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Approach to CT Head On Call

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1 Approach to CT Head On Call
Michael Loreto PGY-2, Diagnostic Radiology

2 Outline CT basics Normal anatomy Search algorithms
Introduction to common call scenarios

3 Windowing and Grey Scale
Different tissues attenuate x-rays to varying degrees The degree to which a tissue absorbs radiation within each voxel (linear attenuation coefficient, u) is calculated and assigned a value related to the average attenuation of tissues within it = Hounsfield Unit (HU) Each HU is assigned a grey scale value on the display monitor and presented as a square picture element (pixel) on the image Modern CT scanners are able to differentiate in excess of 2000 HU, however, the human eye can only differentiate about 30 shades of grey Contrast can be enhanced by assigning just a narrow interval of CT numbers to the entire grey scale on the display monitor = window technique Range of CT numbers displayed on the whole grey scale = window width (W) and average value = window level (L)

4 Specific window settings can be chosen to optimize the evaluation of specific structures/tissues  changes in window width alter contrast, and changes in window level select the structures in the image to be displayed on the gray scale (ie. from black to white) Narrowing the window compresses the grey scale to enable better differentiation of tissues within the chosen window (allowing for differentiation of more subtle differences in attenuation); for example, if a window width of 80 is selected and the window level is centred at 30HU, then CT numbers above 70 will appear white and those below -10 will appear black. Conversely, if the window is widened to 1500 HU, then each detectable shade of grey would cover 50HU (1500/30) and soft tissue differentiation would be lost; however, bone/soft tissue interfaces would be apparent Numerous presets exist on the imaging workstation with optimal window settings for evaluating various structures/tissues

5 Tissue Characteristics
Hounsfield Units Metallic foreign body > +1000 Bone +400  +1000 Calcification > +150 Soft tissue +10  +100 *Acute blood clot + 55  +75 **Gray matter ~ +40 White matter ~ +30 Water (eg. serous fluid, CSF) 0  +20 Fat -60 -100 Air -1000

6 Tissue Characteristics
*Acute hematoma is more dense than flowing blood, due to clot retraction and loss of water; with time blood appears isodense (subacute) and then hypodense (chronic) to the brain parenchyma, due to clot resorption. **Grey and white matter differ only slightly in density due to differences in fatty myelin content (higher fatty myelin content in white matter)

7 Image Artefacts Artefact = visual impression in the image of a feature that does not actually exist in the tissue being imaged Important to recognize so as not to be confused with pathology May occur as a result of: scanner malfunction, patient movement or the presence of extrinsic objects eg. a metallic foreign body

8 Types of Artefacts Motion
Occur with voluntary/involuntary patient movement Streaking pattern Partial volume CT number reflects the average attenuation within the voxel and thus, if a highly attenuating structure is present within the voxel, it will raise the average attenuation value Contamination can occur especially with thicker slices and near bony prominences Can be reduced by using thinner slices (eg. posterior fossa)

9 Types of Artefacts 3. Metallic Attenuation coefficient of metal is much greater than any structure w/in the body Radiation is completely attenuated by metal and information about adjacent structures is lost Produces a characteristic star-shaped/scattered streak artefact eg. bullet fragments, aneurysm coils, dental work 4. Beam Hardening Results from an increase in the average energy of the x-ray beam as it passes through a tissue Low energy radiation in x-ray beam is filtered out by high density structures such as bone, leaving higher energy radiation which is less absorbed by soft tissues, thus reducing tissue differentiation Characterized by linear bands of low attenuation connecting two areas of high density (eg. bone, posterior fossa)

10 Motion Artefact

11 Metallic Artefact

12 Normal Anatomy Checklist
Midline structures Falx cerebri, septum pellucidum, third ventricle, pineal gland, fourth ventricle Ventricular system Lateral, third, fourth ventricles Basal cisterns Suprasellar, interpeduncular, ambient, quadrigeminal, pre-pontine, CPA, cisterna magna Sylvian fissure and insular ribbon Basal ganglia and deep white matter Caudate, internal capsule, lentiform nucleus, external capsule, claustrum, extreme capsule Cerebrum  frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes Cerebellum Brainstem  mid-brain, Pons, medulla




16 Calcifications Falx cerebri/dura Choroid plexus Pineal gland
Basal ganglia





21 Vascular Anatomy - Arterial
Anterior circulation  ICA system ICA MCA  M1, M2, M3 segments ACA  A1, A2, A3 segments A. comm. Posterior circulation  Vertebro-basilar system Vertebral  PICA Basilar  AICA, SCA PCA  P1, P2, P3 segments P. comm.


