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Using the Parent Portal at Following this short presentation, you will know how to Receive a log in and password to Parent Portal.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Parent Portal at Following this short presentation, you will know how to Receive a log in and password to Parent Portal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Parent Portal at

2 Following this short presentation, you will know how to Receive a log in and password to Parent Portal. Gather school information about your child from Parent Portal.

3 What is the Parent Portal? We are pleased to offer you an expanded tool - Parent Portal - to help you keep track of your child’s progress in school. Parents can now use Parent Portal to view: · grades (updated at least twice per month) · report cards and progress reports, · attendance records, · school discipline actions; and · a valuable set of educational resources, including homework help sites and online research and enrichment tools

4 To use the Parent Portal, you need approval from the school office. This protects your child.

5 How do you get approval to log in to the Parent Portal? What Parents Do: Go to Room B107. Tell the secretary you are a parent and want log in information for Parent Portal. Get a pass from the secretary to the library stating that [your name] is the parent of [child’s name] and may receive log in information for the Parent Portal. Go to the library and see Mr. Zuke. What Mr. Zuke Does: Logs in to SMS. Clicks on Reports. Clicks on City Schools—Parent Connect—Parent Letter. Types in Student ID# only. Clicks RUN. Prints the letter. Gives it to the parent. Answers questions about the letter.

6 to that letter!

7 You will need this information to enter the Parent Portal.





12 Movie Time: A Review Click the link for the video on the left hand side.

13 What questions do you have?



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