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Professional Appearance  It is important to learn the rules or standards of dress and personal appearance that have been established by your place of.

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2 Professional Appearance  It is important to learn the rules or standards of dress and personal appearance that have been established by your place of employment  Abide by the rules  Make every effort to maintain a neat, clean and professional appearance

3 Uniform  Many health occupations require uniforms  Should be neat, well-fitting, clean and free from wrinkles  Color depends upon the agency  If white is required wear white or neutral undergarments  Extreme styles should be avoided  Style should allow freedom of movement

4 Clothing  If regular clothing is worn in place of a uniform, the clothing must be clean, neat and in good repair  Style should allow freedom of movement and be appropriate  Washable fabrics are best because frequent washing is necessary

5 Name Badge  Many facilities require employees to wear name badges or photo ID  The badge usually states the name, title and department of the health care worker  In long-term care, workers are required by law to wear identification badges

6 Shoes  White shoes may be required  Should fit well and provide good support to prevent fatigue  Low heels are best because they help prevent fatigue and accidents  Avoid wearing tennis shoes or sandals, unless they are standard dress for a particular occupation

7 More About Shoes  Shoes should be cleaned daily  Shoelaces should be cleaned or replaced frequently  White or beige stockings or pantyhose with dress uniforms  Colored or patterned stockings should be avoided  White socks should be worn with white pants

8 Personal Hygiene  Good personal hygiene is ESSENTIAL  Health care workers work in close contact with others  Body odor must be controlled  Daily bath or shower  Use deodorant or antiperspirant  Good oral hygiene  Clean undergarments  Avoid strong odors—tobacco, perfume— these can be offensive and some can be allergic

9 Hair  Hair should be kept clean and neat  Fancy or extreme hairstyles and hair ornaments should be avoided  Long hair should be kept pinned back and kept off the collar—this keeps the hair from touching the patient, falling on equipment, or blocking your vision during procedures

10 Jewelry  Jewelry is not permitted because it can cause injury to the patient and transmit germs  Exceptions include a watch, a wedding ring and small stud pierced earring (one pair in the lobe)  Hoop or dangling earrings are not allowed  Body jewelry interferes with a professional appearance and is not allowed

11 Nails  Nails should be kept short and clean  Long or pointed nails can injure patients  Long nails transmit germs  Long nails can tear or puncture gloves  Use of colored nail polish is discouraged because it can conceal dirt under the nails. Also germs collect in chipped nail polish

12 More about Nails  Nail polish if worn, should be clear  No artificial or acrylic nails  Nails must be kept very clean  Hand cream or lotion should be used to keep the hands from becoming chapped and dry from frequent handwashing

13 Makeup  Excessive makeup should be avoided  Purpose of makeup is to create a natural appearance and add to the attractiveness of a person

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