23 Vascular Anatomy - Venous
Cavernous sinus Ophthalmic veins Dural venous sinuses: Superior sagittal Inferior sagittal Straight Torcula/confluence Transverse Sigmoid Internal jugular veins


25 Types of CT Studies On Call
Unenhanced CT CT with contrast CT angiogram CT venogram

26 Unenhanced CT – Common Indications
Hemorrhage Ischemic stroke Decreased LOC Seizure Headache

27 Enhanced CT – Common Indications
Assessment of intracranial mass lesion Primary malignancy vs. mets Abscess/infection eg. meningitis, toxoplasmosis (HIV+)

28 CTA – Common Indications
Spontaneous SAH Cerebral artery aneurysm AVM Ischemic stroke Occlusive thrombus Dissection

29 CTV – Common Indications
Dural venous sinus thrombosis

30 Unenhanced CT – Search Algorithm
Scout  free skull/C-spine radiograph Gestalt Soft tissue window  W: 350, L: 40 Bone window  W: 2000, L: 500 Brain window  W: 80, L: 40 Subdural window  W: 180, L: 80 Stroke window  W: 30, L: 30


32 Unenhanced CT – Soft Tissue Window
Extracranial soft tissues: Laceration, foreign body, swelling/subgaleal hematoma *NB - can help to localize site of trauma to evaluate for underlying coup and contra-coup injuries Orbits: Globe Optic nerve EOMs Superior ophthalmic vein Orbital fat Hematoma


34 Unenhanced CT – Bone Window
Paranasal sinuses Frontal, ethmoid, maxillary, sphenoid opacification Subcutaneous/orbital emphysema/pneumocephalus Mastoid air cells Opacification Hemotympanum Subcutaneous emphysema/pneumocephalus Bones (fractures) Facial  nasal bone, bony orbit, bony sinuses, mandible Skull base  petrous temporal bone fractures (longitudinal vs. transverse) Calvarium  linear vs. depressed Occipital condyles


36 Unenhanced CT – Brain Window
Evaluating for: Asymmetry/displacement Abnormal density Hyperdensity: acute blood  free + within vessels Extra-axial  EDH, SDH, SAH, IVH Intra-axial Dense MCA sign  clot w/in MCA (acute CVA) Triangle/delta sign  clot w/in confluence (dural venous sinus thrombosis) tumour calcification foreign body Hypodensity edema/infarct air (pneumocephalus)

37 Unenhanced CT – Brain Window
Midline structures  assess for midline shift Falx cerebri, septum pellucidum, third ventricle, pineal gland, fourth ventricle CSF spaces: Ventricles  compression, hydrocephalus, blood Sulci  effacement, blood Cisterns  effacement, blood Parenchyma Assess for blood both overlying the cerebral hemispheres (extra-axial) and within the parenchyma (intra-axial)


39 Unenhanced CT – Subdural Window

40 Unenhanced CT – Stroke Window
Gray-white differentiation: Insular ribbon sign Basal ganglia sign


42 Enhanced CT – Search Algorithm
Mass lesion: Abnormal parenchymal enhancement Abscess/infection: Abnormal parenchymal/meningeal enhancement

43 CTA/CTV – Search Algorithm
Search ONE vessel at a time: Right and left vertebral arteries PICA Basilar, AICA, SCA PCA Right and left internal carotid arteries ACA, A. comm. MCA

44 Search Algorithm – CTA/CTV
Dural venous sinuses Post-contrast head  abnormal parenchymal enhancement

45 Search Algorithm – CTA/CTV
Assess for: Arteries patency (stenosis/occlusion), dissection, aneurysm normal variants eg. fetal origin of PCA, hypoplastic/absent arteries Dural venous sinuses patency

