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Proposed Website By Raymond Chieng and Tim. This website design is based on a local Chinese restaurant which basically need to facilitate online ordering.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Website By Raymond Chieng and Tim. This website design is based on a local Chinese restaurant which basically need to facilitate online ordering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Website By Raymond Chieng and Tim

2 This website design is based on a local Chinese restaurant which basically need to facilitate online ordering and table reservations. Netbeans is the software mainly used to build this website. In relation to this project, the following will be explained:  Requirements  Design  Code  Testing

3  The purpose of the requirements documentation is to get a better understanding and help the design of the project from different stakeholders.  The requirements are generated from -Customers -Administrators -Bank -System

4  Technology applied - JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) - JSP (Java Server Page) - HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

5  Establish a JDBC Connection – 2 steps 1.Loading the JDBC driver - A line of code Class.forName(“org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver”); - Class.forName – is used to create an instance of a driver and register it with the DriverManager. When you have loaded a driver, it is available for making a connection with a DBMS (Database Management System). 2.Making the connection - To establish a connection you need to have the appropriate driver connect to the DBMS. - Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ROWINNROW");  Create JDBC statements - You create a Statement object and then execute it, supplying the appropriate execute method with the SQL - Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

6  Black box testing – based on requirement document  Use test cases to get actual results, comparing to the expected results  Example of a Test Case: Test Case #: 14 Objective: Login with wrong username Input(s): ” raymon”; “1234”; click “login”button Expected Output: Alert message and can not log in Requirement tested: WS-1001; WS-1002; WS-2001  Example of Test Result Actual Output: Message of “User Name not found Try again” comes up; Can not login Result: Pass

7  A practical project of setting up a website for restaurant/ catering business  Useful techniques: JDBC, JSP, CSS, HTML  Problem Solving – google; related journals or articles; consulting friends/teamwork  Need good Project planning – time related, effect related, need good teamwork

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