DQs- Chapter 5 1. Does globalization make people more alike or different? Is this a good or bad thing? 2. What impact does the.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization & Culture. DQs- Chapter 5 1. Does globalization make people more alike or different? Is this a good or bad thing? 2. What impact does the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization & Culture

2 DQs- Chapter 5 1. Does globalization make people more alike or different? Is this a good or bad thing? 2. What impact does the MNC media industry have on culture? 3. How does globalization impact languages? 4. What role does culture have in achieving a global consciousness?

3 What about Culture?  Attributes  Causal relationships  Slow to change

4 Globalization & Culture About Culture  Symbolic construction  Articulate information  Means of self-expression Done through:  Language, music, art, etc. ¤

5 Q 1: More or Less Alike? Hyperglobalizers: More, and it’s a bad thing  Homoginization  ‘Culture Industry’  ‘McDonaldization’  ‘Ethos of Infantilization’ ¤

6 More or Less Alike? Optimists: More, and it’s a good thing  Americanization  democracy & capitalism  New forms cultural expression  ‘Glocalization’  ‘Hybridity’ ¤

7 Q 3: Role of MNC Media  Shape identities  Structure desires  Small group dominates  Affects values  Weakens civic bonds  Less journalistic ¤

8 Languages How well do you know ‘English’?English 1. What is the point of this exercise? 2. Will these dialects of English eventually result in different languages?

9 Q 3: Impact on Languages  Disagree about direction  Question dominance of any one  Extinction trend—> chart ¤


11 Q 3: Impact on Languages Year# of Languages 150014,5000 language 2007<7,000 languages 2100Predict 50%-90% will disappear -Bt. 700 - 3,500 left Which languages are disappearing? Dialects Waning populations Indigenous groups

12 Q 3: Impact on Languages  Exploration  Colonization  Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, etc.  Migration  Diaspora communities  Mix languages  Malta ¤

13 Q 3: Impact on Languages  Media  Internet content  Instant communication  Movies, T.V. shows  Poland v. Germany  Use social media to mobilize  Saudis used Twitter to campaign for higher wages ¤

14 Q 3: Impact on Languages  Education  Discipline jargon  Availability of materials  Cost of translated materials  Dominant int’l scientific, academic publications  German- chemistry ¤

15 Q 3: Effect on Languages GN domination  Chinese next? Are all effects negative?  More shared knowledge  Greater interaction  Opportunity for increased standard of living  Visit any GS country  Learn language of tourists, make $ ¤

16 Q 4: Global Consciousness Barriers  Cultural imperialism  Cultural relativism Advantages  Brings together diverse groups  Social media ¤

17 074+++++++++++++.. The English Empire Who, besides Yuanqing, is adopting English in business? What about China?  Nordic, Swiss, now big European MNCs; Japan  Mandarin not likely to displace English  Difficult, not keyboard-friendly, 400m Chinese don’t speak it  Chinese firms w/ internal market – less likely ¤

18 074+++++++++++++.. The English Empire Why do MNCs want a lingua franca?  Recruit globally  Reach global markets  Global production teams  Integrate foreign acquisitions  Promotes ‘free thinking’  Faster meetings  Neutral language for non-English mergers ¤

19 074+++++++++++++.. The English Empire What is the downside of English for foreign MNCs?  Hostility toward ‘Englishnisation’  Disenfranchises slow learners  Fluent English speakers’ expectations  Japanese boss expected employees to learn on own/ foot bill  English-speaking based MNCs may get complacent ¤

20 Recap Big surprise: No one agrees  Hyperglobalizers v. Optimists  Mass media rules  Languages are disappearing  Some gains, some losses  English as the lingua franca for business world ¤

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