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Economic Activities Lesson 1- Introduction to Economics Lesson 2- Economics & Culture Component of Culture #3.

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1 Economic Activities Lesson 1- Introduction to Economics Lesson 2- Economics & Culture Component of Culture #3

2 Teacher notes ● Disney adapting to other cultures? FIND THIS TO COMPLETE THE 2 nd LESSON or alyson’s tourism video (now at end of lesson 1) ● Let learning support know before we go over these lessons as they’re quite dense ● ‘Economics is about money, who’s rich and who’s poor, jobs and what people do for a living, the products and services we buy and sell, the food we grow and eat’ ● Print out the basic vocab before class and add examples in the ‘quiz’ ● Aim: For students to understand the basic definition of economics- lesson 1 ● Consider other video vacation travel guides such as Antarctica? ●

3 Agenda- Lesson 1- Intro to Economics ● Brainstorm- Counties and products- 8 min ● Brainpop video- Intro to goods, services, production and consumers- 3 min ● Examples of goods and services- 5 min ● What do you buy and where is it from- 6 min ● Study & Quiz of economics vocabulary- 8 min ● Defining economics- 3 min ● 7 min- Wonder reading if time

4 Brainstorm When you think of the following countries what products do you think of? ● Italy? ● France? ● USA? ● South Korea? ● China? ● Other countries?

5 Intro to goods, services, production and consumers ● mics/goodsandservices/ mics/goodsandservices/ ● 0 min to 2.41 min ● Password Hkabrainpop ● Watch this video and prepared to come up with examples of new vocabulary… ● Eg. Services- Services you use

6 Production of goods (making things that are made, built or grown) Agriculture Weaving Manufacturing

7 Examples of Goods ●What are different goods you, your family and your friends use often?

8 Production of Services Tech Support Doctors Taxis

9 Examples of Services ●What are different services you, your family and your friends use often?

10 Distribution- making a good or service available for purchase by people or businesses Transport of goods Groceries Stores How do people go about receiving goods and services?

11 What do you buy? Where is it from? 1) Take a look at the things you have with you and look for labels- Which country were these items made in? Eg. Computer made in __, shoes made in __ 2) How did you manage to get these goods if they were produced outside of Hong Kong?

12 Economics vocabulary ● Goods- things that are made, built or grown ● Services- work that someone does for someone else Eg. Dentist, baby sitter, bus driver ● Production- when goods or services are made ● Consumer- someone who buys goods or services ● Consumption- the action of using something ● Distribution- the process of making a product or service available for use by people or businesses

13 Quick Quiz! Just for fun! ● I will say the definition of a word, lets see if you can remember the actual vocabulary! ● Potential vocabulary: ● Goods, services, production, consumer, consumption, distribution

14 Definition of Economic activities according to Kids Britannica: Economics: ● Economic activities include choices about the way goods and services are produced (made), distributed (how they get to those that purchase the products), and consumed (used).

15 Another more official Definition- Economic activities Actions that involve the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services within a society.

16 Economic Activities Lesson 2- Economics & Culture Component of Culture #3

17 Teacher notes ●Have doc the feng shui kingdom on shared file ● 6PU ●Lesson resource for Disney: corporation/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=1#more-369

18 Agenda- Lesson 2- Economics & Culture ● Review- 3 min ● Economics & Culture- 2 min ● South Korean culture & economic impacts- 10 min ● Disney needs to alter it’s business based on the culture- 20 min

19 Quick review ● ______- things that are made, built or grown ● ______- work that someone does for someone else Eg. Dentist, baby sitter, bus driver ● ______- when goods or services are made ● ______- someone who buys goods or services ● ______- the action of using something ● ______- the process of making a product or service available for use by people or businesses

20 What does economics have to do with culture? ● Individuals make decisions which affect the goods and services they produce and buy, and how they want to be able to attain products (distribution) ● Individuals are influenced by their culture

21 A brief introduction to South Korea ●What impacts might South Korean culture have on economic activities in South Korea? Consider the information in this video as well as your prior knowledge ● r6PU r6PU ●0-7 min ●24.05-24.30 ●29.20-30.40 Reminder- Economic activities include choices about the way goods and services are produced (made), distributed, (how they get to those that purchase the products) and consumed (used).

22 Focus: Disneyland 1) How does Disney adapt its theme park in Hong Kong to the Chinese culture? 2) Imagine that you are an advisory committee for your community. A major supermarket from a foreign country is preparing to open a new store in your neighbourhood in Hong Kong. What information can you provide about the people in your community to help the supermarket company to help the supermarket become successful? 3) Thinking Question- Disney had problems in Paris Disney because they decided not to offer ‘American’ breakfast when they first opened leaving many French disappointed. How could Disney avoid these types of mistakes in the future?

23 Curiosity? ● There are many issues that have influenced South Korea’s dynamic culture. If curious do some research on this interesting topic!

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