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EcoBuilding Business Plan Karin Auslender Amine Choukir Aurélien Petit Vincent Wurtz.

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Presentation on theme: "EcoBuilding Business Plan Karin Auslender Amine Choukir Aurélien Petit Vincent Wurtz."— Presentation transcript:

1 EcoBuilding Business Plan Karin Auslender Amine Choukir Aurélien Petit Vincent Wurtz

2 Idea / Concept Ecobuilding Integrated solutions High quality services High architectural identity Introduction

3 A huge market A huge market : 62% of Europeans are homeowners A favourable context : Political context in France New building standards environmentally oriented such as the HQE standard (High Environmental Quality) begin to gain greater importance 78% of French people would be ready to pay more in order to have an ecological house[1] A non-well structured market : The interest for eco-houses and recourse to sustainable development logics is relatively new No clear leadership is established yet. The opportunity [1][1]

4 Customer’s benefit Project’s point of view All in one solutions  one interlocutor Overall view of today’s possibility in eco-houses Near customer’s needs and expectations through partnerships with local architects and suppliers Product’s point of view Healthier and more comfortable lifestyle Benefits from energy savings Self satisfaction: participation to the environment protection

5 Range of product Environmental friend (1200 €/m2): For people having a much tighter budget: Design proposals: performing wall isolation, natural ventilation, etc Respect for HQE® standards Environmental close friend (1300 €/m2): Environmental friend + additional features Design proposals: geothermic, earth cooling/warming tubes, photovoltaic panels Over-cost will be partly overcome by taking advantage from current legislation. Environmental top friend (1450 €/m2): This range of product address to people wanted to go beyond current standards and having quite important budget to realize the eco-house of their dream.

6 Market analysis [1] Source: [2] Crédit Foncier Private individual’s house market Above all regional 3800 constructors [1]  good in term of competition  less attractive in term of development 562.000 new houses in 2006 = 12 billion € [2]  Huge market (everyone is able to have some shares) Steady growth of 5%

7 Main goal Become leader in the ecological housing consulting in France Core Business Construction and supervision of ecological houses Target market Young families with parents below the age of 50 Strategy Strategy

8 Strategy Competitors and market positioning

9 Development Strategy Early stage 1st projects designed internally Partnership with local suppliers and construction company 1st Development Phase Regional scope: –Partnership with local architects 2nd Development Phase National scope: –Creation of franchise networks –Development of new partnerships with architects

10 Company structure Ecobuilding Sales & Client relationship Partners and suppliers Project management and monitoring Relationship with partners and suppliers Marketing Suppliers of power systems Local building companies Local architects Other research consultancies Client

11 Marketing strategy Branding based on: High-quality and knowledge in the ecological field General marketing Additional features Contracts with clients

12 Financial analysis The french context is very positive towards real estate market : –GDP growth of 2% in 2006 –Recent laws in favor of new real estate for owners –Credit taxes for customers If we consider a growth rate of 5% for the real estate market, we can expect a 12% growth rate: –Environment content : our differentiation, fashionable notion –Legal content : credit taxes, government subvention for customers Goal : building 10 houses/month at the end of the 1st year Financials and risks

13 Good scenario Assumptions We make all our objectives, with a growth rate of 12% We also create a franchise at the beginning of the 3rd year

14 Bad scenario Assumptions Our sales don’t take off, and our growth rate is only 5% No creation of franchises

15 Financial analysis: Conclusions In both cases, we are profitable We dont’need VC : we expect to raise personnally the required capital equally : 30 000€ per partners

16 Risk analysis Entry barriers

17 Risk factors Possible exit strategy Sale to a bigger company (ex: leader of the market (Geoxia)) Risk analysis

18 Management team Currently on Board CEO: Aurélien Petit Sales Manager: Amine Choukir Project manager: Vincent Wurtz Marketing manager: Karin Auslender Missing members Architect Jurist Accountant The team

19 Thank you for your attention! Any questions?

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