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Air traffic controllers (ATC) consideration and ATC solutions Session 5 Presentation 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Air traffic controllers (ATC) consideration and ATC solutions Session 5 Presentation 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air traffic controllers (ATC) consideration and ATC solutions Session 5 Presentation 4

2 Construction Plan When will construction begin? What is the daily schedule for work? Will construction vehicles have access to movement areas? Which ones? Who is the point of contact? Telephone Radio frequency

3 Review Runway Use Plan How are runways typically assigned? Is either a primary arrival or departure runway? Are both runways typically active and used? Multiple or single runway? Multiplesingle Can a single runway support the expected traffic volume? How is RWY 6/24 typically used? How is RWY 13/31 typically used?

4 Traffic Management Anticipate potential delays  capacity control or flow control, or a combination Change of aircraft type  possible need to modify sequence Limited runway and taxiway availability  develop procedures for the new layout

5 Weather Determine the effect on: Airport capacity Runway configuration Availability of precision instrument approaches Visibility from the tower

6 ATC specific considerations Review Tower Staffing Plan: additional staffing: Manage flow control; Coordinate a more complicated ground movement plan; Accommodate more airborne holding; Manage potential ground hold procedures Control movement of construction vehicles to/from the work site

7 ATC specific considerations Need for up-to-date information  Develop Briefing Package For Air Traffic Controllers : High level briefing covering: Changes to current procedures; Duration and schedule of planned closure; Any changes made in the previous steps; Weekly and/or daily briefings: Construction status; Weather forecast and its possible impact; Problems encountered/lessons learned.


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