46 Skull Fractures Calvarial Linear Depressed Basal skull  petrous temporal bone fractures (3 types): Longitudinal (70-90%) - # parallel to long axis of petrous apex Transverse - # perpendicular to long axis of petrous apex Mixed/complex NOTE: increased significance if fracture is open or communicates with an adjacent sinus (increased risk of infection)

47 Skull Fractures – Radiological Features
Look closely at the initial SCOUT image Secondary signs/clues: Overlying soft tissue swelling Underlying brain abnormality  blood, pneumocephalus Common “fakeouts”: Suture lines + vascular grooves Vascular grooves often branch and both have common locations (look for asymmetry!!!)






53 Acute Ischemic Stroke Unenhanced CT has low sensitivity – primarily done to rule out hemorrhage/other causes of patient’s symptoms Hyperdense MCA = acute intraluminal thrombus (corresponding loss of contrast opacification on CTA); seen in 25-50% of acute MCA occlusions. Loss of gray-white differentiation: insular ribbon sign basal ganglia sign Sulcal effacement (secondary to cytotoxic edema)





58 Global Cerebral Ischemia/Anoxic Brain Injury
Diffuse brain swelling/edema can result in: global loss of gray-white differentiation global sulcal/cisternal effacement pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage dense cerebellum


60 Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intra-axial Intra-parenchymal hemorrhage Cerebral contusions Diffuse axonal injury Extra-axial Epidural hematoma Subdural hematoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage Intra-ventricular hemorrhage

61 Intra-parenchymal Hemorrhage
10-15% of CVAs Common Pathophysiology: Small intracerebral arteries often damaged by chronic HTN rupture  blood leaks directly into the brain parenchyma Risk factors: HTN, underlying brain pathology (tumour, AVM), bleeding diatheses, anti-coagulation therapy, cocaine abuse Clinical Presentation: Abrupt onset and rapid deterioration Radiologic features: Hyperdense hemorrhage Surrounding edema Mass effect Common locations for hypertensive bleeds  basal ganglia + PF



64 Cerebral Contusions Traumatic injury to cortical surface of brain
Radiological features: Location: Often multiple, bilateral involving superficial cortex Frontal and temporal lobes > parietal, occipital, post. Fossa Coup and contra-coup injuries Unenhanced CT: Focal/multiple areas of high density (hemorrhage) with surrounding low density (edema)


66 Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
Shear injury – secondary to severe rotational acceleration and deceleration forces on the brain Unenhanced CT: Often normal (50-80%) Small hypodense foci due to traumatic edema Hyperdense petechial hemorrhages at the corticomedullary junction (20-50%) 10-20% evolve to focal mass lesion (hemorrhage/edema) New lesions may become apparent on delayed scans Note: T2 GRE MR sequences are the most sensitive and demonstrate hypointense foci at characteristic locations; microbleeds may only be visible on GRE.


68 Epidural Hematoma (EDH)
Arise within the epidural space = potential space between dura and inner table of skull Commonly associated with overlying skull fracture with resultant laceration of the middle meningeal artery/vein Early recognition/intervention imperative  delay may result in expansion and cerebral herniation

69 EDH – Radiological Features
Location: 66% temporoparietal (MMA injury) 29% frontal pole, parieto-occipital region Vertex epidural hematoma  disruption of sagittal sinus Unenhanced CT: Biconvex (lentiform) hyperdense collection with a sharply demarcated border Hematoma does NOT cross suture lines, but may cross the midline Associated calvarial fracture and mass effect


71 Subdural Hematoma (SDH)
Arises between the inner layer of the dura mater and the arachnoid mater Bleeding results from torn bridging veins that cross the potential space between the cerebral cortex and dural venous sinuses Rebleeding secondary to osmotic expansion or repeat trauma can lead to an “acute on chronic hemorrhage” Common demographic  elderly, alcholics; contributing factors include: large subdural spaces due to age related involution and/or atrophy, coagulopathy, repeated falls

