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Recivilizing Germans: West and East Germany 1960-1989 Week 21, April 21, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Recivilizing Germans: West and East Germany 1960-1989 Week 21, April 21, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recivilizing Germans: West and East Germany 1960-1989 Week 21, April 21, 2015

2 The Frankfurt Auschwitz trial

3 West German court in Poland, Auschwitz Memorial

4 The Spiegel Affair, 1962 onal/germany/50th-anniversary- of-the-spiegel-affair-a- 857030.html The arrest of Rudolf Augstein, the editor in chief

5 Willy Brandt, 1913-1992 SPD politician, chancellor, and architect of the Ostpolitik

6 New universities and reconstruction of the cities Bielefeld University

7 Murder of Benno Ohnesorg, June 2, 1967

8 Arrival of the ‘guest workers’ the millionth guest worker, 1964 (the Portuguese Armando Rodrigues is given a motorbike)

9 Brandt in Warsaw at the Ghetto Uprising Memorial, 1970

10 The Ghetto Uprising Memorial, today

11 Students’ movement and 1968

12 Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) Some of the founding members at their sentencing 1968

13 The modern prison: Stammheim

14 Protests against the nuclear power plants

15 Decline of the GDR

16 Important political events 1971 Honecker becomes general secretary of the ZK 1973 oil crisis 1975 Helsinki accords 1976 pastor Brüsewitz sets himself on fire 11/1976 Wolf Biermann forced to emigrate, protest of the GDR intellectuals, (house) arrest of Robert Havemann and Rudolf Bahro, followed by a emigration wave of intellectuals 1977 “coffee crisis” 3/1978 conversation Honecker with the bishop Albrecht Schönherr

17 Events cont. 9/1978 introduction military education in high schools 1980: begin of “bartering free” and of emigration petitions Billion credits of W Germany to the East

18 Frederick the Great in the GDR

19 Women in the GDR

20 Wage groups according to sex Wage groupPercentage menPercentage women 43,313,4 518,443,3 635,029,4 732,811,9 810,21,9 90,30,1 From Studie Lohnanalyse, 1989

21 Cold war and photography

22 Sports: exercise is good, anabolica is better Katharina Witt and Ilona Slupianek (right)

23 Soccer Jürgen Sparwasser and Lutz Eigendorf (right)

24 Prenzlauer Berg 1983

25 Peace protests 1983 Church of the Redeemer

26 Destroyed environment

27 Nina Hagen: You forgot the color film QQf8

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