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SWOT A NALYSIS : S TARTING A B USINESS November 8, 2013 BUS 115: W2 Prof. Nelson Kristen Wood [2,5,6,8,11,12] Colleen McCarthy [1,3,4,7,9,10,13]

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Presentation on theme: "SWOT A NALYSIS : S TARTING A B USINESS November 8, 2013 BUS 115: W2 Prof. Nelson Kristen Wood [2,5,6,8,11,12] Colleen McCarthy [1,3,4,7,9,10,13]"— Presentation transcript:


2 SWOT A NALYSIS : S TARTING A B USINESS November 8, 2013 BUS 115: W2 Prof. Nelson Kristen Wood [2,5,6,8,11,12] Colleen McCarthy [1,3,4,7,9,10,13]

3 I NTRODUCTION SWOT stands for: SWOT analysis provides an easy to understand framework for describing and analyzing the internal characteristics of an organization as well as the external characteristics of its environment. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

4 S TRENGTHS : ATTRIBUTES OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT ARE HELPFUL TO ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVE Important Business Characteristics Patents Brand names Good reputation Accessible location Quality product/service Sample Questions What do you do better than anyone else? What resources do you have that no one else does? What makes you different from competitors? “SWOT analysis for Your Startup Business”

5 W EAKNESSES : ATTRIBUTES OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT ARE HARMFUL TO ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVE Harmful Characteristics High cost Lack of resources People/knowledge Raw materials Natural resources Lack of distribution Bad location Sample Questions Where do your competitors have an advantage? Where do you lose sales? Where does your business lack? “SWOT analysis for Your Startup Business”

6 O PPORTUNITIES : EXTERNAL CONDITIONS THAT ARE HELPFUL TO ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVE An unfilled customer need Loosening of regulations A growing market segment Technological change Socio-cultural changes

7 T HREATS : EXTERNAL CONDITIONS THAT COULD DO DAMAGE TO THE BUSINESS ' S PERFORMANCE Negative socio- cultural changes Technological changes that threaten to make a product obsolete Threats of changes in laws and regulations Shifts in consumer tastes away from the business’s products Increased trade barriers



10 E CONOMY EFFECTS Changing economy Changing business strategy With a low economy a business may: Cut the number of employees Attempt to reduce production costs SWOT analysis also allows a company to evaluate how consumers see their business during economic ups and downs

11 E VALUATION SUMMARY POSITIVES Valuable Results Decision Making Considers Budget Profit opportunities in specific market Public and society’s view on business Free NEGATIVES Possibly Ineffective "The Advantages of SWOT Analysis."

12 C ONCLUSIONS A SWOT Analysis would be beneficial to your company if you have a group of team members who are fully committed to achieving an accurate result. It offers an "at a glance" type of analysis. No purchase is necessary, so it is feasible for all companies, big or small. SWOT Analysis is as easy as 1-2-3…4!

13 R ECOMMENDATIONS Use Excel Collecting data numbers Information Pie Charts/Graphs Use Surveys for Customers/Suppliers Outside look at strengths, weaknesses, and threats Be as Accurate as Possible Look at Business from Many Different Angles

14 R EFERENCES "SWOT Analysis for Your Startup Business." SWOT Analysis. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.. McGriff, Michelle. "The Advantages of SWOT Analysis." EHow. Demand Media, 12 Mar. 2010. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.. THE END

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