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Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 1 in 8 women (12.5%) of women get breast cancer, so P(breast cancer if female) = 0.125 1 in 800 (0.125%)

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 1 in 8 women (12.5%) of women get breast cancer, so P(breast cancer if female) = 0.125 1 in 800 (0.125%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 1 in 8 women (12.5%) of women get breast cancer, so P(breast cancer if female) = 0.125 1 in 800 (0.125%) of men get breast cancer, so P(breast cancer if male) = 0.00125

2 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Two-Way Table Gender/C ancer Breast CancerNo Breast Cancer Total Female0.125*1000 = 1258751000 Male0.00125*1000 = 1.25998.751000 Total126.251873.752000 What’s the overall (unconditional) probability of breast cancer? Create a two-way table, with 1000 each of males and females.

3 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Conditional Probability Gender/ Cancer Breast CancerNo Breast Cancer Total Female1258751000 Male1.25998.751000 Total126.251873.752000 What’s P(breast cancer if female)? What’s P(female if breast cancer)? P(A if B) is NOT the same as P(B if A)!!!

4 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Odds Ratio The odds ratio (OR) is the ratio of the odds of an event in one group to the odds of an event in another group Odds ratio for breast cancer comparing females to males:

5 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Odds Ratio

6 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Unit A Essential Synthesis

7 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Population Sample Sampling Statistical Inference The Big Picture Descriptive statistics

8 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Was the sample randomly selected? Possible to generalize to the population Yes Should not generalize to the population No Was the explanatory variable randomly assigned? Possible to make conclusions about causality Yes Can not make conclusions about causality No Chapter 1: Data Collection

9 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Chapter 2: Descriptive Statistics Type of summary statistics and visualization methods depend on the type of variable(s) being analyzed (categorical or quantitative)

10 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Variable(s)VisualizationSummary Statistics Categoricalbar chart, pie chart frequency table, relative frequency table, proportion, odds Quantitativedotplot, histogram, boxplot mean, median, max, min, standard deviation, z-score, range, IQR, five number summary Categorical vs Categorical side-by-side bar chart, segmented bar chart two-way table, difference in proportions, odds ratio Quantitative vs Categorical Overlaid histograms, parallel dotplots, side-by-side boxplots statistics by group, difference in means Quantitative vs Quantitative scatterplotcorrelation

11 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Descriptive Statistics Think of a topic or question you would like to use data to help you answer.  What would the cases be?  What would the variables be? (Limit to one or two variables)

12 Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data Lock 5 Descriptive Statistics How would you visualize and summarize the variable or relationship between variables? a)bar chart/pie chart, proportions, frequency table/relative frequency table, odds b)dotplot/histogram/boxplot, mean/median, sd/range/IQR, five number summary c)side-by-side or segmented bar charts, difference in proportions, two-way table, odds ratio, conditionals d)side-by-side boxplot, difference in means e)scatterplot, correlation

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