72 SDH – Radiological Features
Location: blood seen layering over the cerebral convexity; often extends into the interhemispheric fissure, along the tentorium crosses suture lines, but does NOT cross the midline bilateral in 15-25%

73 SDH – CT Features Acute SDH Subacute SDH (1-2 weeks)
high density fluid collection layering along the cerebral convexity crescentic (concave inner margin/convex outer margin) associated mass effect (sulcal effacement, ventricular compression, midline shift) Subacute SDH (1-2 weeks) “isodense” to grey matter Chronic SDH (> 2 weeks) “hypodense” to gray matter “acute-on-chronic”  hyperdense acute hemorrhage intermixed or layering dependently within the chronic collection.



76 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Etiology: Spontaneous  ruptured aneurysm (72%), AVM (10%), hypertensive hemorrhage Traumatic Bleeding within the subarachnoid space may lead to obstruction of ventricular outflow of CSF

77 SAH – Radiological Features
Aneurysms (85% anterior circulation); common locations: ICA terminus, P.comm. junction, MCA bi/tri-furcation, A.comm, basilar tip Unenhanced CT: Highly sensitive for acute SAH (Sn~98% w/in 12 hours, 93% w/in 24 hours) Location of SAH correlates directly with the location of the aneurysm rupture in ~70% eg. A.comm. aneurysm rupture  blood in interhemispheric fissure Most sensitive areas for identification of SAH: interpeduncular cistern posterior aspects of Sylvian fissures occipital horns of lateral ventricles

78 Intra-ventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)
Etiology: Rupture of sub-ependymal veins Reflux from SAH Extension of parenchymal blood Increased risk of hydrocephalus (interferes with CSF absorption at the arachnoid granulations) Layers dependently in the occipital horns


80 AVMs Congenital abnormality consisting of abnormally dilated tortuous arteries and veins, with closely packed abnormal pathological vessels which SHUNT blood b/t the two Most common intracerebral vascular lesion 80% occur < age 40 (20% < age 20) Clinical presentation  headaches, seizure, acute intracranial hemorrhage (50%), progressive neurological deficits; 10% incidental

81 AVMs – Radiologic Features
Location: Supratentorial (90%)  parietal > frontal > temporal > occipital Infratentorial (10%) Unenhanced CT: Irregular lesion with large feeding arteries and draining veins Mixed density  vessels, hemorrhage, calcification 10% not visualized Enhanced CT/CTA: Dense serpiginous enhancement (tortuous dilated vessels)

82 Cerebral Artery Aneurysms
Common locations: Bifurcation points ICA terminus, MCA bi/trifurcation, A.comm, P.comm, basilar tip Threshold for detection  CTA highly sensitive for aneurysms > 2mm Giant cerebral aneurysms > 2.5cm diameter Key descriptors: Location Shape Projection Dimensions  dome to neck ratio (implications for treatment) MIRROR aneurysms in 10% of cases!!! (beware “satisfaction of search”)







89 Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis (DVST)
Rare cause of stroke that should NOT be forgotten as a possible etiology Risk factors: Septic causes  mastoiditis/sinusitis, facial cellulitis, meningitis, encephalitis, abscess/empyema Aseptic causes Hypercoagulable states  pregnancy, OCP Low-flow states  CCF, shock NOTE: In 1/3 of patients no etiology is found.

90 DVST – Radiologic Features
Unenhanced CT Hyperdense material (thrombosed blood) within a dural venous sinus Cord sign = hyperdense dural sinus Triangle/delta sign = hyperdense thrombus at torcula/confluence Cerebral infarction NOT characteristic of an arterial territory Enhanced CT/CTV Filling defect(s) within the dural venous sinuses  eg. empty triangle/delta sign = filling defect w/in the straight/superior sagittal sinus, representing flow around a central non-enhanced clot Gyral enhancement peripheral to an infarct Look for co-existing signs of infection/inflammation (RFs)



