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Emails and Texts with APRS K7DCC July 18, 2015. Send an Email EMAIL Owned and maintained by Keith Sproul WU2Z Message must start with the recipient’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Emails and Texts with APRS K7DCC July 18, 2015. Send an Email EMAIL Owned and maintained by Keith Sproul WU2Z Message must start with the recipient’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emails and Texts with APRS K7DCC July 18, 2015

2 Send an Email EMAIL Owned and maintained by Keith Sproul WU2Z Message must start with the recipient’s email address and can go up to 67 characters EMAIL-2 Maintained by AE5PL Anecdotal evidence indicates this service is more reliable than EMAIL WLNK-1 SP Your message /EX WLNK-1 SMS Addressed in the YouTube video “Send Winlink messages through APRS”

3 Here’s what these methods look like on the recipient’s side:





8 Receive an Email Establish an account with APRSmail and they will forward messages to you in APRS sent to

9 Send a Text Message through APRS Send an APRS message to: SMSGTE The message should look like this: @5551234567

10 Receive a Text Message through APRS Send text message to the SMSGTE phone number* Message should start @CALLSIGN and continue with the short message. Example: @K7DCC You forgot your cell phone * The owner of SMSGTE has not published the gateway’s phone number on the Internet and has asked instead that APRS users text themselves to reveal the phone number.

11 Request Delivery Confirmation To get an automated acknowledgement, simply add a question mark to the destination address. From APRS: @6151234567? From SMS: @K7DCC?

12 Send a Map to a Cellphone User Send an APRS message to: SMSGTE The message should look like this: #mapme 5551234567 Recipient’s phone number

13 Use Aliases to Protect SMS Numbers First, associate your phone number with your callsign: SMSGTE #mynumber add Text the following to SMSGTE phone number: #alias add Ex: #alias add wife 6151234567 Now, @wife can be used instead of @6151234567

14 For more information on texting, visit

15 Winlink is a trademark of the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc. APRS is a trademark of APRS Software and Bob Bruninga, WB4APR

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