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Presented by the Arkansas Securities Department AN INTRODUCTION To Securities & The Stock Market.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by the Arkansas Securities Department AN INTRODUCTION To Securities & The Stock Market."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presented by the Arkansas Securities Department AN INTRODUCTION To Securities & The Stock Market

3 Registration of Investment Professionals Registration of Securities Investigation of Complaints and Enforcement of Laws Educate and Inform Investing Public

4 bSecurities Firms bBuyers bSellers

5 Investments Return - Risk - Maturity 1. Municipal bonds - interest 2. Government bonds- interest 3. Corporate bonds - interest 4. Common stock - dividends, voting 5. Preferred stock – dividends, no vote 6. Mutual funds - diversity


7 Risk and Return US Government Securities Options Stocks Investment Grade Bonds

8 GENERAL INFORMATION Days of week- business days, closed on holidays Hours – eastern time Different Geographic Markets Emergency Closures

9 The Exchang

10 S & P 500 Dow Jones Industrial

11 What is the difference between an exchange & an index Stock exchange – market place for listed stocks, those approved for trading can be bought (bid) and sold (ask) NASDAQ, NYSE, AMER Index – comprises only a small representation of stocks from different sector or industries DOW Standard & Poors

12 GOAL OF INVESTING BUY ------------ LOW SELL --------------------HIGH ???????????????????????????????

13 Where is the Market GOING??????

14 Influences on the Market War Emotion Politics Economy Natural Disasters

15 What influences the price of a stock Conditions in the Industry ( example-airlines) Changes in Technology (cell phones vs. land lines) Specific Stock Situation (google)

16 Competition from China and India is changing the way businesses operate everywhere.

17 .Picking Stocks 3Television 3Magazines 3Newspapers 3Internet Websites 3Annual Reports 3Prospectus


19 52 Week Yield Price/ Vol Net Hi Lo Company Symbol Dividend % earn 100 Close Chg. 57 37 Murphy Oil MUR.45.8 13 10430 55.74 1.75 January 4, 2006

20 Growth Birth MaturityDecline




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