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The role of the teachers’ and trainers’ trade unions in implementing the EU tools and principles in VET during the crises ETUI-ETUCE Seminar, Inclusive.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of the teachers’ and trainers’ trade unions in implementing the EU tools and principles in VET during the crises ETUI-ETUCE Seminar, Inclusive."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of the teachers’ and trainers’ trade unions in implementing the EU tools and principles in VET during the crises ETUI-ETUCE Seminar, Inclusive VETraining during the crises, Sesimbra 08-10 March, 2012 Loukas Zahilas, Cedefop, Senior Expert

2 2 Europe in the years of the crises The route to lasting economic recovery and social cohesion passes through knowledge, skills and competences. Only on this basis can we encourage the intensified innovation and entrepreneurship needed in the coming years. Europe and the European countries need world class VET. Loukas Zahilas

3 3 Europe 2020 – VET challenges As rapid change threatens to outpace the skills of an ageing workforce and Europe developed towards a knowledge based society, the European Union (EU) and other European countries and the social partners have worked together to establish a policy framework for modernising education and training that led to the development of the European tools and principles. Loukas Zahilas

4 The common EU tools Loukas Zahilas 4

5 Need for a common language Loukas Zahilas 5

6 6 By implementing the European tools and principles the Member States respond directly to the future LLL challenges. As they promote using learning outcomes systematically, the European and national qualifications frameworks offer a common reference point for European and national cooperation which aims at reforming VET and lifelong learning. Need for responses Loukas Zahilas 6

7 Formal Lifelong Learning Pathway Informal On the job Formal Work experience Loukas Zahilas 7

8 8 The EQF supports lifelong learning and mobility by being common reference framework for qualifications. It has eight levels which enables national qualifications (general and higher education and vocational education and training) to be compared with each other and those of other countries. Setting up the EQF has triggered development of national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) in many European countries that see them as the best way to link national qualifications to the EQF. EQF/NQFs Loukas Zahilas

9 EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Country A Country B Q Q Q NQF/ NQS Q Q Q Q 9 Loukas Zahilas

10 NQFs development: a dynamic process 10

11 EQF and the shift to learning outcomes Loukas Zahilas 11

12 EQF has acted as a catalyst for NQF developments in Europe 31 EU/EEA/candidate countries have developed/are developing and introducing NQFs and 12 EU Member States have already linked their NQFs to the EQF NQFs for lifelong learning, covering all levels and types of qualifications – EQF and Bologna go together at national level Permeability between various educational and training subsystems Promoting validation of non-formal and informal learning Cedefop’s analysis of NQFs developments - main findings (1) Loukas Zahilas 12

13 Shift to learning outcomes - increasingly being accepted and used (standards, curricula) Stakeholders’ involvement and ownership; Most NQFs are seen as communication and transparency tools Dynamic process: The ‘first generation’ of NQFs (UK, Ireland, France) – are being assessed and further developed Cedefop’s analysis of NQFs developments - main findings (2) Loukas Zahilas 13

14 Need to carefully balance the need for system-wide approaches (overall permeability) with the implementation within subsystems (VET, higher education) and their specific needs To further strengthen learning outcomes based approaches – implementation is uneven and sometimes slow How to further develop quality assurance relevant to learning outcomes based frameworks? The visibility of the NQFs to end-users, individuals and employers need to be given priority and is crucial for ownership and trust! Challenges ahead Loukas Zahilas 14

15 EQF must be set up as a trade mark and NQFs dialogue and cooperation platforms To be done urgently: complete referencing process to the EQF introduce reference to EQF levels in individual certificates and diploma Loukas Zahilas 15

16 16 EQAVET EQAVET aims to increase the transparency, market relevance, consistency and transferability of vocational education and training qualifications across Europe. EQAVET is compatible with the main quality models. It includes a quality assurance and improvement cycle based on quality criteria and indicative descriptors. It addresses both VET systems and VET providers. Loukas Zahilas

17 17 The EQF and EQAVET operate at the systemic level. Most countries are committed to linking their national qualifications systems to the EQF by the end of 2012, to make easier recognition of qualifications across Europe. By supporting quality assurance, EQAVET provides a basis for confidence and trust in national VET qualifications and their international comparison EQF and EQAVET Loukas Zahilas

