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PROCUREMENT PROCESSING Tammy Froscher, Procurement Property Technician U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, LSRCP Program Office March 17, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PROCUREMENT PROCESSING Tammy Froscher, Procurement Property Technician U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, LSRCP Program Office March 17, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROCUREMENT PROCESSING Tammy Froscher, Procurement Property Technician U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, LSRCP Program Office March 17, 2011

2 Purchasing Equipment  Purchases up to $2,500 or less  May need no quotes or just 2 quotes  Should be distributed equitably among suppliers  Purchases 2,600 - $10,000  Need competition to the maximum extend practicable for the amount or item  3 sources generally meet this requirement  May need spec. sheet  No bids are sometimes OK, just note

3 Credit Card Purchases  Purchases up to $2,500 - $3,000 don’t have to be in CCR  Over $3,000 – need to be in CCR, I have to do a Purchase order and reports

4 Central Contracting Register (CCR)  Contractors are required to register in CCR in order to be awarded contracts by the Federal Government. This is a one time registration to make sure they are a legitimate company.  If not on the list, I have a package to send them and can help walk them through it, its very easy.

5 Competition Requirements  Purchases up to $10,000  Obtain quotes from at least 3 sources  If someone declines, write down they declined and why  If construction or services, RO should do because of wage rates and other clauses, need a good SOW, make sure the bids are apples to apples, then they can be approved by RO and don’t have to go out for bid (usually).  Don’t tell vendors they have the bid, I will or RO will. You aren’t authorized to comment the gov’t.

6 Scope of Work  Make sure spec. are “apples to apples”  Need to include what is needed  Make sure they know the Federal Government is purchasing the item or service  When applicable use Davis-Bacon Wages  Proposals from Contractors can’t be used as a Scope of Work

7 Sole Source Requirements  Requesting office needs to prepare a justification  Must clearly state why the need for a non- competitive procurement  circumstances why only one source is reasonably available  Urgency, exclusive licensing agreements, brand name

8  (handout)  This website is used to list all government procurement opportunities (usually $25,000 and above).  This site is a major source for vendors (they can go into this site and see all business opportunities the government has posted).

9 Questions??

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