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ASEAN Common Core Standard Competency for Tourism Professionals

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1 ASEAN Common Core Standard Competency for Tourism Professionals
:An Awareness Program

2 What Is ACCSTP? ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professional

3 Purpose of ACCSTP The general objectives for developing the ACCSTP are: To determine the potential for manpower mobility and the establishment of an MRA within ASEAN. To develop a strategic plan for the regional implementation of ACCSTP and a sustainable network to facilitate the application of an MRA.

4 The Policy Background to the ACCSTP
AFAS (ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services)- 1995 ASEAN Concord II (Bali Concord II) ATA (ASEAN Tourism Agreement) Roadmap for Integration of Tourism Sector

5 AFAS (ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services)- 1995
The Plan of Action states that the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) will strengthen service suppliers and introduce more competition into this large and important sector of ASEAN countries and open new doors for service suppliers in the region. The AFAS is based upon three pillars towards ASEAN integration: liberalization, cooperation, and facilitation.

6 ASEAN Tourism Agreement (ATA)
Recalling the ASEAN Tourism Agreement of 4 November 2002, specifically Article 8 (point 1) on Human Resource Development

7 ASEAN Tourism Agreement (ATA)
ARTICLE 8 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Member States shall cooperate in developing human resources in the tourism and travel industry by : Formulating non-restrictive arrangements to enable ASEAN Member States to make use of professional tourism experts and skilled workers available within the region on the basis of bilateral arrangements; Intensifying the sharing of resources and facilities for tourism education and training programs;

3. Upgrading tourism education curricula and skills and formulating competency standards and certification procedures, thus eventually leading to mutual recognition of skills and qualifications in the ASEAN Region: 4. Strengthening public-private partnerships in human resource development; and 5. Cooperating with other countries, groups of countries and international institutions in developing human resources for tourism.

9 ASEAN Concord II (Bali Concord II) - 2003

10 ASEAN Framework Agreement for The Integration of Priority Sectors
Agro- based product Air Travel Automotive E-ASEAN Electronic Fisheries 7. Health Care 8. Rubber-based product 9. Textiles and apparels 10. Tourism 11. Wood based products 12. Logistic Service Bali Concord II , 7 Oct.2003

11 for Integration of Tourism Sector
ROADMAP for Integration of Tourism Sector

12 Objectives The objectives of this initiative are to :
Achieve full integration of the Tourism sector across all ASEAN Member Countries in moving towards the end-goal of an ASEAN Economic Community as directed by Leaders at the Bali Summit in October 2003. Strengthen regional integration effort through liberalisation, facilitation, and promotion measures to ensure full integration of the Tourism sector by 2010

13 TRADE IN SERVICES Member States shall integrate trade in services by :
Setting clear targets and schedules for progressive liberalisation for each round of negotiations towards achieving freer flow of trade in services earlier than 2020; Accelerating the service liberalisation for the priority sectors by 2010; Accelerating the development of Mutual Recognition Arrangement by 1 January 2008; Applying the ASEAN-X formula; and Promoting joint ventures and cooperation, including third country markets. (article 5)

14 What Is Competency Based Training (CBT)?
A structured approach to training and assessment that is directed toward specific outcomes. This approach helps individuals to acquire skills, knowledge, and attitude so they are able to perform a task to a specified standard under certain conditions. (Cert.IV in Training at Workplace and Assessment Module)

15 Competence Is………… The ability to carry out a task to a defined standard (Training with NLP, Joseph O’Connor & John Seymour, 1994)

16 Why CBT? The Background

17 The Background 1960s Business environment relatively stable
Organization concentrated on “the best way of doing things” Competence was seen in terms of mastering specific techniques----- mastering skills and knowledge in a specific field was the order of the day General Motivational Theories based on broad human needs

18 The Background 1970s – early 1980s
The uncertainty of business atmosphere No “best way of doing things”--- it depended on what we want to be achieved & Strategy Employees seen as cost of doing business Reduce the cost – reduce the organization to hard core of effective employees/ “cutting the deadwoods” Organization wanted flexible workers Understanding of human motivation stress on individual differences.

