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CLEARCorps USA. Hidden Harms in  Homes  Classrooms.

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2 Hidden Harms in  Homes  Classrooms

3  Hand-to-mouth behavior and playing close to the ground.  Heavier exposures to environmental toxins, pound for pound, compared to adults  Many hours spent in home and school with air that is often 2-5 times more contaminated than outdoor air (US EPA)

4 NO! Products Have Unlisted Ingredients and Unknown Dangers - According to US EPA, of the 2,863 most commonly used chemicals only 7% have complete toxicity information available - 1 of every 3 cleaning chemicals used in homes and schools cause environmental or health problems

5  Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaner  Carpet Spotter  All-purpose cleaner  Floor Finish Stripper  Disinfectant  Oven Cleaners  Drain Cleaners

6  Frequently involved in home poisoning ( many look like food )  Some are very dangerous if accidentally swallowed  Irritate skin and eyes  Irritating to the lungs  Make us cough and choke  Reduces indoor air quality  Causes health-effects like asthma, allergy, and respiratory irritation

7  Choose safer cleaning products  Create guidelines for green cleaning in your home  Choose only Green Seal Products

8  No carcinogens  Not corrosive  Non-Toxic to humans and aquatic life  Free of ozone depleters, heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals  Recyclable packaging  Provided in a concentrate  Biodegradable

9 TraditionalGreen Seal 3M All Purpose Cleaner/ DegreaserEcoPure Neutral Multi Use Cleaner/Degreaser Inhalation: Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain. May be absorbed following inhalation and cause target organ effects Inhalation: Hazardous inhalation is not applicable, but may cause slight irritation. Target Organ Effects: Central Nervous System (CNS) Depression Health Effects: No carcinogens, no targeted organ effects Skin Contact: Severe skin irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, dryness, cracking, blistering, and pain Skin Contact: Incidental skin contact is not expected to cause any significant irritation

10  You need to proactively examine the products you use  Many conventional products used in homes and schools are linked to cancer, asthma, respiratory problems, various organ problems, and severe irritation to the skin  The environment is also feeling the effects of these toxins in the water, land, and air  Green cleaning supplies are proven to be safer for everyone especially children


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