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TEAPAC Complete Version 8 The Ultimate Integrator.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAPAC Complete Version 8 The Ultimate Integrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAPAC Complete Version 8 The Ultimate Integrator

2 What is TEAPAC? n A seamlessly-integrated collection of interactive traffic & transportation analysis & design computer applications traffic signal capacity analysis signal timing optimization studies geometric design of intersections site traffic impact analysis traffic count analysis signal and multi-way stop warrants arterial bandwidth progression export & import for third-party software

3 What is an Integrated System of Software? n Each application function in the program recognizes the existence of the other application functions share input for all functions use output of some functions as input to others n Each program recognizes the existence of external software import/export results between TEAPAC and other programs n Open Architecture ASCII data files for custom software

4 History of TEAPAC n 1974 - Created on Minicomputers n 1978 - Ported to Microcomputers n 1983 - Moved to PC-compatibles n 1989 - Strong Concepts Started full-time development & support n 1994, 1997, 2000 - enhanced for each HCM update n 2004 - Seamless Data Exchange n 2006 - Visual TEAPAC n 2007 - SCENARIO plugin added n 2008 - TEAPAC Complete all TEAPAC functions in one program n Used 3+ decades by hundreds of agencies around the world.

5 The Power of TEAPAC's Maturity n Does What Users Need Done n Truly Interactive Engineering n Windows Dialogs w/ Context- sensitive On-screen Help for Learners n Command Mode for Expert Users n Easily Customized Input Screens n Control Scripts for Repeated, Multi-Scenario Actions n ASCII Data Files for Integration to Other Software

6 Primary Functions of TEAPAC n HCM2000 Signal Analysis and Optimization n Arterial Bandwidth Progression n Traffic Impact Analysis n Turn Count Tabulation & Analysis n MUTCD Warrant Analysis n Multi-variable Scenario Mgmt. n Script Automation Adv. Tutorial n Export/Import to & from: PASSER-II TRANSYT-7F NETSIM/CORSIM SYNCHRO/SIMTRAFFIC TS/PP-DRAFT

7 HCM Signal Analysis n HCM2000 Capacity Analysis for existing conditions for results from TRANSYT, PASSER, SYNCHRO, etc. n Optimization of Timings and/or Phasings for Best Operation n Optimization Allows Use for: signal timing/phasing design intersection design studies planning impact studies planning study mitigation measures n Export to HCS, if Desired for example, with optimized results

8 Progression Analysis n Simplified Arterial Bandwidth Progression optimize offsets optimize cycle n Minimal Input Requirements distances speeds through splits n Complete Cycle Optimization full range of cycles tested graph of efficiency vs. cycle n Help with Best Phase Ordering n Time-space Diagram of Optimum Timings

9 Traffic Impact Analysis n Calculation of Site-related Traffic Generation n Distribution & Assignment of Generated Traffic n User Input of All Information use other TEAPAC data directly user is in control of assignments no battles with computer-generated micro assignments FINDPATH option for shortest route n Use Generated Volumes in Signal Analysis for Optimization

10 Turn Count Analysis n Tabulation of Raw Counts n Tabulation of 15-min Counts and Volume Rates n Tabulation of 60-min Volumes n All Tabulations Include Total for Approach, Exit & Intersection n Peak Hour Search and Analysis n Import Raw Counts from Electronic Count Devices (Jamar, Timelapse, Titan, TimeMark, etc.) n Use Peak Volumes in other TEAPAC functions, like Signal Analysis & Impact Analysis.

11 MUTCD Warrant Analyses n Signalized & Multi-way Stop Warrant Analysis 2003 MUTCD 2000 MUTCD 1988 MUTCD n Tabulation of Raw Counts n Import Raw Counts from Electronic Count Devices

12 Scenario Management n Create Scenarios for all TEAPAC Application Functions multi-variable multi-issue n Avoid Problems of Using SaveAs duplicate data in files - NO! multiple, complex file names - NO! n Also works for all 3rd-party software supported by TEAPAC

13 TED Editor n TED - TEAPAC Editor data files control/script files n View and/or Modify TEAPAC Data Files n Create TEAPAC Control Files for Batch Operations especially multi-scenario analyses

14 Advanced Tutorial n Tutorial for Advanced Analysis Techniques for All TEAPAC Application Functions covers advanced aspects of each function found in TEAPAC source for training on all advanced aspects of TEAPAC usage –manual mode –customized dialog sequences (ASK) –control file script automation –multi-file data management

15 Export/Import for NOSTOP n Easy Input to TEAPAC’s built-in progression analysis (NOSTOP) n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis determine optimum phasing determine optimum timings n Timing Table with Graphical Phasing Display n Work with Full Networks, not Limited to Arterials-Only n Export Results to TRANSYT and CORSIM, etc.

16 Export/Import for PASSER-II n Easy Input to PASSER-II simple phasing coding n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis calculate true HCM satflows determine optimum phasing considering all movements & HCM n Interactive Time-Space Plot, Before and After Optimization n Timing Table with Graphical Phasing Display, without NEMA n Work with Full Networks, not Limited to Arterials-Only n Export Results to TRANSYT and CORSIM, etc.

17 Export/Import for TRANSYT-7F n Easy Input to TRANSYT-7F simple phasing coding automatic coding of network & upstream/downstream flows n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis calculate HCM satflows optimize splits for local HCM conditions n Table of Timings with Graphical Phasing Display n Export Results to PASSER, CORSIM & SYNCRHO, etc.

18 Export/Import for NETSIM/CORSIM n Easy Input to NETSIM/CORSIM simple phasing coding automatic coding of dummy-node network n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis optimize timings for local conditions determine optimum phasing n Quick Simulation of Optimized Results from PASSER and TRANSYT, etc.

19 Export/Import for SYNCHRO/SIMTRAFFIC n Easy Input to SYNCHRO simple phasing coding n Import Complete Network from SYNCHRO perform analyses with other software n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis optimize timings for local conditions determine optimum phasing calculate HCM satflows n Share Data with TEAPAC, TRANSYT, PASSER and CORSIM, etc.

20 Export/Import for TS/PP-DRAFT n Easy Input to TS/PP-Draft simple phasing coding n Use TEAPAC’s signal analysis optimize timings for local conditions determine optimum phasing calculate HCM satflows n Share Data with PASSER, TRANSYT and CORSIM, etc.

21 For More Information Contact: n Dennis W. Strong, P.E., P.T.O.E. n President n Strong Concepts n 15 Timber Lane n Northbrook, IL, U.S.A. 60062 n (847) 564-0386 voice n (847) 474-4486 fax n n

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