18 18 ECVET promotes geographical and professional mobility. It helps validate, recognize and accumulate work-related skills and knowledge acquired during a stay in another country or in different situations, so that these experiences contribute to vocational qualifications. ECVET Loukas Zahilas

19 Host provider Sending provider Learning agreement 1 The individual acquires KSC The learning outcomes are assessed 3 2 Credit is awarded to the individual for the learning outcomes achieved 4 Learner's credit in an individual transcript of record 5 Credit is validated 6 Learning outcomes are recognised and accumulated as a part of the aimed qualification; corresponding ECVET points are included. 7 Loukas Zahilas 19 ECVET

20 Europass An initiative of the European Union to make knowledge, skills and qualifications more visible and legible Help European citizens move Build bridge between national education and training systems Loukas Zahilas 20

21 Europass: Five documents 21 Two documents in free access: the Europass CV and Language passportEuropass CVLanguage passport -completed online in 26 languages, room for non formal and informal learning, updated online Three documents issued by national authorities: Europass Mobility - a record of any period of time spent in another European country (work placement in a company, an academic term, a voluntary placement in an NGO); detailed description of skills acquired and facilitates their validation Europass certificate supplementEuropass certificate supplement (vocational education and training) - gives a detailed description of vocational qualifications Diploma Supplement Diploma Supplement (higher education) - gives a individualised description of topics studied, marks obtained - issued by the higher education institution awarding the original degree Loukas Zahilas

22 Europass: A success story 22 13.0 million visits in 2011 (as against 10 million in 2010 and a total of 44.8 million visits since its launch 9.9 million documents downloaded in 2011 and a total of 37.2 million downloads since its launch 5.9 million documents generated online in 2011 5.8 million CVs and 79,000 Language Passports and a total of 16.9 million documents generated online since its launch. Loukas Zahilas

23 23 Lifelong guidance and counselling The Council of the European Union has adopted two guidance resolutions one in 2004 and another in 2008. An important goal for lifelong guidance is to promote equality of access to, participation in, and outcomes of lifelong learning, as well as labour market participation. Loukas Zahilas

24 Validation of non-formal and informal learning – making the learning outcomes visible 24 Loukas Zahilas

25 25 Validating non-formal and informal learning In 2004 the European council adopted the European principles on validation. These were complemented by the 2009 by the European guidelines for validating non- formal and informal learning. The European Commission is working on a European Recommendation on validation. Loukas Zahilas

26 Qualifications, credits, work experience Further work experience and learning Validation of learning outcomes Certification for further qualification Formal learning programme Labour market, Further studies Career development Guidance European tools and principles 26 Loukas Zahilas

27 Reforming VET provision Getting the right people to become VET teachers Developing them into effective learning facilitators Teachers and trainers are the pillar of any VET reform. Loukas Zahilas 27

28 Changing roles and competences of VET staff How are VET teachers’ roles expanding linked to reforms (i.e. learning centred approaches, learning outcomes approach) and their changing working environments? What are the skills, knowledge and competences that VET teachers and trainers need? Loukas Zahilas 28

29 Thematic Working Group on Professional Development of VET Trainers The mission and tasks of the group will be: Focus on VET trainers at the workplace in both initial and continuing VET. Through peer learning among policy-makers and experts in the field, the working group will strengthen knowledge sharing and help develop policies as regards vocational trainers’ competences and continuing professional development. Loukas Zahilas 29

30 TWG Trainers – Thematic areas The group will explore the following broad thematic areas: changing roles, competence requirements linked to lifelong learning and employment policy priorities and to work organisation changes in enterprises; status of trainers in VET, their career paths and recognition, for example, through occupational profiles and standards, certification and validation of their on-the-job learning; learning needs and continuing professional development of trainers in VET. Loukas Zahilas 30

31 31 Peer learning activities trainers’ role in enhancing productivity, capacity for innovation and competitiveness of enterprises, trainers as innovation agents; trainers’ capacity to contribute to the development of skills of the low-skilled and updating of ageing workers; effective approaches and support to the continuing professional development of trainers; developing training opportunities for SMEs and trainers’ competences needed for meeting training needs of SMEs. Loukas Zahilas

32 32 Cedefop Loukas Zahilas Cedefop Thanks for your attention

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