19 The Background Mid of 1980s Business Environment --- competitive threat Workforces were slimmed down --- levels of supervision were reduced, resulted the need to give individual more control over their own activities Employees were viewed as asset --- investment needed to add value to them

20 The Background 1990s – Present Balancing Act by Management
Individual who can help to define the situation is needed Managers to be able to confront, understand and deal with the forces outside the organization Managers to produce combination of excellence and manage tension within the organization constructively

21 Why Competencies? In general: Competencies provide a common language
Workforce Needed To Meet Organizational Objectives (now and for the future) Cert.IV TAA I.Turnbull.ver2006

22 What Happened in Education Sectors?
Vocational Training Approach dominated by the offer Incompatibility program provided by V.T and the economy changes Qualification was irrelevant to the needs of workers/ Industry. School-leavers were not prepared for the world of work Technology was eliminating many unskilled and semi skilled job

23 CBT v.s Traditional Training (1/2)
Content based Competency based Time based Performance based Emphasized on inputs Emphasize on output Group need Individual need Subject Unit/ Modular Little/ No Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) RPL is an integrated part Train the trainer Train the facilitator/ mentor

24 CBT v.s Traditional Training (2/2)
Norm referenced Criteria referenced Evaluation is emphasized on knowledge Assessment is emphasized on competency Final result Competent or Not Yet Competent

25 Learning Stratgy & Material Qualification Framework
Competency Based Training Competency Standards Learning Stratgy & Material Assessment Qualification Framework

26 Components of Competency Based Training
CBT Competency Standards (ACCSTP) Assessment (CATC) Learning Strategy & Learning Material Qualification Frameworks The skills, knowledge and attitude required to do a job Process to judge if people have the required skills, knowledge and attitude How do we help people to get the skills and knowledge System for recognition of competency

27 Competency Standards (Component #1 – (ACCSTP Proj.))
An Industry- determined specification of performance which sets out the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to operate effectively in employment. Competency Standards are made up of elements of competency, together with performance criteria, a range of variables and an evidence guide (National Volunteer Skills Centre- Handbook- A Guide to Writing Competency Based Training Materials)

28 Types Of Standard Industry Standards (Hotel & Restaurant Std, Garment Std.,Automotive Std., etc.) Enterprise ( Company) Standards (Mandarin Hotel, Hyatt Hotel,Toyota Std., Fiat Std., Etc.) Cross- Industry Standards (Unit Competency : Assessment, Training, etc)

29 A Competent Worker Skill Attitude Knowledge COMPETENT Transfer skills
Task skills Skill Transfer skills Task Management Skills Attitude Knowledge Contingency Management Skills Environment Skills COMPETENT

30 5 Aspects/ Dimension of Competency
Task Skills- able to perform individual tasks. Task Management Skills- able to manage a number of different tasks within the job Contingency Management Skills- able to response irregularities and breakdowns in routine Environment Skills- able to deal with responsibilities and expectations of the work environment Transfer Skills- able to transfer the competencies into any given situation (new situation/ new work place, etc)

31 The Commonly Accepted Types of Competency
Practical competence Can the person DO what is required? Foundational competence Does the person UNDERSTAND what they are DOING and WHY they are doing it? Reflective competence Can the person ADAPT what they do under different sets of circumstances, based on their understanding of what they do? Applied competence Can we see from the person’s behaviour that they KNOW what to do, UNDERSTAND what they are doing and can APPLY this combination of knowledge and understanding to their work?

32 Common Format of Competency Standard
Unit Code: ___________ Unit Title: ___________________________ Unit Descriptor: ___________________________________________ Element: __________ Performance Criteria: Range of Variable: ______________________________________________ Evidence Guide : Underpinning Skills and Knowledge Context of Assessment Critical Aspects of Assessment Linkages to Other Units Key Competency

Learning Strategy: guidance on how training program may be organized to assist individuals to achieve the required competencies. Learning Materials: information to teachers and trainers on how to develop training program

34 Competency Standards v.s Curriculum
Module Title Module Objective Time Required Passing Grade Pre-condition Summary of Research Evaluation Criteria Coverage Situation Methods of Delivery Method of Evaluation Competency Standard Element Performance Criteria Range of Variable Evidence Guide Ref: National Education Dept. Of Rep.Indonesia-ILO.Indo.ver.2004

35 ASSESMENT (component #3) (CTAC Proj. include this?)
Assessment is a systematic process of collecting evidence, then comparing this evidence against the competency standards and making a judgement about whether a person has achieved the competency. Evidence Criteria


37 Qualification Framework (Component #4)
System for recognition of competency See-CATC Project

38 Facilitate Competent Worker to work within ASEAN Countries
ACCSTP, CBAMT and CTAC ACCSTP Proj. (Phase I) CCS ASEAN Tourism Curriculum VET CTAC Project CBAMT (Phase II) Facilitate Competent Worker to work within ASEAN Countries Competent worker MRA

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