93 Raised ICP The skull defines a fixed volume  increasing the volume of its contents or brain swelling from any cause rapidly increases ICP (and decreases CPP!) Causes of raised ICP include: Hemorrhage, abscess, meningoencephalitis, primary/metastatic tumours, hydrocephalus, cerebral edema

94 Raised ICP – Radiological Features
Sulcal and cisternal effacement Herniation of brain parenchyma  types of cerebral herniation: Subfalcine supratentorial brain extends under the falx look for deviation of falx/septum pellucidum from the midline Transtentorial downward or upward displacement of brain through tentorium at level of incisura. descending transtentorial herniation occurs more often than ascending herniations and includes the subcategory of uncal herniation the innermost part of the temporal lobe, the uncus, can herniate through the tentorium, putting pressure on the brainstem, most notably the midbrain look for asymmetry of the suprasellar cistern and ambient cistern effacement Cerebellar tonsillar cerebellar tonsils herniate downward through the foramen magnum


96 Hydrocephalus CSF is produced in the choroid plexus and absorbed into the venous system via the arachnoid granulations Hydrocephalus results from an excess of CSF, due to an imbalance in CSF production and absorption, resulting in increased intra-ventricular pressure Classification: Communicating (non-obstructive)  blockage of CSF flow beyond the outlet of the 4th ventricle Non-communicating (obstructive)  blockage of CSF flow within the ventricular system, with dilatation proximal to the obstruction

97 Communicating Hydrocephalus
Blockage of CSF flow over the cerebral convexities/absorption at the arachnoid granulations secondary to: SAH, meningeal mets, granulomatous meningitis Rapid CSF production eg. choroid plexus papilloma Radiological features: Symmetrical enlargement of the lateral, third and fourth ventricles Normal/effaced cerebral sulci Dilatation of subarachnoid cisterns Periventricular low attenuation  transependymal flow of CSF

98 Non-communicating Hydrocephalus
Location of obstruction/causes: Lateral ventricles  ependymoma, meningioma Foramen of Monro  third ventricular colloid cyst Aqueduct of Sylvius  congenital aqueductal stenosis, IVH Fourth ventricle/foramen of Luschka and Magendie  congenital, tumour, extrinsic compression Radiological features: Ventricular dilatation proximal to the level of obstruction Earliest indication may be dilatation of the temporal horns Progressive enlargement of the ventricular system which is disproportionate to narrowed and effaced cortical sulci Periventricular low attenuation (transependymal CSF flow)


100 Abscesses Etiology: Radiological features:
Extension from adjacent sinonasal infection, mastoiditis, OM Generalized septicemia Penetrating trauma or surgery Radiological features: Location  supratentorial:infratentorial = 2:1; typically at the corticomedullary junction in the frontal and temporal lobes NECT  low density lesion with associated mass effect; +/- gas CECT  “ring-enhancement”, with central necrosis and surrounding edema (lesions <5mm enhance homogeneously) NB – Complication = ventriculitis (extension to ventricular system)



103 MAGIC DR – DDx for Ring-Enhancing Lesions
M – mets A – abscess G – GBM I – infarct C – contusion D – demyelination R – resolving hematoma

104 Meningitis Inflammation of the meninges Anatomic classification:
Pachymeningitis  inflammation of the dura Leptomeningitis  inflammation of the arachnoid membran and subarachnoid space (more common) Meningoencephalitis  involvement of meninges and parenchyma Risk factures  concurrent infections eg. sinusitis, mastoiditis, otitis media

105 Meningitis – Radiologic Features
Unenhanced CT  often NORMAL Enhanced CT: Meningeal enhancement Meningeal thickening (TB, sarcoidosis) Sulcal effacement (edema)

106 Mass Lesions Primary tumours: Secondary tumours (mets):
eg. astrocytoma, GBM, oligodendroglioma, meningioma Secondary tumours (mets): Most commonly supratentorial; located at the gray-white junction Radiological Features: Variable appearances: hypo  iso  hyperdense May be seen due to associated edema, asymmetry/mass effect GIVE CONTRAST






112 Key Points ALWAYS follow your search algorithm
Utilize clinical information to help focus your search, but do NOT let it bias your assessment Beware of satisfaction of search


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