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Fuel Cell Research Group : Dr. E. Bubis - Electronics Prof. E. Kroll - Mechanics Dr. H. Faiger - Chemistry Prof. P. Schechner – Physical Chemistry Canada-Israel.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuel Cell Research Group : Dr. E. Bubis - Electronics Prof. E. Kroll - Mechanics Dr. H. Faiger - Chemistry Prof. P. Schechner – Physical Chemistry Canada-Israel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuel Cell Research Group : Dr. E. Bubis - Electronics Prof. E. Kroll - Mechanics Dr. H. Faiger - Chemistry Prof. P. Schechner – Physical Chemistry Canada-Israel Technology Innovation Summit 2011 Room Temperature Universal Fuel Cell 06 July 2011 Tel Aviv Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 1

2 To develop a fuel cell Membrane Electrode Assembly ( MEA), able to obtain electricity from any fuel containing the following chemical bonds: Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 2 Obtainable from Bio-Mass wastes (forestry, agricultural, food processing, etc.) low production costs easy to transport easy to store abundant (50% of the Flora) Renewable At near STP C–HC–CC–O Saccharides The Goal Almost all the fuels Gasoline Biodiesel

3 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 3 Three technical limitations of the proposed fuels: Big fuel molecules 1 Strong Chemical Bonds 2 We know how to overcome these limitations! Crossover losses 3 Low Power Density and Low Efficiency Slow reaction “Polymerization”

4 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 4 Alan S. Goldman, Nature, 2010, Organometallic chemistry: Carbon–carbon bonds get a break A. Sattler and G. Parkin, Nature, 2010, Cracking carbon-carbon bonds Tungsten L. G ó mez-Hortigüela, F. Corà and C.R.A. Catlow, ACS Catalysis, pp. 18-28, Nov. 2010, Aerobic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons Catalyzed by Mn-Doped … Fuel independent, Anodic Universal Catalyst 1 - Strong Chemical Bonds and “Polymerization”

5 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 5 Silver Plated Industrial Polymer Textile [Pat. Pen.] Anode KOH solution Electrolyt e Manufactured in IsraelCathod e What have we done? MEA in a Single Cell Polarization Power Density Fuel: Glucose Silver anode: Basic matrix for catalytic metal doping H C O O-O- C O

6 2.1 - Power Multiplexing Electronic Power Management EPM,(2 examples) 6 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner Patent Pending 2 FCs in Parallel 2 FCs Multiplexed Time (s) Time (min) 100  1000  4 FCs Multiplexed ~40mA Time (min) 100  25% 2 - Fuel molecules are big

7 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 7 6 hCharging time 6 KJEnergy stored 4FC + UC 3 Kfarad 4 FC in Parallel Discharge time (calc.) @ R = 100  (~40 mA) from 2.0 V to 1.0 V 58 h *Calculated from the Total Anodic Area 73 cm 2 Increase of the Power Density without heating For some cases, we can bypass the slowness limitation 2.2 – UltraCapacitor System

8 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 8 Silver Plated Industrial Polymer TextileAnode What has to be done? Manufactured in IsraelCathode KOH solutionElectrolyte “Mechanical” upgrades  1.0 W/m 2 Metal doping    = 0.60 Elec. Power Management  2.0 KW/m 2 Solid electrolyte Find a partner

9 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 9 Summary 1 – We are developing an Universal STP Fuel Cell MEA for Renewable Fuels. 2 – We have developed a Glucose fuelled FC with PP D > 0.4 W/m 2 at near STP 3 – Electronic Power Management solves kinetic limitations without investing energy. Multiplexing + UltraCapacitor  Equivalent PP D >> 140 W/m 2 Our Multiplexing innovation rises the PP D : Multiplexing  PP D +25% (flat as a battery)

10 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 10 Test Electronics Mechanics Electrolyte Cathode Anode Inte- gration Design Review Time, months “Developing Cycles” System’s Developing Policy: n Design Review Consortium University of British Columbia UBC NRC-IFCI National Research Council Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation OBC Ort Braude College

11 Canada-Israel Technology 2011 Universal FC Bubis, Kroll, Faiger & Schechner 11 Thank you! Together, we will convert a teaspoon of sugar into a teaspoon of gasoline

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